Chamber Meeting Minutes
August3, 2009
Agenda Items: (1)Lavaca Car Show
(2) Chamber Logo
(3) Business of the Month Spotlight
Meeting was called to order by the president, Gary Trice at 6:05PM.
1. Reading of the June 29minutes were delayed. File lost during thunder and have to be reconstructed.. Motion to accept delay on minutes by Michael DePaulo and seconded by Pepper. Motion carried.
- Financial report presented by Barbara Carter.
- Total income a/o July 31: $1,502.50
- Expenses: 75.23
- Balance a/o July 31: $4,035.97
- Tax Exemption (501a): Form is complete as revised during BOD meeting. Actions outstanding are a completed Balance Sheet and Income Statement as well as a two year budget in out years. Barbara, Lyn and Dorothy will get together to complete.
- Board of Directors report provided by Pepper Sanford as John Zeiler was absent due to family requirements. BOD met and discussed their role in the Chamber. They have agreed to meet one week prior to regular chamber meeting which will help them prepare for the chamber meeting. If anyone has an issue they want added to the agenda, they should submit to John Zeiler at .
- Committee Chairpersons:
- Ambassador Committee: Charity Brown not present due to a work related requirement.
- Economic Committee: Jack James not present due to a family related requirement.
- Wanda believes we are on track for the car show. To date we have 11 t-shirt sponsors, 11 trophy sponsors, and 87 t-shirts that have been sold. Wanda has also talked to O’Reileys about providing pennents and they will also sponsor a trophy.
LeAnn has several more commitments for t-shirts and trophies outstanding. She also a commitment for donation of 10 cases of water, which should take care of that. She also talked with Jerry Denton, who works for Coke and he can get us cokes for $6 per case. However, we may be able to beat that price if Walmart puts their cokes on sale for $4 per case as they have done in the past.
Coeta Dooly and LeAnn will both have baked goods for desserts.
LavacaHigh School cheerleaders might provide facepainting for the children and the Air Vac helicopter will be there as well.
Wanda would like everyone to bring donated stuff for the “goody bags” on Monday, August 24 to City Hall. They will also be able to pick up and pay for their t-shirts at that time.
The final date for obtaining sponsors is August 14.
Lyn will put together a flyer to be distributed for advertisements and LeAnn will make sure they are distributed.
Dorothy Lawrence put together a sign up sheet for the various tasks on the day of the show. The sheet was passed around for volunteers and Yolanda (in Lyn’s office) will monitor progress and make calls for assistance on those tasks that are still open.
Coupons for a sandwich, chips, and a drink will be provided to school age volunteers on the day of the show.
- New Business: Mike DePaulo suggested that we consider a Jazz Day in Lavaca and has participated in one elsewhere and could help get one started here.
Mike also asked if a WWII veteran named Bill Bell could set up a book signing. He has written a book titled “Leave No Man Behind” which relates the real story of what happened in Southeast Asia. Lyn made a motion to ask him to do a book signing and Denise Stevens seconded and the motion passed. Mike will speak to Mr. Bell.
- We were reminded that the next meeting is scheduled for August 31 to avoid any conflicts for those that are going to take advantage of the holiday weekend.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM.
In Attendence: Michael DePaulo Barbara Carter
Paulette Chronister Gary Trice
Wanda Sanders Lyn Jones
LeAnn Ellison
Pepper Sanford
Denise Foster
Mariann Sharum
Mary Ray
Sherron Hunnicutt
Denise Stevens
Dorothy Lawrence