Clinical Instructor



  1. Faculty Orientation Requirementspage 3
  2. Faculty Orientation Verification Form*page 4
  3. Department Clinical Orientation Guidelinespage 5
  4. Instructor Guidelines for a Successful Clinical page 7
  5. Out-Rotation Guidelinespage 9
  6. Preceptorship Guidelinespage 10
  7. Clinical Department OrientationForm*page 11
  8. Nursing and Clinical Student Policypage 13

Clinical Resources

  • Sample Student Assignment Formpage 16
  • Sample Clinical Assignment Form page 17
  • Badge/Car Registration Request Process & Formpage 18
  • CHL (Epic) Request form*page 21

* Denotes forms that must be turned in

Clinical Placement Website

All current information and forms related to clinical are posted here.

Contact Information:

Staff Education Department


Connie Lewter RN, MSN, CNE

Clinical Education Coordinator


Email contact for Department Leadership and anyone at Cone Health:

Faculty Orientation Requirements

Cone Health requires all newly hired clinical instructors, employees new to the faculty role, and those who have had clinical teaching experience in Cone Health but have not been in the system for a year or more to:

Access the Clinical Placement web site to review and complete:

  • New-Faculty Clinical Orientation Handbook
  • Other important information found on the Clinical Placement Web Site
  • Clinical Placement Request, Department Information, and the Clinical Placement Schedule Grid
  • Link to the NCAHEC website (Core Orientation) and the Cone Health Orientation PowerPoint (required orientation for students and faculty initially and annually). Orientation Acknowledgement Form, Department Orientation Form

* Attend Clinical Orientation for all new employees. Call Staff Education to register for orientation. (336.832.8173). Parking is provided in the upper lot on Olive Street.

  • All orientation is held in the Nursing Education Center (4th floor) at 200 E. Northwood, Greensboro, NC.
  • Tuesday – Clinical Orientation (8a-4p)
  • Wednesday- Equipment day (8a-3p)
  • Thursday- Cone HealthLink training (8a-4p)
  • Training may be provided at the school
  • Submit CHL Log-in request form to the Epic center

Schedule Department Orientation – Schedule 16 hours on the department where you will initially have students.

  • Cone Health Employee- As needed or 8 hours, if not department staff member
  • After the initial department orientation, schedule 8 hours orientation if you go to a different clinical site
  • Faculty is to contact Department Leadership to arrange orientation.

See Clinical Placement website- ‘Clinical Department Information’ for contact info.

  • Schedule Clinical Education Coordinator meeting

Faculty member to contactClinical Education Coordinator (CEC) to arrange a meeting date/time - 336. 832.4363

  • Prior to the scheduled CEC meeting- Review the Faculty Orientation Handbook and bring it to the meeting, along with any questions you may have.

Special Note:* indicates Cone Health Employee Exemption.

Cone Health Employees are not permitted to use Employee ID (badge, computer log in), perform CBG testing, or function as a staff member while in the instructor role. You will need to complete and submit a request for a 2nd CHL log-in and a 2ndbadge (request forms included)

For more information contact:

Connie Lewter, Clinical Education Coordinator 336. 832.4363

NewInstructor Orientation Verification Form

Faculty Name: Print______Sign: ______

School: Phone: Email:

Your email address will be added to a Faculty Distribution List to receive periodic notifications.

As a new clinical faculty member joining our organization, we invite you to join us in our attempts to help you transition into your new role. We look forward to partnering with you to provide exceptional clinical experiences for students. Orientation to Cone Health is an integral part to your success as a clinical instructor.

Submission of this completed form is required prior toworking with a clinical group at Cone Health.

For each item on the form you must have a signature validation.

Key- * indicates Cone Health Employee Exemption.


Date: ______(Tuesday 8a-4p) Staff Educator ______

Date: ______(Wednesday 8a-1p) Staff Educator______

Date: ______(Thursday 8a-4p – CHL) Staff Educator ______

Annual requirement - In addition to the New Faculty Orientation, verification of annual completion of the Core Orientation and the Cone Health Orientation must be maintained at the school.

