Premarital Wedding Questionnaire
Please answer all of the following questions to help assist our ministerial staff member with the pre-marital assessment interview. When your completed questionnaire and wedding reservation form have been received in the office, you will be contacted by our church office to schedule your interview.
After the Biblical basis for the marriage is determined and the pre-marital assessment interview is completed, you can proceed with reserving a date for your wedding on the church calendar.
1. Why are you interested in having your wedding ceremony at First Baptist Church?
2. Describe your current spiritual status. Please share your testimonies on separate sheets of paper. (Bride and Groom)
3. Where is your current Church Membership?
Bride: ______
Groom: ______
4. How long have you been engaged?
5. Do your immediate family members (parents, siblings, children) give their full support to your intentions to marry? Share some of the ways they are showing or voicing their support?
6. Have either of you been previously married? If so, how long has the divorce been final? Would you be willing to share some of the circumstances surrounding the divorce? (Do so on separate sheet)
7. Are you and your fiancé’ currently, or have you ever been, living together? The Assessment Interview will involve discussions with all couples about the importance of achieving and/or maintaining sexual purity before marriage.
8. Is the use/abuse of alcohol or substance an issue or concern for either yourself or your fiancé? If so, describe how you and your fiancé’ are dealing with the concerns.
9. List what you see as your fiancé’s three greatest strengths? Three greatest weaknesses?
10. Is there any other information to share that may make your assessment interview more beneficial?
I have completed this questionnaire thoroughly and accurately and I realize that the ministerial staff member will want to have follow-up discussions about many of these questions.
Signed: ______(Bride) Date:______
______(Groom) Date:______
wedding arrangements
Bride’s Name Groom’s Name
Address Address
Home Phone Cell Phone Home Phone Cell Phone
Church Membership City Church Membership City
First Marriage? ___ Yes ___ No First Marriage? ___ Yes ___ No
Parents Member of FBC? ___ Yes ___ No Parents Member of FBC? ___ Yes ___ No
Officiating FBC Minister ______
If non-FBC Minister ~ Must be an ordained minister to perform your ceremony at FBC
Church: ______
Wedding Date & Time First Choice:______Second Choice:______
Rehearsal Date & Time ______
Bride’s Parent’s Name ______
Parents’ Phone(s) ______
_____ Sanctuary _____ Gym
_____ Chapel _____ Bride’s Room
_____ Bostick Room _____ Room ______
First Baptist Church affirms that the Bible is the fully inspired Word of God, and the final authority in all matters. The Bible affirms that marriage is the first institution created by God for man and provides specific instruction as to its nature and requirements of conduct. Therefore, we encourage all couples seeking to be married to consult God and His word regarding their union. In submitting to the Bible as God’s Word, First Baptist Church reserves the right to deny use of its facilities to any couple that openly rejects by statement or conduct the teachings of God in the Bible regarding salvation, marriage or Christian living.
Bride:______Date: ______
Groom: ______Date: ______
Address after wedding: ______
Date Received: ______Deposit Amount: ______Check #: ______
_____ Approved _____ Scheduled _____ Not Approved
Reasons for decision: ______
Date Decision Letter Mailed: ______