DES 1051 (CRN 22642)


(2 Credits)

Term: Spring, 2018

Tuesday 1:00pm-2:50pm

Instructor: Tiffany Baggs, CRDH, MSDH

Office Location & Phone Bldg. AHS- 120, 407-582-1570

Email: E-mail:

FAX number: FAX: 407-582-1295

Office Hours: Office Hours: TBA and posted on office door

General Course Information

Common Course Number: / DES 1051
Course Title: / Dental Pain Control and Local Anesthesia
Co-requisite(s): / DES 1020, DES 1020L
Contact Hour Breakdown: / CR 2 CLASS 2 LAB 0
Discipline: / Dental Hygiene
Catalog Description: / The course covers pain control in dentistry including topical and local anesthetics, nitrous oxide sedation, and the use of analgesics.

Educational Materials Required

Logothetis, Demetra; Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist, Elsevier, St. Louis, 2nd Ed., 2017.

Wynn, Meiller & Crossley; Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry, Lexicomp, 20th Ed., 2014-15.

Valencia Dental Hygiene Clinic Manual, latest edition.

Teaching styles and instructional methods used

This is a face to face course that utilizes Canvas online for communication and exchange of information. Cooperative learning exercises, group work, interactive lectures, and case studies will be used in this course to enhance student learning.

Review neurophysiology related to pain transmission; identify the pathways of the fifth and seventh cranial nerves and the structures which they innervate.
Corresponding Evidence of Learning
· Student will be able to classify nerve fibers to identify the type of fibers which conduct pain sensation.
· Student will be able to discuss the generation and conduction of nerve impulses.
· Student will be able to name the divisions of the trigeminal nerve.
· Student will be able to identify oral structures which are innervated by the maxillary and mandibular divisions of the trigeminal nerve and the facial nerve.
· Student will be able to locate intraoral sites for infiltration and block local anesthetic injections.
Core Competency: Think
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Employ the facts, formulas, procedures of
the discipline / Locally developed multiple choice exam
Recognize medical conditions that impact the use of analgesics, anesthetics, and nitrous oxide sedation.
Corresponding Evidence of Learning
· Student will be able to list concerns for patients with hyperthyroidism, heart conditions, liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled hypertension, bleeding disorders, or respiratory diseases when selecting a pain control method.
· Student will be able to determine the relative risk to a patient prior to administration of local anesthesia, analgesics, or nitrous oxide sedation.
· Student will be able to describe drug interactions that may occur between vasoconstrictors, amide anesthetics and other drugs.
Core Competency: Think
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Employ the facts, formulas, procedures of the discipline / Locally developed multiple choice exam
Core Competency: Communicate
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Employ methods of communication appropriate to your audience and purpose / Performance or Demonstration
Describe the pharmacokinetics of local anesthetics, analgesics, and nitrous oxide sedation including onset of action, duration, biotransformation, and contraindications.
Corresponding Evidence of Learning
· Student will be able to differentiate amide and ester anesthetics.
· Student will be able to identify the most common vasoconstrictor used in local anesthetics.
· Student will be able to discuss the onset of action and duration of local anesthetics and nitrous oxide sedation.
· Student will be able to state signs/symptoms of local anesthetic overdose and allergy.
· Student will be able to list analgesics commonly used in dentistry and discuss potential reactions to analgesics.
· Student will be able to explain the rationale for nitrous oxide administration, contraindications, and possible side effects.
Core Competency: Think
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Employ the facts, formulas, procedures of the discipline / Classroom assessment technique
Locally developed multiple choice exam
Describe anesthetic administration techniques and the steps to successful local anesthetic injection.
Corresponding Evidence of Learning
· Student will be able to discuss the indications of successful injections and complications of local anesthesia for maxillary and mandibular injections.
· Student will be able to locate and identify anatomic structures associated with each type of injection.
· Student will be able to identify the depth of tissue penetration for each of type of injection.
Core Competency: Think
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Employ the facts, formulas, procedures of the discipline / Locally developed multiple choice exam
Core Competency: Act
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Act effectively and appropriately in various personal and professional settings / Performance or Demonstration
Core Competency: Communicate
Indicators / Method of Assessment
Employ methods of communication
appropriate to your audience and purpose / Classroom assessment technique

Valencia College Core Competencies

“The faculty of Valencia College has identified four core competencies that define the learning outcomes for a successful Valencia graduate. These competencies are at the heart of the Valencia experience and provide the context for learning and assessment at Valencia Collage. You will be given opportunities to develop and practice these competencies in this class. The four competencies are:

1.  Think- think clearly, and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and evaluate in the many domains of human inquiry.