Clinical Education CoordinatorMeeting: Date: ______

Form: Clinical Faculty Handbook _____Access to Clinical Placement website ______

Department Orientation - 16 hrs or Cone Health Employee 8hrs. As needed if staff on the department.

Date: ______# of hours ___Staff Member:______

Date: ______# of hours ___ Staff Member:______

Date: ______# of hours ____Staff Member: ______

  • Submit Badge Request form to Security Services & call 336.832.7849 to schedule appointment to pick up.
  • Submit the CHL log-in and training request form to the Epic Center.

Staff Educator IIClinical Education Coordinator: ______Submission Date: ______


Department Specific Clinical Orientation

Clinical Instructor department orientation is required prior to instructing on a new department. Contact the department leadership to arrange this orientation. Instructors new to Cone Health are required to have a 16 hour orientation. Experienced instructors need to arrange an 8 hour orientation. Re-orientation of faculty with prior experience on the department is determined between the instructor and the department leadership.

Shadow Experience: Staff preceptor

Clinical faculty is paired with an Experienced Staff Member

  • Spend time with clinical faculty
  • Introduce faculty to staff members
  • Share Unit information with faculty member
  • Provide a unit orientation to faculty
  • Allow faculty to work with preceptor on preceptor’s assignment
  • Allow faculty to interact with various patients and families

Information Sharing

Basic unit information

  • Number of beds
  • Staffing ratio (number of patient’s per nurse)
  • Top 10 most common diagnoses
  • Common meds

Clinical Assignments

  • How best to arrange for student assignments
  • Pre-clinical
  • Day of clinical
  • Staff input

Posting student assignment for staff access

  • Where to post
  • Department format
  • Information required- example:
  • Patient Care Assignment

Faculty name

Student’s name

Room number/ patient’s initials

Start and End time

Student’s Clinical responsibilities

  • Medication administration
  • Patient care responsibilities, documentation etc.

Basic Access Needs

  • Pyxis Access
  • Tutorial requirement, Pharmacy notification by Leadership
  • Supply access
  • location and codes
  • Report design
  • Initial report- walking rounds and how to accommodate for student report
  • End-of-clinical Experience report to patient’s primary nurse

Hands on demonstration of Bedside Equipment

  • Monitors, vital sign equipment, special scales
  • Common equipment (feeding pumps, lift equip etc.)

Discussion Time

Meet and Discuss Factors that Hinder or Enhance the Learning Environment for Students:

  • Discuss staff expectations of students and of faculty
  • Discusscourse objectives for the clinical experience; guidelines for interacting with students

Faculty Guidelines to Successful Collaborative Clinical Experiences

Cone Health requires all newly hired clinical instructors, Cone Health employees new to the clinical faculty role, and those who have been out of the health system a year or more to complete the Faculty Orientation Program. Contact the Staff Education Department to coordinate the process 832-8173.

See the Clinical Placement web site for more information:

Cone Health is committed to supporting our community and our school affiliates by providing quality experiences for students and faculty. Some initiatives include:

A culture that values collaboration with our affiliate partners to provide exceptional clinical experiences

Welcoming Orientationsto incoming students

Pass Port clinical orientation process for students and faculty.

On-line Clinical Placement process

New-Faculty Orientation

Multiple clinical opportunities throughout the Cone Health system

Mosby’s Nursing Consultant resource on the Intranet

Frequent updates of new initiatives for clinical faculty

Faculty are invited to attend the annual Skills Fair and other continuing education classes

Faculty Commitment to Students

Student Supervision and Teaching.

It is the primary responsibility of the instructor to teach, supervise, and engage students while on the department. Staff is available to “help” the students; their primary responsibility is to patient care.

•Clinical day- No students are permitted on the department without instructor present.

