Looked After Children (LAC ) Strategic Health Co-ordination Group
Following discussion at the Joint Children and Young People’s Health Support Group/Child Health commissioners Group in August 2012 , it was agreed that Dr Kate McKay and Jim Carle would liaise with appropriate policy leads across SG , and other external stakeholders ,to understand the current policy landscape around LAC and to consider what improvements might be made to ensure a cohesive , co-ordinated approach from both central health policy and Board wide health services . Since August Dr McKay and Jim Carle have engaged with the key stakeholders and now have an understanding of the cross cutting policy and service reviews .There is a need to link the following pieces of work :-
1.LACSIG :LACSIG was set up in 2010 to facilitate change in the way organisations and services work for looked after children .Following the refresh event (29 June 2012 )Activity Hubs have been formed to cover the following areas–Care and Permanence;Fostercare:Learning:Throughcare and Aftercare .These Hubs are chaired by individuals from within the relevant sector ( champions) who understand the role of the corporate parent and are positive about the benefits of GIRFEC ,and will advocate for change in practice or structure within the disciplines they represent .
2.Health Improvement Agenda :Health Scotland have been working with CELSIS to develop a health improvement education package for non- health (social care) providers .There is a evidence Summary for Looked After Children published in July 2012.In addition a ‘Health Promoting ‘ Care Establishment Framework has also been developed to take forward the Health Improvement agenda , in collaboration with local authorities .This is being rolled out across several local authorities and an evaluation will be done by Edinburgh University .
3.Scot PHN project for priorities for a health intelligence system and dataset for the LAC group will report to SG(Child and Maternal Health Division ) by end of 2012.
4.Residential Care Commissioning Review has been set up ( Scotland Excel ) and will report early next year .(Bridget Lambert)
5.Children’s Hearing Improvement Partnerships is working with CELSIS to produce reports and drive quality improvement in the Hearing system (Neil Hunter )
6.SLWG being established to describe standardised pathway for health assessment and care planning , with appropriate access points to specialist services .This will be chaired by Dr Kate McKay .In addition a workforce plan which ensures a robust , specialist health workforce across Scotland will be developed providing a professional identity for the workforce which delivers specialist assessments and advice to local authority and Children’s Hearing System .
7.NHS Board LAC ‘champions’ /corporate parent leads will have increased duties as a result of changes proposed to Children’s Bill following on from CEL16 .
8.Childsmile Dental Assesments for all LAC are being implemented across Health Boards.
9.Access to CAMHS services , for LAC will continue to be developed as described in CAMHS Strategic Implementation Group and Integrated Care Pathway .
The CYPHSG should note the range of workstreams across Scottish Government which require linkages to prevent duplication of effort and efficient use of specialist health advisers . In addition to the linkages , consideration of whether an Integrated Care Pathway should be developed which evidences a co-ordinated approach from Health Services across Primary , Secondary , and Community Care to enable non – health care providers and policy makers with the ‘ one view ‘ regarding health interventions .
A proposal to commission work to develop such a pathway linking all of the relevant implementation of policies should be considered .This may involve a relevant partner and / or a secondee to provide the necessary time to collate relevant evidence /develop governance systems .
Comments and discussion are invited .
Dr Kate McKay
Senior Medical Officer
Child Health
Scottish Government