Course Syllabus

Fall Semester 2017-2018

Hendrickson High School

Instructor: Mrs. Wiles Email:

Room: C201Office Phone: 512-594-1283

Tutorial/Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Description & Objectives: Students investigate the field of accounting including how it is impacted by industry standards as well as economic, financial, technological, international, social, legal and ethical factors. Students engage in recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and communicating accounting information. For students with a determined career objective in accounting or any businessrelated field, this course will provide experience for post-secondary level course work.

Format and Procedures:Accountingis implemented in several formats –online work, lecture, group projects and presentations. Each student is expected to follow Acceptable Use Policies set forth by PISD with respect to computer use.Each student is expected to be focused and engaged in the task at hand while in the classroom.All students are expected to participate fully in discussions, feedback, projects, individual and group work as the teacher directs.

Behavioral Expectations:

******* Respect my right to teach and each student’s right to learn. *******

Recognize that when you don’t follow this classroom rule you are missing your opportunity to learn, you are ruining the class for your friends, and you are preventing me from doing my job and giving you the powerful and priceless gift of education.

1stconsequence – Verbal warning

2ndconsequence – Student/Teacher conference

3rdconsequence – Student/Teacher conference & notify parent

4th consequence – Referral

Serious infractions will be referred to the principal immediately.

Required Materials: Come to class prepared with paper and pencils or pens.

Grading:Minor Grades (Daily Work/Quizzes)30%

Major Grades (Tests/Projects/Presentations)70%

No one grade will count more than 20% of the total grade for the 9 weeks grading period. Sufficient time is given in class to complete your assignments, so late work will be accepted with a late penalty assessed (maximum grade of 80). Makeup Work and Retests will be according to district policy.

Absences: When you are absent for any reason (sick, athletics, band, etc.) it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get what you missed and make up your work. Each day of class will build on the previous class day so attendance is critical for your success.

Academic Integrity:Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Pflugerville ISD Code of Conduct and Student Handbook with regard to Academic Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work unless otherwise specifically directed by the teacher.Academic dishonesty, presenting anyone else’s work as your own, in any form will result in a grade of “F” for the assignment or exam in which it was demonstrated for all involved students. Your parents will be contacted.


Hendrickson High School

Student Name: ______

I have read and understand the expectations for Accounting. I will turn in all assignments in a timely manner. If I need additional help, I will make arrangements to attend tutorials. I also know I am responsible to bring the necessary supplies to class.

Student Signature ______

Parent (Guardian) Signature ______

Parent Home # ______

Parent Work # ______

Parent Cell # ______

Best Time to Call: ______

Parent Email address ______

(2nd parent info optional)

Parent (Guardian) Signature ______

Parent Home # ______

Parent Work # ______

Parent Cell # ______

Best Time to Call: ______

Parent Email address ______