Verify annual Core and Cone Health Orientation has been completed

Provide Department Orientation

•Ensure each student has on proper attire (School and Cone Health dress code policy) and has a school photo ID on and visible while in clinical

•Have students sign and then give the signed Department Orientation Document to your school Education Partner who will reconcile with the request for the department and submit to Staff Education. Due the first week of clinical

Provide private space for group meetings.

Faculty Commitmentto Department Staff and Patients

Maintaining open communication between faculty/student/and staff is imperative to patient safety and fosters a collegial relationship. It encourages a climate of collaboration and mentorship and adds to the overall positive clinical experiences between student, faculty, and staff.

Prior to the start of the clinical day,faculty must post a list of student patient-care responsibilities on the department and inform the patient’s primary nurse about these activities.

At the beginning of the shift and throughout the day,faculty should encourage collaboration between the student and patient’s primary nurse related to patient expectations and how the student can assist with patient care during the clinical experience.

Absence from clinical:If, for any reason, faculty finds it necessary to cancel a scheduled clinical day you must notify the department staff of your decision. They look forward to having your student’s and appreciate knowing when they will not be coming on the assigned shift.

Protect Privacy: Conferences are prohibited in public areas. Printed materials with patient identifiers are not permitted off the department.

Faculty Commitment to Department Leadership

Clinical Instructors responsible for clinical group rotations, out-rotations and preceptorships are required to contact Department Leadershipat least one week prior to the first clinical day. See Clinical Department Information (posted on the Clinical Placement website) to find leadership phone contact information. Provide department leadership with the following information by email:

  • Type of Program, level of student
  • Clinical Course Objectives and specifically what outcomes are expected from this clinical experience
  • Clinical Schedule – days scheduled on department, start/end date and any days scheduled off the department.
  • List of students – if a rotation, state when each student will be on the department

Conference and Storage Space: Space for pre/post conference and student meetings is limited throughout the system. Clinical faculty must arrange for a private meeting room for student pre/post conference or any group meeting. This can be done at every campus. You may want to ask the Department Leadership for space on the department, however, if there isn’t a room available on the department to accommodate your need please call the following room reservation contacts. MC- Mark Whitted 832-8176, MC Heart and Vascular Room- Robin Edwards 832-9999, WL- Krystal Williams 832-0140, WH- Contact Department Leadership, AP- Vickie Walker 951-4355.

•No group-meeting should be conducted in public areas.

Clinical Hours: Every effort must be made to begin the clinical day at the start of the “traditional” shift. 7A, 3P, 7P. Students should be available to participate in the reporting process. This eliminates the need for a second report from the nurse, miscommunication, and contributes to an overall smoother shift transition.

Faculty Commitment to Staff Education Department

If documentation and medication administration will be a required part of the clinical experience, please contact for information about how to request training and Cone Healthlink Access codes.

Faculty who intend students to use Cone Health’s computer charting system/pass medications must arrange training. Computer Access codes are required prior to the start of clinicals. Contact the NFC to arrange training and access to Cone HealthLink.

Submit the Clinical Orientation Agreement by the end of the first week of clinical

•This verifies that students have been oriented to the clinical department.

Have students completethe Clinical Exit Survey, for each department they have clinical experiences in. See Survey Monkey Link on the Clinical Placement Website.

Cone Health Out-Rotations

All out-rotation requests are arranged through the Cone Health Staff Education Department using the Group Clinical Request Form-set. These requests are submitted exclusively through the School’s Education Partner affiliated with Cone Health. Unless otherwise agreed upon, direct contact with department leadership for clinical placement is not made until approval has been obtained through Staff Education.

Out-rotations are defined as 1 – 2 day specialty department clinical experiences, previously arranged for students in a clinical group on a Cone Health hospital campus. The purpose of the out-rotation is to supplement the clinical group department experience. This is a non-instructor led experience with the student shadowing or providing direct patient care under the supervision of the appropriate department staff as instructor guidelines permit. The Instructor is responsible for contacting the department and providing:

  • Course syllabus
  • Specific clinical objectives and guidelines for the out-rotation clinical experience
  • Schedule with students names and dates of rotations
  • Instructor contact information

Instructors are to be on the same hospital campus as where the out-rotation experience occurs unless previously approved, by the department leadership, to be as a different campus at the time of the clinical experience. Out-rotations are not to be scheduled independent of a clinical group scheduled at Cone Health.

