Exhibit 28-6 6509.2 REV-6 CHG-2
Emergency Solutions Grants
Guide for Review of ESG Rapid Re-housing and Homelessness Prevention Requirements
Name of Recipient:Name of Subrecipient(s):
Staff Consulted:
Name(s) of Reviewer(s) / Date
NOTE: All questions that address requirements contain the citation for the source of the requirement (statute, regulation, or grant agreement). If the requirement is not met, HUD must select “NO” in response to the question and make a finding of noncompliance. All other questions that do not contain the citation for the requirement do not address requirements, but are included to assist the reviewer in understanding the participant's program more fully and/or to identify issues that, if not properly addressed, could result in deficient performance. Negative conclusions to these questions may result in a "concern" being raised, but not a "finding."
Instructions: This Exhibit is designed to assess the recipient’s compliance with the Rapid Re-housing and/orHomelessness Prevention component(s)of the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program. The eligible activity areas of review include: Housing Relocation and StabilizationServices – Services;Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services – Financial Assistance;and Short- and Medium-term Rental Assistance. These activities are eligible when necessaryto either (1)help a homeless individual or family move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing, or (2) prevent an individual or family from moving into an emergency shelter or another place described in paragraph (1) of the “homeless” definition in 24 CFR 576.2. The Exhibit is divided into three sections: General Requirements; Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services; and Short- and Medium-term Rental Assistance. Section B is broken down into sub-sections for Financial Assistance Costs and Services Costs. Section C is broken down into sub-sections for General Requirements and Project-based Rental Assistance. Every question has a header identifying the specific area of review. If the ESG recipient has not funded a particular activity or cost, check the N/A box and continue on to the next section, sub-section, or question of the Exhibit.
This Exhibit can be used to monitor a recipient, a single subrecipient, or multiple subrecipients. It is the responsibility of the HUD reviewer to ensure that the responses provide sufficient documentation to support the basis for the conclusions. Keep in mind that, if multiple entities are reviewed and a deficiency is identified for a single entity, a “No” response is required.
Initial Evaluation: Did the recipient or its subrecipient conduct an initial evaluation to determine each individual’s or family’s eligibility for rapidre-housing or homelessness prevention assistance and the amount and types of assistance the individual or family needs to regain stability in permanent housing?
[24 CFR 576.401(a)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Eligibility Criteria (Homelessness Prevention): Did the recipient or its subrecipient document that all program participants who received homelessness prevention assistance:a.met the eligibility criteria ofthe “at risk of homelessness” definition or categories 2, 3, or 4 (if category 4, not sleeping in a place described in category (1)) of the “homeless” definition; and
b.have an annual income (as determined in accordance with
24 CFR 5.609) below 30% AMI?
[24 CFR 576.103;24 CFR 576.401(c);24 CFR 576.500(b); 24 CFR 576.500(c); 24 CFR 576.500(e); 24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Eligibility Criteria (Rapid Re-housing): Did the recipient or its subrecipientdocument that all program participants who received rapid re-housing assistance met the eligibility criteria:a. under category (1) of the homeless definition, or
b. under category (4) and live in an emergency shelter or place described in category (1) of the homeless definition?
[24 CFR 576.104;24 CFR 576.500(b); 24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Re-evaluations (Rapid Re-housing/Homelessness Prevention): Do program participant records document that the recipient or its subrecipientre-evaluated program participants’ eligibility and the types and amounts of assistance the program participant needs not less than once every 3 months for program participants receiving homelessness prevention assistance andnot less than once annually for program participants receiving rapid
re-housing assistance?
[24 CFR 576.401(b)(1);24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Written Standards:a. Did the recipient and/or its subrecipients adopt written standards for the provision of homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance, as required by24 CFR 576.400(e)(1) and 24 CFR 576.400(e)(2)?
b. Did these written standards cover the following topics (listed in 24 CFR576.400(e)(3)):
- evaluating individuals’ and families’ eligibility for assistance under ESG;
- coordination among emergency shelter providers, essential services providers, homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance providers, other homeless assistance providers, and mainstream service and housing providers;
- determining and prioritizing which eligible families and individuals would receive homelessness prevention assistance and which eligible families and individuals would receive rapid re-housing assistance;
- determining what percentage or amount of rent and utilities costs each program participant must pay while receiving homelessness prevention or rapid re-housing assistance;
- determining how long the program participant will be provided with rental assistance and whether and how the amount of that assistance would be adjusted over time;
- determining the type, amount, and duration of housing stabilization and/or relocation services to provide to the program participant?
[24 CFR 576.400(e)(1); 24 CFR 576.400(e)(2); 24 CFR 576.400(e)(3)(i);24 CFR 576.400(e)(3)(v); 24 CFR 576.400(e)(3)(vi); 24 CFR 576.400(e)(3)(vii); 24 CFR 576.400(e)(3)(viii); 24 CFR 576.400(e)(3)(ix); 24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Re-evaluations (Rapid Re-housing/Homelessness Prevention): Do program participant records document that each re-evaluation of eligibility established that the program participant:a.did not have an annual income that exceeds 30% AMI as established by HUD; and
b.lacked sufficient resources and support networks necessary to retain housing without ESG assistance?
