September 3, 2004

Dear Committee:

An outstanding teacher is one who prepares engaging material and uses it to teach students, and one who cares about the quality of her student’s learning. An outstanding teacher is one who involved in her student’s lives both in and out of the classroom, and who offers unconditional support. An outstanding teacher touches her student’s hearts and changes student’s lives. An outstanding teacher is Jodi Hallsten.

I have known Jodi for over a year, and I consider myself fortunate to have had the pleasure of learning from her. I met Jodi through her involvement with the department of communication student organizations. Though I have never been her student inside the classroom, she has taught me many life lessons outside the classroom.

Jodi continuously teaches her students through her actions, her heart, and her love for students. It is rare to find a teacher who is willing to dedicate her limited personal time to the students, and Jodi has never been selfish in this way when interacting with students in the various departmental organizations. At times I have even found her coming up with ideas on her free time, because she is not a teacher who simply leaves work at the office.

Jodi clearly values the students involved in the department of communication’s student organizations. As past National Liaison for the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), when I needed advice on leadership, I knew I could turn to her; she was usually the first teacher I turned to. Jodi was never “too busy” or “unavailable” to me or to other members of the various student organizations because she clearly realizes the pressure and stress students go through when they are active outside of the classroom. Jodi also realizes how sometimes we need someone to listen to us. I knew I could turn to her because she cared; she cares about all of her students unconditionally.

I can identify numerous times Jodi has helped PRSSA – she always displays tremendous support to our organization. She is known for her support of the Bateman Campaign, a national competition in which Illinois State University PRSSA students compete. In this 4-month competition, students perform research and plan and implement a real-life PR campaign.

During the intense four-month competition, students always endure many obstacles. Normally, you would expect students to turn to the organization’s faculty advisor for help and guidance, but not in this case. In the two years I was involved in the competition I saw numerous Bateman students constantly piled into Jodi’s office asking for help, advice, guidance and support. Jodi would continually amaze me with her constant support for the students. Although it’s not uncommon for many faculty members to offer help to the Bateman students, no other faculty member went above and beyond the way she did to help the students. She even allowed students to meet at her apartment to pull an all-nighter before the project was due! Throughout the campaign Jodi made time everyday to make sure the students were dealing with the stress and handling the competition well. This is remarkable, and this is why she is such an incredible teacher!

In my opinion, the most commendable action that Jodi has displayed towards the Department of Communication organizations dealt with the first annual formal dance. The student leaders of PRSSA wanted to organize a dance for students in all the organizations to partake, but the organization was not financially stable enough to fund the dance. Because she knew how much the event meant to the students, Jodi unselfishly offered her savings as the down payment for the dance; she believed in the students enough to risk her savings on them. This thoughtful, giving, and caring attitude toward students is typical of Jodi.

Jodi is well-liked by students because, unlike many professors at the university, she places her student’s best interests ahead of her own. It is rare to walk into her office without seeing a student asking for advice, asking for help, or just hanging out. Jodi opens her office to all her students as a place to escape; her bond with her students is strong and greatly appreciated.

Finally, Jodi does not stop being a teacher or a friend when students graduate. She has continually helped me learn and grow even months after graduation. Between my transition from college to moving home and starting a new job and meeting new people, Jodi has been completely supportive. When I have asked, she has offered me valuable guidance that I can use every day. This is extraordinarily important to me, and I know I am not the only graduate who still calls Jodi a friend.

An outstanding teacher is one who has a caring heart, feels unconditional love for students, who motivates students to learn, is completely dedicated, totally understanding, exceedingly generous, and clearly demonstrates unwavering support to all students and their experiences. This definition of an outstanding teacher also defines the amazing person from whom I have learned so much, and whom I have come to consider my friend: Jodi Hallsten.


Candace Calandriello

2004 Illinois State University Graduate