Out-rotation sites are listed on the Group Clinical Request form posted on the Clinical Placement website.

Request for Preceptor Guided Clinical Experiences

To be completed by the school Clinical Coordinator prior to the start of the clinical experience:

  1. Request placement by submitting the completed Preceptorship Request Form located at to the Staff Education email below.
  2. Contactboth the Preceptor and the Department Leadership to arrange orientation for the preceptor, and to provide student information.
  3. Dialog with to preceptor providing the following information and opportunities for questions:

•Overview of the relationship responsibilities of preceptor, faculty, and student

•Goals and objectives for the clinical experience

•Specific preceptor responsibilities

•Method of clinical evaluation of student by preceptor and faculty

•Ongoing support to both the preceptor and the student

  1. Ensure students meet the student requirements for clinical placement outlined in the Clinical Education Agreement.
  2. Inform the student about preceptorship requirements and direct them to the Clinical Placement page.
  3. Orientation
  4. Training and log-in access to the electronic medical record system (Cone Health employee students will need a student log-in and may require additional CHL training depending on their clinical site.
  5. Photo ID badge requirement
  6. Car registration and parking decal
  7. Inform the student to contact the preceptor before the start of the clinical experience in order to collaborate and to negotiate schedules, etc.

•Students are not permitted to begin clinicals without having contacted the preceptor as instructed. This encourages a climate of collaboration and mentorship and adds to the overall positive clinical experiences between student, faculty, and staff.

We lookforward to a wonderful collaborative relationship with your school.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns.

Contact Information

•Staff Education Department: 336.832.8173

•Connie Lewter RN, MSN, CNE 336.832.4363

With our partnership, we can provide exceptional clinical experiences for students, faculty, staff, and most importantly our patients and families.

Clinical Department Orientation Form

The Cone Health Clinical Orientation Agreement is to be used by clinical faculty orienting students to the Department. Not all content can be covered in the formal orientation program. Each signature verifies that the student has received a Cone Health orientation, documentation training as applicable, and a departmental clinical orientation. Clinical Orientation and the attached Signature Agreement Form are required for each new clinical rotation.

Cone Health supports the following Standards of Behavior as a means to better serve our patients and community. Affiliates of Cone Health such as volunteers, contract personnel, vendors, students and others should be aware of these policies and agree to abide by these principles as evidenced by their signature below.

CONE HEALTH- As a mission-driven organization, we value:

Outstanding Service -We are committed to outstanding care, services and management.

Caring Spirit -We demonstrate respect and compassion for all individuals.

Innovative Climate -We are committed to creativity and individual initiative.

Integrity -We are an organization characterized by high ethics and integrity.

Financial Viability - We are committed to financial viability to ensure the future of our organization.


-Maintain a professional appearance. -Demonstrate a positive attitude to everyone.

-Maintain a safe, clean and attractive environment. -Communicate with compassion and courtesy.

-Anticipate the needs of customers and others. -Maintain customer privacy and confidentiality.

-Hold each other accountable to the Standards of Behavior.


As an affiliate of Cone Health, I understand and agree that I must hold confidential Cone Health information and all medical and patient information in confidence. I am not allowed to access any confidential information, medical record or computer system unless necessary to perform my job duties. I may not access or ask someone to obtain for me my medical information or that of family/others, unless needed to perform my job duties. I may not discuss, review and/or reveal in any way confidential information that I may have as a result of my affiliation with Cone Health unless to do so is within my assigned job duties. It has been explained to me and I understand that I am fully accountable for my actions. Further, I understand that violation of Cone Health policies regarding privacy and confidentiality or any other breach of confidentiality will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.