2.  Value- make reasoned judgments and responsible commitments.

3.  Communicate- communicate with different audiences using varied means.

4.  Act- act purposefully, effectively and responsibly.”

Course Requirements

1. Attendance: One point will be deducted from the total points earned for each absence/late class arrival/ early departure.

2. Quizzes, Midterm, Final Exam

3. Completion of reading assignments, worksheets/ assignments, and Readiness Assessment

Tests (RAT)

4. Class participation and discussion

5. Student/team interaction

6. Group presentation project

Course Evaluation

The course grade will be earned through the accumulation of points during the semester. The course grade is based upon total points earned through classroom exams, quizzes, and assignments divided by total points possible. The student must have a passing grade (75% or better) in the course.

Make-up quizzes will not be given, no exceptions.

Assignments/ worksheets are due at the beginning of the assigned class period. There will be a deduction of 2 pts. per day if turned in late. Some assignments may be turned in through email or blackboard in addition to the professor’s mailbox which is located in the dental hygiene front office.

Any student who fails to turn in a completed local anesthesia observation sheet will not be allowed to participate in the local anesthesia lab exercises that will take place during finals week.


Midterm 75 points (Approx.)

Final 100 points (Approx.)

Quizzes (20-30 pts. each) 75 points (Approx.- 3 quizzes)

Readiness Assessment Tests (5-10 pts. each) 15 points (Approx.- 3-4 RAT’s)

Homework Assignments/worksheets 50 points (Approx. 4)

Local Anesthesia Clinic Guide 30 points (Approx.)

Group Presentation Project 40 points (Approx.)

Nitrous Oxide Exam & Lab Professionalism 50 points (Approx.)

LA Observation Sheet 10 points (Approx.)

Total Possible Pts. (Approx.): 445 points (Approx.)

Grading Scale

A = 93 - 100%

B = 85 - 92%

C = 75 - 84%

D = 67 - 74%

F = 0 - 66%

Classroom Policies

1. Absences and Make-up Work

The student is expected to attend each class meeting.

Students are responsible for studying online modules of information (in Blackboard) and coming

to class prepared to discuss or participate by answering questions.

The student is responsible for all material covered or assigned during classes or labs.

In case of absences, the instructor should be notified (in advance, if possible, or at the beginning

of the class meeting). No make-up quizzes will be given, no quizzes will be dropped.

If the mid-term or final exam is not taken on the scheduled day, 10 points will be deducted from

the grade, no exceptions.

Any unexcused absence will result in 1 (one) point deduction off the final grade.

2. Academic Honesty

Each student is expected to be in complete compliance with the college policy on academic honesty as set forth in the college catalog and the student handbook. Any student cheating on an exam will receive a zero on the exam which cannot be replaced by the final exam score and the professor at his discretion can withdraw the student from the class.

*Plagiarism- Refer to Valencia College policy on plagiarism:

*Special Rules - Additional rules pertaining to this class will be found in the Dental Hygiene Clinic Manual.

3. Withdrawal / Refund

A complete explanation of the withdrawal policy can be obtained through Valencia’s website or by contacting the instructor. Refer to: for more information. Withdrawal can be completed through Atlas.

To receive a 100% refund of the refundable fees, students must drop from a course or all courses before the last day of the Drop/Add period –January 16, 2018. If you withdraw from a class after the Add/Drop period but before the withdrawal deadline, you will receive a grade of "W" and will not be entitled to a refund of fees.

Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline of March 30, 2018 will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W.” Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to:

4. Electronic Devices

Any electronic device should be silenced during class. Cell phones and personal computers

are not to be used in any way during class without permission. Use of a mobile device during

a quiz or exam will be considered cheating.

5. Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Notification to Instructor (NTI) form from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. Contact Information: West Campus SSB, Rm. 102

407-582-1523 (Ph), 407-582-1326 (Fax), 407-582-1222 (TTY) or


Changes in syllabus and/or schedule may be made at any time during the term by announcement of the professor. A revised syllabus may be issued at the discretion of the professor.