[24 CFR 576.401(b)(1)(i)-(ii);24 CFR 576.500(e);24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Recordkeeping (Ineligibility): For each individual and family determined ineligible to receive ESG assistance, did the recipient or its subrecipient document the reason for that determination?[24 CFR 576.500(d)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Eligible Costs (Homelessness Prevention): Were all homelessness prevention costs eligible and necessary to help the program participant regain stability in the program participant’s current housing or to move into other permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing?[24 CFR 576.103;24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Housing Stability Case Management: While providing rapid re-housing or homelessness prevention assistance to a program participant, does the program participant file document that the program participant met with a case manager at least once per month to assist the participant in ensuring long-term housing stability?[24 CFR 576.401(e)(1);24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Housing Stability Case Management: While providing rapid re-housing or homelessness prevention assistance to a program participant, did the recipient or its subrecipient document in the program participant’s file that it developed a plan to assist the program participant to retain permanent housing after the ESG assistance ends, taking into account all relevant considerations, such as the program participant’s current or expected income and expenses, other public or private assistance for which the program participant will be eligible and likely to receive; and the relative affordability of available housing in the area?[24 CFR 576.401(e)(2);24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Connections to Mainstream and Other Resources: While providing rapid re-housing or homelessness prevention assistance to program participants, did the recipient or its subrecipients assist each program participant to obtain mainstream and other resources as needed?[24 CFR 576.401(d)(1); 24 CFR 576.401(d)(2);24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Recordkeeping (Program Participant Records): Did each program participant record document:a.the services and assistance provided to that program participant, including, as applicable, security deposit, rental assistance, and utility payments made on behalf of the program participant; and
b.compliance with all applicable requirements for providing services and assistance to that program participant?
[24 CFR 576.500(f)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Terminating Assistance:- If the recipient or any of its subrecipients terminated any participants from the program, did they do so in accordance with a formal process established by the recipient or its subrecipient(s) that recognizes the rights of individuals affected, that met the following requirements:
(2)a review of the decision, in which the program participant is given the opportunity to present written or oral objections before a person other than the person (or a subordinate) who made or approved the termination decision, and
(3)prompt written notice of the final decision to the program participant?
- Did the recipientand/or its subrecipient examine all extenuating circumstances in determining when violations warrant termination so that a program participant’s assistance is terminated only in the most severe cases?
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Lead-Based Paint: Where ESG funds were used for rental assistance (TBRA or PBRA) or supportive services, do records reflect that the recipient and subrecipient complied with all lead-based paint requirements?NOTE:Exhibit 24-2 (Supportive Services), Exhibit 24-3 (TBRA), or Exhibit 24-4 (PBRA), as applicable, MUST be completed to answer this question. See Chapter 24, Lead-Based Paint Compliance, in this Handbook.
[24 CFR 35.700-730 (PBRA); 24 CFR 35.1000-1020 (Supportive Services);24 CFR 35.1200-1225 (TBRA); 24 CFR 576.403(a)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Minimum Habitability Standards: Did the recipient andits subrecipients ensure that all housing unitsmet the minimum habitability standards before incurring any costs to help program participants remain in or move into those housing units?[24 CFR 576.403(c);24 CFR 576.500(j)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Conflicts of Interest (Organizational): Did the recipient and its subrecipients ensure that:a. no type or amount of ESG assistance was conditioned on an individual or family’s acceptance of housing owned by the recipient, subrecipient, contractor, parent, or subsidiary of the subrecipient; and
b. no subrecipient (nor any of its parent or subsidiary organizations) that owns housing, carried out the initial evaluation under 24 CFR 576.401, or administered homelessness prevention assistance for occupants of that subrecipient’s housing?
[24 CFR 576.404(a)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs: If the recipient has not expended ESG funds on Financial Assistance costs, check the N/A boxes and skip to the Services Costs subsection of this Exhibit.
Financial Assistance Costs: Did the recipient and its subrecipients ensure that:a. no program participant received financial assistance under 24 CFR 576.105(a) that was of the same type of assistance that the program participant was receiving through other public sources; and
b. no program participant who received replacement housing payments under the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) received financial assistance under 24 CFR 576.105(a) during the period of time covered by the URA payments?
