LSHS National Honor Society
President: Elise Redetzke
-conducts monthly meetings
-prepares meeting agendas with advisor
-directs 1 committee and oversees all committees
Vice-President: Dylan Adelman
-organizes and submits announcement to central office
-directs 1 committee
Secretary: Cynthia Simba
-records all service hours for members
-participates in meetings
-directs 1 committee
Treasurer: Brandon Sell
-counts and records all funds and money
-reports financial status at meetings
-directs 1 committee
All NHS officers work together in presenting the annual NHS Induction Ceremony, planning and facilitating full member meetings, organizing service opportunities and creating a NHS scrapbook for future historical reference.
Mrs. Branlunde-mail address: Room A202
I pledge myself to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected;
I will be true to the principles for which it stands;
I will be loyal to my school and will maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character. (NHS Handbook, 1997)
I,______, being aware of the honor which is being bestowed upon me, by my selection for membership in the National Honor Society, do hereby pledge loyalty to this organization.
It shall be my earnest purpose to give unsparingly of my time and energy toward the promotion of school activities and to my community. I will strive to be at all times a model student and will never knowingly bring reproach upon my school or violate school policy. I pledge myself to uphold the high purpose of this Society for which I have been selected, striving in every way by word and deed to make its ideals the ideals of my school and of my life. (NHS Handbook, 1997)
First candle is lighted to represent SCHOLARSHIP
Second candle is lighted to represent SERVICE
Third candle is lighted to represent LEADERSHIP
(NHS Handbook, 1997)
(LSHS NHS Bylaws and NHS Handbook)
- Candidates must have attended Lakeville South High School for the equivalent of one semester
- Scholarship
Minimum Grade Point Average of 3.7
- Leadership
-Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities
-Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals
-Exemplifies positive attitudes
-Is a leader in the classroom, at work, and in other school or community activities
-Is thoroughly dependable in any responsibility accepted
-Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility
- Service
-Volunteers and provides dependable and well organized assistance
-Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult responsibilities
-Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school
- Character
-Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior
-Upholds principles of morality and ethics
-Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
-Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
(NHS Handbook, 1997)
NHS members are required to attend all regularly scheduled meetings and to turn in their service hour sheets to the advisor by the end of each quarter
NHS Juniors must complete 40 service hours each year in order to keep NHS membership active.
NHS Seniors must complete 50 service hours in order to receive a gold cord at graduation
NHS members must participate in a minimum of 2 school directed service projects each year
NHS members pay $10.00 dues once during membership
NHS members must maintain a GPA of 3.7 in order to qualify for continued membership
(1 semester is allowed for the student to raise their GPA to the qualification)
NHS members must uphold the Code of Ethics and School Conduct.
The following list includes examples of conduct that are considered unacceptable for an NHS student. They are the same for all LSHS students as listed in the LSHS Handbook(pgs. 28-29). Violation of school conduct expectations may result in a recommendation for dismissal from NHS. An overview of the violations of school rules, policies or procedures include:
-Violations against persons
-Verbal assaults or verbally-abusive behavior
-Physical or verbal threats
-Inappropriate, abusive, threatening, or harassing actions
-Actions that cause or could cause injury to a student or other persons
-Committing an act which inflicts bodily harm upon another person
-Acts disruptive of the educational process including disobedience, disruptive or disrespectful behavior, defiance of authority, cheating, insolence, insubordination, improper activation of fire alarms, or bomb threats
-Violations against property
-Violations of the School District’s weapons policy
-The possession, use, deliver, transfer, distribution, sale, or attempt to purchase or obtain chemicals or tobacco at a school location
-Using an ignition devise
-The use of profanity or obscene language
-Engaging in gang activity
-Violation of the School District’s policy prohibiting hazing
-Violation of school bus or transportation rules
-Violation of School District rules regarding parking or the use of motor vehicles on school property
-Violation of school guidelines and/or rules relating to lockers
-Possession or distribution of slanderous, libelous or inflammatory materials
-Proper student attire is expected
-Leaving school grounds without permission
-Falsification of records
-Criminal activity
The Lakeville South High School Faculty Council will review written information regarding the issue of eligibility and decide if a hearing is necessary at that time. The student will receive a letter that outlines the violation and the date and time of the hearing. The student and parent/guardian are asked to participate in the process. They may waive the opportunity to attend the hearing.
Members of the Faculty Council, the Dean of Students, and the NHS Advisor will be present at the hearing. The student and parent/guardian may also attend the hearing and the student may provide testimony regarding eligibility. The hearing is confidential and closed to all other persons. The Faculty Council shall determine the eligibility of the National Honor Society student. A majority will determine resolution. The student and parent/guardian shall be informed of the recommendation made by the Faculty Council. This recommendation will include information regarding the issue and eligibility of membership in the National Honor Society. The Faculty Council member votes shall be confidential.
