Curriculum Committee

Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2014

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Voting:Kailani Knutson,Teresa Minter-Procter, Miles Vega, Robert Simpkins,Bret Davis, James Thompson,Michael Colson,Giovanni Ruiz ASPC student rep

Advisory:Kim Behrens,Val Garcia,Bill Henry

Guests:Karen Bishop, Susan Regier, Tim Brown, James Carson


Voting:Danny Sciacqua,James Entz

Advisory:Muriel Josten, Lorie Barker, Susie Lala-Bell, Erin Cruz

Call To Order:

The February 11, 2014was called to order at 2:30 pm.

Approval of Agenda:

Motion:To approve the February 11, 2014agenda.


Approval of Minutes:

None submitted.

Consent Items-Deletion:

  1. SOCI P122
  2. SOCI P123
  3. SOCI P124

All three Sociology courses were deleted several years ago. Somehow they got uploaded into CNET during implementation process.

Motion:To approve deletion of items 1-3. SOCI P122, SOCI P123, SOCI P124.

M/S/C:Vega/ Sciacqua

New Business:

  1. COMM P101-Table
  1. ENGL P130-Table

The committee has been unable to review the course outline.

  1. ENGL P131-Table

The committee has been unable to review the course outline.

  1. INFS P100-Table
  1. POLS P101-Table
  1. PHSC P112

Added a prerequisite and pass/no pass grading option. The textbook has been updated.

Motion:To approve PHSC P112 (summer 2015).


  1. SOCI P130

This is a new course. The course will be part of the Social Science Degree as an elective in Area C.

Motion:To approve SOCI P130 (fall 2015).


  1. SOCI P140 (previously P127)-Table
  1. SPAN P103-Table
  1. SPAN P104-Table
  1. SPAN P105-Table
  1. SPAN P106-Table

Old Business:

  1. GE-Graduation requirements-No discussion


  1. Report:
  1. CLC-Nothing to report
  2. META-Nothing to report
  3. Senate Meeting-Nothing to report
  4. CSU/UC-The committee recommends three schools to be listed. The information is included in the Curriculum Handbook. At least one from the CSU and one from a UC. James will revise the handbook to include adding the course number and title from the school. There is a difference between a CSU transfer course and a course that transfers in a Major at a CSU. When submitting a new course for approvals include three CSU/UC’s. This would help support transferability.
  5. James discussed elections for the Curriculum Chair position.
  6. Curriculum Review-Miles and James are working on a COR review process. Members would only be required to look at certain items and not the entire COR. The Chair, Tech, and Dean would still be required to view the entire COR.
  1. Unit/Prerequisite deadline-No discussion.

Next Meeting: February 25, 2014

Adjournment: 3:08

"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the PC Curriculum committee record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."