November 27, 2005

To: BuffaloPark neighbors

From: Tilton Conservation Commission

As you are probably aware, the acquisition of BuffaloPark for the Town of Tilton has recently been accomplished through negotiations between Konover Development, NH Department of Environmental Services and the Tilton Conservation Commission and serves as a Conservation Easement for wetlands disturbed on the Lowes Project. We are very excited about this as it permanently protects BuffaloPark from any future development and provides recreational use for residents.

The Conservation Commission has work to do. Public parking for a few cars will be created, signage will be installed and work on trails will be ongoing. We know that you as immediate neighbors are concerned about future usage and the protection of the area. We want to encourage passive recreational use while avoiding the negative impact of trash, erosion, and general misuse of this precious resource.

We are asking for your help both in making suggestions as well as helping monitor the use of the area. Included with this letter is a list of restrictions and permitted uses from the Conservation Easement as agreed upon by the Town of Tilton and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. If you see activities that are not in compliance with the Easement, we hope that you will contact the TiltonTown offices or the Tilton Police Department so that we can take measures to stop them.

We thank you for your help and hope that you take time to enjoy the trails in the Park.

Thank you,

G.There shall be no storing, dumping, injection, burning, or burial of refuse, trash, rubbish, debris, junk, waste, man-made materials or materials then known to be environmentally hazardous, including vehicle bodies or parts, or other similar substances.

H.There shall be no domestic animals allowed in the Park except for dogs on leashes and under control, provided any excrement is removed from trails or open areas by the owners.

I.There shall be no motorized vehicles of any kind allowed in the Park, except as reasonably required to conduct the specific activities expressly allowed in this section and in Section 3 below.

J.There shall be no roads constructed or maintained in the Park, except as may be reasonably required to conduct the specific activities expressly allowed in this section and in Section 3 below, or for access to the parking lot(s) allowed in Section 3.

K.No other activities shall be allowed in the Park except as expressly allowed in this section and in Section 3 below.


The following activities are allowed in the Park, provided that they are not conducted in a manner that is detrimental to the purposes of this Declaration.

A.Maintenance of the existing trail system, and construction and maintenance of new trails.

B.Use of trails for walking, running, skiing, snowshoeing, or similar activities, or for operation of bicycles or other nonmotorized vehicles.