Town of Norfolk
Board of Health Meeting
November 29, 2005 Minutes
Tom Gilbert called the meeting to order at approximately 7:30 p.m. in meeting room #124 of the Municipal Building.
Members present were Tom Gilbert, Chairman and John Lavin, Clerk and Peter Chipman
Others present: Betsy Fijol, Administrator, Bill Domey, Health Agent, Paul Cutler, Luke Joannides, Imad Zrein, Danielle Peters, Paul Cutler, Scott Colwell, Rob Truax, Lou Petrozzi, Frank Ettenhofer, Thomas Schofield, Frank Curty, Dan Rochefort, Jon Davies, Dennis Servello, Aislynn Rodeghiero, Chris Antonar, Nancy Thorne, Chris Heyer, Steve Cavanough, Ernestine McCracken, John McCracken, Bob Evans, Pat & Steve Brylinsky, Jim Lehan, Linda Rapciak, Shirley Boulay
Audiotapes of this meeting are available for review in the Board of Health office.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: P. Chipman moved to approve the October 4, 2005 meeting minutes. L. Lavin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0.
SHIRE INDUSTRIAL PARK DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION REVIEW: Imad Zrein, Geller DeVellis, Inc., presented the revised definitive industrial subdivision plan, dated 11/15/05. This review was continued from the August 23, 2005 Board of Health meeting in order to finalize the stormwater design. Mr. Zrein that his company has conducted soil tests on the site and believes that all of the Board of Health requirements for the stormwater design have been satisfied.
Mr. Domey commented that additional soil tests were conducted on the site, which resulted in revisions to the drainage report, hydrogeologic report and numerous pages of the subdivision plan.
Mr. Zrein explained that the sewer force main has been relocated on the plan to be outside the detention basin slope.
Mr. Domey recommended approval of the definitive subdivision plan with the condition that 2 complete sets of subdivision plans are submitted to the Board of Health and each page should reflect the revision date of 11/15/05.
P. Chipman moved to approve the “Shire Industrial Park” definitive subdivision pending receipt of the revised plans. J. Lavin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0.
SWAN POND ESTATES DEDINITIVE SUBDIVISION REVIEW: Paul Cutler, Landmark Engineering, presented the definitive open space subdivision plan for “Swan Pond Estates”, dated September 28, 2005. It is proposed to construct a 25-lot residential subdivision off Lawrence Street. Water supply is to be provided by the town system and soil tests conducted on the property to date indicate a general suitability for the subsurface disposal of sanitary sewage.
Mr. Domey commented that the stormwater design generally follows the Norfolk Board of
Health Site and Subdivision Submittal Guidelines and Regulations. However, as regards to the Vortechnic suspended solid removal devices that are proposed prior to infiltration, the sizes have not been calculated and the unit models specified. The locations are not as clear as presently shown on the plan. The intent is to provide a pre-treatment unit for each infiltration system location.
Mr. Domey also commented that the submittal does not include the required “Groundwater Impact Report” of the Water Supply Protection Regulations. The requirements for the determination the pattern of groundwater flow, as required by the Board of Health’s subdivision and project plan regulations has not been met.
Mr. Domey commented that the entire property is in the Zone II of the public water supply. The applicant will need to apply to the DEP to obtain aggregate approval to allow the nitrogen loading to be calculated over the entire property, rather than each individual lot.
The Board requested a copy of the DEP report on the site assignment for the Buckley-Mann property.
P. Chipman moved to approve the “Swan Pond Estates” definitive open space subdivision plan subject to the condition that the items listed in Mr. Domey’s subdivision review memo dated 11/29/05 are submitted to the Board of Health and approved by the Health Agent. J. Lavin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, 3-0.
FERNE RIDGE ESTATES DISCUSSION: Lou Petrozzi, Wall Street Development Corp., and Rob Truax, GLM Engineering, met with the Board to update them on the status of the “Ferne Ridge Estates” project. Mr. Petrozzi said that he has entered into an agreement to purchase a piece of land, which consists of 2 parcels, adjacent to the “Ferne Ridge Estates” subdivision. Since the parcels of land are classified under Chapter 61, the Town of Norfolk has the Right of First Refusal to purchase the property. Originally, Mr. Petrozzi intended to buy the land for more than $800,000 and notice was given to the Town, but the Town passed on the right to purchase the property. GLM Engineering has done some engineering on the site and surveyed the wetlands that were flagged and it was determined that the location of the wetlands had an adverse impact on the development of the site. The price of the property was then renegotiated to $445,000 and the Town was given another opportunity to purchase the property at the revised purchase price. Mr. Petrozzi stated that he has an agreement to also purchase another adjacent 7-acre parcel of land that is not under Chapter 61.
Mr. Petrozzi said that he here tonight to attempt to address some issues regarding the drainage that were brought up during prior reviews of the proposed subdivision and to accommodate an open space subdivision that will donate a substantial portion of the land to the Town of Norfolk. Mr. Petrozzi presented a conceptual conventional subdivision layout and a conceptual open space preservation subdivision layout that was designed by a landscape architect.
Rob Truax, GLM Engineering, has done some preliminary assessments of the site pertaining to the drainage. Mr. Truax explained that the proposed open space subdivision plan is extremely preliminary at this point and soil tests have not yet been conducted on the site. The original subdivision design incorporated 2 detention basins on the site and Mr. Truax said that he hopes to be able to eliminate these 2 basins and design one detention basin to be located on the adjacent property.
There were comments from several abutters present at the meeting.
John Davies, 14 Churchill Road, inquired about the size of the detention basin and expressed concern over the shallow groundwater in that area.
Mr. Truax stated that all of the concerns will be addressed and the size and location of the detention basin will be determined once testing is conducted and calculations are done. This plan is very preliminary at this time.
John McCracken, 65 Cleveland Street, expressed concerns regarding the wetlands on the site.
Mr. Truax said that the abutters will be notified when a plan is filed with the town public hearings are held.
Dan Rochefort, Churchill Road, expressed concern over potential blasting on the site.
P. Chipman replied that that issue would be addressed if the applicant applies to the Board of Selectmen for an earth removal permit and recommended that the abutters take pre-blasting pictures of their foundations.
Frank Curty, 8 Churchill Road, stated that the abutters are concerned with disturbing the flow of groundwater on the site as the amount of water on the abutting properties is already a nuisance.
Mr. Petrozzi said that he is trying to take of advantage of the work they have done with the previous subdivision plan and support that with an open space development and intend to donate a substantial portion to the town.
Mr. Gilbert said that this is the very beginning stage of the subdivision review process.
Mr. Petrozzi announced to the abutters that his crew would be on the site conducting soil tests in the next few weeks. Mr. Petrozzi told Mr. McCracken that he could have the wetland line on his property identified if he would like.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting was scheduled for December 20, 2005.
A motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded. All voted in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John Lavin, Clerk