[24 CFR 576.105(d)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs: Were eligible costs listed in 24 CFR 576.105(a) paid only to a housing owner, utility company, or other third party (not directly to the program participant)?[24 CFR 576.105(a)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs (Rental Housing Application Fees): Were rental housing application fees paid for with ESG funds a standard charge issued by the owner to all applicants?[24 CFR 576.105(a)(1)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs (Security Deposits): Were security deposits paid for with ESG funds equal to no more than 2 months’ rent?[24 CFR 576.105(a)(2)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs (Last Month’s Rent): Were costs for the last month’s rent paid for with ESG funds:a.necessary to obtain housing for a program participant;
b.paid to the owner of the housing at the time the owner was paid the security deposit and first month’s rent;
c.less than or equal to one month’s rent; and
d.included in calculating the program participant’s total rental assistance?
[24 CFR 576.105(a)(3)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs (Utility Deposits): Were utility deposits paid for with ESG funds only for eligible types of utility services (gas, electric, water, and sewage) and required by the utility company for all customers?[24 CFR 576.105(a)(4)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs (Utility Payments): Were utility payments paid for with ESG funds:a.within the limit of 24 months of utility payments per program participant, per service, including up to 6 months of utility payments in arrears, per service;
b.only provided when the program participant or a member of the same household has an account in his or her name with a utility company or proof of responsibility to make utility payments; and
c.only for eligible types of utility services (gas, electric, water, and sewage)?
[24 CFR 576.105(a)(5)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Financial Assistance Costs (Moving Costs): Were moving costs paid for with ESG funds only for moving-related activities such as truck rental, hiring a moving company, and allowable temporary storage fees (up to 3 months, fees accrued after the date the program participant began receiving services and before the program participant moves into permanent housing, and excluding storage fees in arrears)?[24 CFR 576.105(a)(6)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs: If the recipient has not expended ESG funds on Services costs, check the N/A boxes and skip to the Short- and Medium-Term Rental Assistance section of this Exhibit (Section C).
Services Costs (Housing Search and Placement): Were housing search and placement costs paid for with ESG funds:a.necessary to assist program participants in locating, obtaining, and retaining suitable permanent housing; and
- one of those listed in 24 CFR 576.105(b)(1)(i)-(viii)?
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs (Housing Stability Case Management): Were the activities paid for with ESG funds:a.one of those listed in 24 CFR 576.105(b)(2)(A)-(H), and
b.for the purposes of assessing, arranging, coordinating, or monitoring the delivery of individualized services to:
(1)facilitate housing stability for a program participant who resides in permanent housing; or
(2)to assist a program participant in overcoming immediate barriers to obtaining housing?
[24 CFR 576.105(b)(2)(A)-(H)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs (Housing Stability Case Management): Were the housing stability case management costs paid for with ESG funds:- under the Rapid Re-housing component, limited to:
(2)24 months during the period the program participant is living in permanent housing; and
- under the Homelessness Prevention component, limited to 24 months?
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs (Mediation Costs): Were mediation costs paid for with ESG funds necessary to prevent the program participant from losing permanent housing in which the program participant currently resides, and used for mediation between the program participant and the owner or person(s) with whom the participant is living?[24 CFR 576.105(b)(3)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs (Legal Services): Did the recipient and its subrecipients ensure that the legal services costs paid for with ESG funds consisted only of the following types of costs:a.for either: hourly fees for legal advice and representation by attorneys licensed and in good standing with the bar association of the State in which the services are provided, or by person(s) under the supervision of the licensed attorney; or fees based on the actual service performed (i.e., fee for service), where the recipient/subrecipient documented that such costs were less than what the cost of hourly fees would have been;
b.for filing fees and other necessary court costs;
c.subrecipients’ employees’ salaries and other costs necessary to perform the services (if the subrecipient is a legal services provider and performs the services itself); and
d.for the following component services:
(1)client intake;
(2)preparation of cases for trial;
(3)provision of legal advice;
(4)representation at hearings;
[24 CFR 576.102(a)(1)(vi)(A); 24 CFR 576.102(a)(1)(vi)(D); 24 CFR 576.102(a)(1)(vi)(E); 24 CFR 576.105(b)(4)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs (Legal Services): Did the recipient and its subrecipients ensure that the legal services costs paid for with ESG fundswere only used:a.to the extent necessary to resolve a legal problem that prohibits the program participant from obtaining permanent housing or will likely result in the program participant losing the permanent housing in which they currently reside;
b.for the following subject matters:
(1)landlord/tenant matters;
(2)child support;
(6)legal separation;
(7)orders of protection and other civil remedies for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking;
(8)appeal of veterans and public benefit claim denials; and
(9)the resolution of outstanding criminal warrants; and
c.to the extent that other appropriate legal services were unavailable or inaccessible in the community?
[24 CFR 576.105(b)(4);24 CFR 576.102(a)(1)(vi)(B);24 CFR 576.102(a)(1)(vi)(C)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion:
Services Costs (Credit Repair): Were credit repair costs paid for with ESG funds for counseling or other services necessary to assist program participants with critical skills related to household budgeting, managing money, accessing a free personal credit report, or resolving personal credit problems?[24 CFR 576.105(b)(5)] /
Yes / No / N/A
Describe Basis for Conclusion: