UI Wage Record Match for WIA ETPS

Texas’ WIA Eligible Training Provider System

Instructions for Submitting Student Records for Match with Unemployment Insurance (UI) Wage Records

Purpose: To assist Training Providers in documenting program performance as required by the procedures for initial or subsequent eligibility * determination under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998.

Cost: A record matching processing fee will be charged based on the totalnumber of individual student records submittedfor each 12-month period. A minimum record-matching fee of $50.00 will be required for each submission of 1 - 150 individual student records. The fee will increase at a rate of $50 for each additional 150 student records. For example:

151 - 300 individual student records:$100.00

301 - 450 individual student records:$150.00

451 - 600 individual student records:$200.00

601 - 750 individual student records:$250.00

751 - 900 individual student records:$300.00

In addition to the required student record information, applying Training Providers are required to include with their UI wage match requests a check or money order (cash not accepted) for the appropriate amount and payable to: Texas Workforce Commission. Requests that do not include payment consistent with these instructions will not be processed.

Time Frames:

  • Request Processing –UI wage match requests will be processed on a monthly basis. Requests not received by the Texas Workforce Commission (Commission) by the 15th of a given month will be processed the following month. Processing of an applicant’s request is contingent on submission of all required data elements in the required format, per the specifications outlined below, and the required processing fee.
  • Reporting Period – The 12-month period for which student records are to be submitted for UI wage match. Given the lag time for availability of UI wage records, the Commission will specify the 12-month Reporting Period to be used. [See Attachment A]

Participant Universe: Total number of participants actively participating during the specified 12-month Reporting Period who were scheduled to complete the course/program during that same 12-month Reporting Period, regardless of initial enrollment date. [NOTE: Include information for all individuals scheduled to complete the given program during the specified Reporting Period regardless of final completion status.]

Example: If submitting a request on January 8, 2010, the Participant Universe should include individual student records for the Reporting Period July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009 (i.e., 2008 Calendar Quarters 3-4 + 2009 Calendar Quarters 1-2).

Data Generation and Expiration: For each training program submitted, performance results will be provided for two measures. Data issued through this process will be considered valid for use in application submissions to any/all Local Workforce Development Boards (Boards) for a period not to exceed 180 calendar days after issuance of the report.

Use of Data for Application Submission: For initial or subsequent eligibility * applications, the Training Provider will be responsible for collecting and reporting the Program Completion Rate.

  • Entered Employment – For those individuals in the Participant Universe, the percentage that obtained unsubsidized employment (i.e., employment performed for wages, salary or pay that is not contingent on a subsidy such as on-the-job training reimbursements to the employer) during the specified 12-month Reporting Period.


  1. Based on individuals (Social Security number match) included in Texas’ UI wage record database; limited to covered occupations only.
  2. Reporting Period to be specified by the Commission based upon data availability. [See Attachment A]
  3. For students in the Participant Universe, a student who shows any employment for pay in any given quarter of the specified Reporting Period will be considered as having “entered employment” for the purposes of this calculation.
  • Average Hourly Wage at Placement – For the program participants that obtained unsubsidized employment during the specified 12-month Reporting Period, the average hourly placement wage.


  1. Based on individuals (Social Security number match) included in Texas’ UI wage record database; limited to covered occupations only.
  2. Reporting Period to be specified by the Commission based upon data availability. [See Attachment A]
  3. For students in the Participant Universe that show employment for pay in any of the four quarters of the Reporting Period, the quarter with the highest wage will be the qualifying quarter to be used in calculating the Average Quarterly Wage for the Participant Universe.
  4. If wages are greater than or equal to $25,000 in a given quarter, the quarter will be excluded. Wages in another qualifying quarter will be used, as applicable.

Request Requirements: In order for the Commission to provide UI wage record information for use in completing initial eligibility applications or subsequent eligibility applications, applying Training Providers must direct inquiries and submit student records per the specifications outlined below:

  • Direct inquiries and requests to:


Texas Workforce Commission

101 East 15th Street, Rm. 226-T

Austin, TX 78778-0001

(512) 936-3111 [FAX]

ETP Help Desk: (866) 256-6333 [Toll Free] (512) 936-0669 [Local]

e-mail: .

  • Transmittal Letter and General Information:: In the transmittal letter, indicate the following:
  1. Training Provider Name
  2. Training Program Name(s)
  3. Commission-specified 12-month Reporting Period (mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

[See Attachment A]

  1. Training Provider Contact Person




Phone number

Fax number (if available)

E-mail address (if available)

  • Submit data on a Compact Disk (CD): The disk should be labeled as indicated:
  1. Training Provider Name
  2. Date Submitted to Commission
  3. Commission-specified 12-month Reporting Period (mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

[See Attachment A]

  • Program Information File: The disk must contain two Excel spreadsheet (*.xls) files.

The first Excel file, labeled PROVIDER ID, must have the following column headers:

Field Name / Format / Size
Training Provider Name / Text / 50
Contact Last Name / Text / 50
Contact First Name / Text / 50
Contact Title / Text / 50
Mailing Address 1 / Text / 50
Mailing Address 2 / Text / 50
City / Text / 50
State / Text / 50
ZIP Code / Text / 10

The second Excel file, labeled STUDENT ID, must have the following column headers:

Field Name / Format /


Student’s Social Security Number:
  • Exactly 9 characters long
  • Include no special characters such as hyphens
  • Before entering the Social Security numbers, the entire column must be formatted as “Text.” If the column is not formatted as “Text,” Excel will drop the leading zero from all Social Security numbers beginning with a zero. This will cause the Social Security numbers to be only 8 characters in length.
  • To format the column as “Text”:
  1. highlight the entire column
  2. click Format on the menu
  3. select Format Cells
  4. click on the Number tab
  5. select Text
/ Text / 9
Student’s Last Name(truncated to 10 characters) / Text / 10
Student’s First Initial / Text / 1
Training Provider Name / Text / 50
Training Program Name / Text / 50
Reporting Period
Commission-specified 12-month Reporting Period for which student records are being submitted.
[See Attachment A] / Date / mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy


Reporting Period

Submission Deadline / Reporting Period (Calendar Quarters**)
January 15, 2010 / 2008 Quarters 3-4 + 2009 Quarters 1-2
February 15, 2010 / 2008 Quarter 4 + 2009 Quarters 1-3
March 15, 2010 / 2008 Quarter 4 + 2009 Quarters 1-3
April 15, 2010 / 2008 Quarter 4 + 2009 Quarters 1-3
May 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 1-4
June 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 1-4
July 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 1-4
August 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 2-4 + 2010 Quarter 1
September 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 2-4 + 2010 Quarter 1
October 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 2-4 + 2010 Quarter 1
November 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 3-4 + 2010 Quarters 1-2
December 15, 2010 / 2009 Quarters 3-4 + 2010 Quarters 1-2
January 15, 2011 / 2009 Quarters 3-4 + 2010 Quarters 1-2
February 15, 2011 / 2009 Quarter 4 + 2010 Quarters 1-3
March 15, 2011 / 2009 Quarter 4 + 2010 Quarters 1-3
April 15, 2011 / 2009 Quarter 4 + 2010 Quarters 1-3
May 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 1-4
June 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 1-4
July 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 1-4
August 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 2-4 + 2011 Quarter 1
September 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 2-4 + 2011 Quarter 1
October 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 2-4 + 2011 Quarter 1
November 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 3-4 + 2011 Quarters 1-2
December 15, 2011 / 2010 Quarters 3-4 + 2011 Quarters 1-2

Example: If submitting a request on January 8, 2010, the Participant Universe should include individual student records for the Reporting Period July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009 (i.e., 2008 Calendar Quarters 3-4 + 2009 Calendar Quarters 1-2).

** Calendar Quarters:





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