1. Introduction

Surrey County Council (SCC) has established a framework -arranged in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 - with suitably experienced, qualified, and resourced providers to provide Pre Paid Accounts and Associated Services (PPA). This is available for use by other public contracting authorities.

The OJEU notice can be found at Service contract - 298104-2014 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily

2. The Framework

2.1. General

SCC has established the terms and conditions which will apply to any call off arrangements by customers during the period of the Framework.

An open Tender process was conducted, inviting bids for the provision of Pre Paid Accounts and Associated Services. A detailed and thorough evaluation of the tenders was completed by officers of SCC.

The Framework has been awarded to

Advanced Payment Solutions Ltd
allpay Limited
Aquarium Software Limited and
Pre Paid Financial Services Ltd.

2.2 Contractual Structure

The framework commenced on 13 February 2015 and will be in place for 4 years.

An Authority wishing to procure using the framework (the Contracting Authority) will enter into a Call off Contract for its PPA requirements based on the pre-agreed terms and conditions of contract.

If you or your procurement or legal advisors wish to see copies of any of the documentation used in setting up the framework please contact SCC.


The framework is based on the specification as detailed in Schedule B.

3. Using the Framework

3.6.1The Framework Agreement is designed to be open to all public Contracting Authorities who require a pre-paid account and associated services contract in line with the minimum technical requirements as set out in the tendered technical specification (Schedule B).

3.6.2It is intended that each Contracting Authority will run a mini-competition that further details and refines their requirements for the contract. Pricing for each mini-competition will be in line with “maximum pricing” as set out in the submitted framework agreement tender submissions (Schedule A). Additional quality information requirements and evaluation criteria (price and quality) must be detailed in full by the Contracting Authority when issuing the mini-competition documents to all providers on the framework.

3.6.3Should a Contracting Authority believe that the framework agreement information provides sufficient detail and no further competition is necessary, they have the right to directly award a contract to any provider on the framework agreement.

3.6.4Authorities will pay a fee of £350 to Surrey County Council for use of the Framework Agreement. An invoice will be issued once the Access Agreement (Schedule 5 of the Framework Agreement) has been signed by the Provider, the Contracting Authority and SCC.

If you intend to use the framework you must inform SCC in advance so that participation can be monitored. Once you have formally notified SCC you need to follow the instructions for using the framework provided in this Section. Please always quote ‘As per SCC Framework Agreement’ in all your communications with the Providers.

4. Monitoring the Framework

As this is a framework, from which you will call off direct with the Provider, SCC will not be involved in the day-to-day management of the Providers and the services they provide. SCC will however be monitoring the performance of the arrangements for the duration of the framework to ensure that requirements are being adequately met.


If you are unhappy with any aspect of the contract or if you wish to discuss the original tender process or the process for subsequent call-offs please contact Nicola Sinnett using the details provided below.


Your feedback is always welcome – if you have any comments about this user guide, or are willing to share your experiences of procuring via the framework then we would really like to hear from you.

7.Contact Details

Nicola Sinnett

Category Specialist

Procurement & Commissioning

County Hall

Penrhyn Road

Kingston KT1 2DW.

Tel: 0208 541 8746







Contractor / Advanced Payment Solutions
Address / Cottons Centre, Cottons Lane, London, SE1 2QG
Web /
Contractor Manager
Name / Contact details
Stuart Woolley /
07880 554554

Pricing Schedule

Please contact either APS or SCC for a copy of the pricing schedule.

All charges are subject to VAT and apply to the initial contract term.


SCC would expect as a minimum that this schedule would remain confidential for the duration of the term of the contract.






Contractor / allpay Limited
Address / Fortis et Fides
Whitestone Business Park
Web /
Contractor Manager
Name / Contact details

0844 225 5729

Pricing Schedule

Please contact either allpay or SCC for a copy of the pricing schedule.

All charges are subject to VAT and apply to the initial contract term.


SCC would expect as a minimum that this schedule would remain confidential for the duration of the term of the contract.

Contractor / Aquarium Software
Address / Poplar House
126a Ashley Road
WA14 2UN
Web /
Contractor Manager
Name / Contact details
Luke Todd /
0161 927 9486

Pricing Schedule

Please contact either Aquarium or SCC for a copy of the pricing schedule.

All charges are subject to VAT and apply to the initial contract term.


SCC would expect as a minimum that this schedule would remain confidential for the duration of the term of the contract.

Contact Details

Contractor / Pre Paid Financial Services Ltd
Address / 4th Floor
36 Carnaby Street
London W1F 7DR
Web /
Contractor Manager
Name / Contact details
Noel Moran / Office: +44 207 534 8040
UK Cell: +44 7823447218

Pricing Schedule

Please contact either PFS or SCC for a copy of the pricing schedule.

All charges are subject to VAT and apply to the initial contract term.


SCC would expect as a minimum that this schedule would remain confidential for the duration of the term of the contract.

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Pre-Paid Accounts Pass/Fail Questionnaire Tender Ref SCC - 000274
This questionnaire contains a series of mandatory pass/fail questions. The questions detail functionality which the system must have. If you fail any of the questions on this questionnaire we will be unable to consider your submission.
1. Can an account be opened by any individual regardless of their credit history or if they would not be able to open a standard bank account?
2. There must be an online facility that cards can be managed from. Does your system meet this requirement?
3. Each card account must have an individual sort code and account number. Does your system meet this requirement?
4. The Pre-Paid Accounts must be able to facilitate payments to companies and individuals to include:
- Chip & PIN
- BACS / Inter account transfer
- Direct Debits
- Standing Orders
These must be able to be made by telephone, online or in person. Does your system meet all of these requirements?
5. Can the Pre-Paid Account be loaded at any time and not be dependent on a set cycle?
6. Please confirm that there is not a maximum or minimum amount that the Contracting Authority can load onto a card?
7. Do the Pre-Paid Accounts have the facility to make payments into the card account with a clear originating reference e.g. own care contribution, ‘top-up’ with personal funds, ILF or other income stream?
8. Account Holders must not be able to become overdrawn. Does your system meet this requirement?
9. Clients must have secure on-line access to accounts available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This must include:
- Viewing statements and balances
- Making payments and setting up all available functions e.g. Standing Orders and Direct Debits
- Ability to access related general information about using Prepaid Accounts.
Does your system meet this requirement?
10. The Contracting authority must have the ability to freeze accounts immediately and/or remove funds from accounts. Does your system meet this requirement?
11. The Pre-Paid Accounts must have the option to allow cash withdrawals at an ATM and/or cash back at point of sale. Does your system meet this requirement?
12. Please confirm that ownership of the funds will be with the contracting authority
13. The operating authority must have the facility to switch the cash withdrawal option on or off on for any client account for any length of time (including the option to have cash back) as many times as required. Does your system meet this requirement?
14. Accounts must have the facility to nominate another person to have a card linked to the same account. There must be an individual audit trail for each person with access to the account. Does your system meet this requirement?
15. Please confirm that no contact is made to clients with any marketing or sales material via telephone, email or post. Nor should they allow clients to be contacted 'by selected partners' i.e. no data sharing

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