Minutes - MSCD Board Meeting

January 21, 2004

7 p.m. Potluck – Chris Rohr’s

Present Chris, Ian, Clelia and Norma

  1. Agenda revisions
  2. We added 5.b, 6 d,11, 12 and 13
  1. Approve minutes of last board meeting
  2. Simple typo change item 4 sub item 3 “ned” changed to “Need” approved as changed
  1. Treasurer’s report
  2. No treasurer present –Chris is to ask Scott to send out a report via Email
  3. Find out if Scott has opened the Muir Branch bank account.
  1. Secretary’s report
  2. Next meeting
  1. Vice-Chair’s report
  2. December workshop rap up
  3. Feb Dance
  4. Janice will host after ball party. Carol is handling contacts with turner hall.
  5. Chris will contact Janice on hospitality for Dancers since the dance is on Saturday.
  1. Ball
  2. Any special instructions on doing up the registration
  3. Reviewed registration page in regard to ball budget, prices to be determined. Wording will be changed to indicate that the ball is the MSCD ball and not the Muir branch ball
  4. Budget
  5. Budget was reviewed; Clelia will take questions to ball committee. Individual items will be discussed with ball committee as discussed. Some items will impact later balls and the board wished that ball committee would keep that in mind.
  6. We must do better than break even on the ball to support other dances and activities.
  7. Ball Program complete and posted on the website
  8. Ball other
  9. A suggestion of offering free dinner and Ball to TAC and RSCDS people who can get to Madison. Ball committee will take this up.
  1. Membership-at-Large report
  2. Clelia will request a new copy of the membership forms and send the info and money to RSCDS
  1. Publicity-at-Large report
  2. Publicity for February dance
  3. emails will be sent
  4. Ball
  5. First sent of emails will be sent to tell dates and basic agenda of events. A follow up email will be sent when the registration form will be ready. Wording will be changed to indicate that the ball is the MSCD ball and not the Muir branch ball.
  1. Meeting times
  2. Next meeting will be Feb 19th at Ian’s
  3. March meeting will be at Norma’s
  1. Review of general timetable
  2. Reporting
  3. When we need to send reports to RSCDS needs to be added to regular calendar.
  4. 501c State reporting times need to be on Treasurers calendar
  5. Demo’s
  6. We will not be dancing at the civic center in February
  7. We will be dancing at the Overture center in September. On September 25 at 1:30pm we have a 45-minute spot. A demo team needs to be developed for this event.
  8. Chicago workshop
  9. Mike B. suggested we look into co-sponsor or just helping the Chicago group. Contact needs to be made to see who is available and willing from our group. Also what need they have for help. Event is week end of June 11.

Respectfully submitted,

January 22, 2004

Chris Rohr - Chair MSCDS