Minutes of ScalfordParish Council Meeting

held on Wednesday 14th February2018

at 7.30 pm in Scalford Methodist Chapel

Page 130

Present: Cllrs, Elizabeth Bryan, Brian Dodd, Andrew Thorn, Tim Spencer, Robert Ingles,

Margaret Wright


In Attendance: Borough: Councillor E Holmes

Members of the Public: 3

Public Participation:

The matter of the improvement work at the Village Hall Car Park was raised by a resident who commented that various aspects of the work had not been done very well. The comments were noted..


Declarations of Disclosable and Pecuniary Interests:



To approve and sign the Minutes from theParish Council Meeting heldin Scalford Village Hall on 10th January2018:

It was unanimously agreed that the Minutes from the Meeting on the 10th January 2018 were a true record andthe Minutes were signed by the Chairman.


Ongoing Matters:

Dog Fouling:An article had been placed in the Village News regarding this matter but no improvement had been noted on the streets.



17/01570/FUL – 36 Bed Care Centre & 5 extra care cottages – Scalford Court Nursing Home, Melton Road, Scalford – Reservations regarding amount of parking provided and the sewerage system which was not linked to the main sewers

18/00008/FUL – Proposed one and half storey 4 bed house and garage adj to 7 New

Street, Scalford. – An improvement on previous applications but reservations about several aspects to it.




Receipts & Payments January 2018:


Allotments K Hewitt£ 12.00


Chq 101343E Garton £ 30.00

101344 Sheltons £ 780.00

101345 St Marys Church Chadwell£ 250.00

BPSt Egelwin Church Scalford£ 250.00

BPC J Hill£ 359.95

BP Sheltons£ 720.00

BPD Rowe£ 50.00

BPHickman Signs£ 244.80

Page 129


Finance Reserves Policy:

A draft Finance Reserves Policy had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting for their input and after discussions it was unanimously agreed to adopt the policy with immediate effect..


Neighbourhood Plan Update:

Cllr Ingles reported that the meeting held on the 16th January was well attended and it was felt there was enough support to move to the next stage, it was unanimously agreed to apply for a grant to fund development of the plan after the end of the current financial year.


Mowing Contracts:

After discussion it was unanimously agreed to continue with the current contractors for a further year as the price had been held the same as last year for this year.


Stonestile Allotments:

The bottom part of these allotments had been tidied up by volunteers to whom the Parish Council are extremely grateful, it was agreed that every effort must be made to rent them out. It was agreed the Council would be flexible in its approach to size and cost for anyone interested and an article to be put in the Village News advertising the fact..


Village Street Party:

An email had been received asking the Parish Council to support this event and whilst the Council agreed it was a very good idea which they would support, they were unable to give a definite answer regarding possible financial assistance until after the end of the current financial year.


Telephone Box:

The Clerk confirmed that the papers had been signed and sent off confirming the Parish Councils wish to take over the telephone box. It was reported by Cllr Thorn that he had been unable to get access to the box as the door appeared to be sealed in some way, Clerk to contact Community Heartbeat Trust to find out how the door had been secured.


Matters arising from Emails circulated and other matters:

Car abandoned on recreation field car park by basketball ring / Traffic census needed extending / footpath outside school / car parking improvements New Street. / Election costs /


Items for Next Month’s Agenda:

Neighbourhood Plan

Date ofNext Meeting: Wednesday 14th March2018at 7.30pm in Scalford Primary School

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm

Signed: ______

Chairman Scalford Parish Council

Date: ______