The decision made by the Faculty Council can be appealed to the High School Principal.
MEETING DATES AND TIMES : Community Room 7:30-7:45
Lecture Room 2:45-3:15
Dates are scheduled as indicated below:
October 21February 10
November 18 March17
December 16April 21
January 13May 19
Once a NHS student agrees to commit to participate in a service hour opportunity, there is an expectation to attend the activity or obtain a substitute to take their place if they are unable to attend. The NHS advisor should be informed about this change.
Service hour sheets need to be signed by the supervisor who is present at the activity. In addition, a NHS Officer or Advisor who is present at the activity can also sign a service hour sheet. The signature of any other persons will not be considered valid to count towards total service hours.
Service hours are recorded by the secretary of the NHS chapter and are limited to six hours per type of activity. The service must be voluntary and not required to meet an expectation of another club or extracurricular activity. A long duration service project or activity may earn up to twenty five hours of service once per year. Summer hours may be earned after a student is inducted into the National Honor Society.
The purpose of this organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to provide service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.
Constitution of the NHS (1997) Article 1
NHS Seniors 2013-14
Adelman, Dylan- NHS Vice-President
Anton, John
Backer, Kelsey
Bakken, Elizabeth
Barnes, Claire
Barry, Matthew
Bekele, Sara
Benidt Edison
Best, Ryan
Bianchi, Madeline
Bird, Kierstin
Boyd, Nicole
Boyum, Cassandra
Braaten, Emily
Brandt, Jeffrey
Brown, Laura
Budenski, Lauren
Burek, Cole
Campbell, Logan
Chatelaine, Jacquelyn
Danielson, Alissa
Endersbe, Caroline
Endersbe, Elizabeth
Ford, Paige
Friedrich, Carly
Gadek, Margaret
Gaetz, Eva
Grossman, Sydney
Herrera, Mitchell
Holden, Benjamin
Holzer, Matthew
Hufnagle, Kristina
Johnson, Mitchell
Johnson, Jacqueline
Kairis, Cody
Kamlighter, Kaitlyn
Kampa, Kalie
Kerns, Erin
Kilbride, Erin
Kitzman, Kaylee
Klesch, Zachary
Krentz, Coral
Kuboushek, Sarah
Larson, Briana
Link, Hannah
Lubow, Megan
Lucke, Madison
Lunneborg, Alexandra
Lutz, Sarah
Machaj, Jennifer
Maust, Sarah
Meier, Mackenzie
Messier, Christian
Metz, Cody
Mickelson, Rachel
Mickelson, Emma
Miller, Mitchell
Milne, Jaydn
Needham, Revee
Nelson, Kirstin
Ness, Mollie
O’Brien, Rachel
Olson, Kelsey
Pankratz, Shelby
Peterson, Hunter
Ravndalen, Kalley
Redetzke, Elise-NHS President
Roberts, Logan
Rosenow, Madeline
Schiroo, Matthew
Schroeder, Grayson
Schultz, Austin
Sell, Brandon-NHS Treasurer
Sheets, Jessica
Simba, Cynthia- NHS Secretary
Teich, Cody
Thompson, Philip
Tipka, Jacob
Tourdot, Alyssa
Underwood, Ryan
Vold, Taylor
Vigil, Kristen
Wenande, Brianna
Wentworth, Katelyn
Whittaker, Jessica
Wilson, Cody
Wolkow, Madeline
Zoellner, Taylor
NHS Juniors 2013-14
Kristin AntonRiley Meyers
Sean BatzGrant Mosser
Haley BeckLiliann Mueller
Cameron BeckerGillian Muller
Samuel BougiePaul Naumann
Andrea BrekkenKelsey Olsen
Jennifer BriggsSydney Olsen
Joshua BrockwayJoshua Olson
Allissa ChristiansenMadeline O’Reilly
Laura DailyHannah Pitzl
Halley DavisonAustin Pletsch
Lindsey DotyMaxwell Redetzke
Mackenzie EnfieldKacy Rodamaker
Kelsey EnglishAli Roemhildt
Emily EversonTaylor Roemhildt
Jordan FerrazzoAnna Roesner
Lucas FriederichsJoni Roggenbuck
Martin HalvorsonSawyer Rutan
Noah HansonMatthew Sabal
Rachael HeierLuke Sabal
Annaliese HeinemannMadelyn Seemann
Brandon HomanBenjamin Sprengeler
Megan JagtKathryn Swift
Ted JantscherNicole Tompos
Umarah KabirAnnika Tureson
Elena KaplerTaylor Unke
Grace KerberClaire Wallenta
Stephanie KolsrudJenna Webster
Amanda KosierMadison Wegner
Kaila LarsonRoss Wick
Jessica MannerBrady Wohlers
Kaitlin MaxaMitchell Wolkow
Carly McDonaldHui Zhang
Erin MeyersAddie Ziemkowski