1051 Exam Bank

Question block created by wizard

Who is responsible for ensuring that the ST is completed by the due date?
The Test Performer
(b)The Performance Group Section Leader
Work Management

If choice b is selected set score to 1.

Which of the following best describes the responsibilities of the Test Performer?
Ensuring M&TE calibration is current and recorded in the ST package
Notifying the CRS/Shift Manager when tests are completed or if tests are delayed beyond the current shift.
(c)All of the answers are correct
Contacting the CRS/Shift Manager for approval to start or restart tests

If choice c is selected set score to 1.

Who determines when an STWO is performed?
The Performance Group Team Leader
The CRS/Shift Manager
Work Management
The Performance Group Section Leader

If choice c is selected set score to 1.

Conditional STs are those test that are initiated by:
(c)a condition or event
(d)frequency and periodicity

If choice c is selected set score to 1.

Can two ST procedures be combined into a single test package when both STs are being performed to reset the performance interval as defined in the Technical Specifications?

If choice a is selected set score to 1.

Why is documenting the details of an ST using the Test Log continuation sheet important?
The test log entries should explain what occurred, commensurate with the safety and/or testing significance.
The test log details can help to answer questions when asked about the validity of the test.
(c)All of the answers are correct
The test log details are used to aid in the acceptance review.

If choice c is selected set score to 1.

Does the following describe a situation where Preconditioning applies?
A Preventative Maintenance Task to lubricate the motor operator of a valve is scheduled on a yearly frequency, but the valve is Surveillance Tested on a quarterly frequency.
does not apply
does apply

If choice a is selected set score to 1.

What action(s) is/are required when a monthly test in progress is delayed for 3 days, or more?
(a)All of the answers are correct
A partial acceptance review.
Notify the CRS/Shift Manager
Prerequisites and restoration documented in the Test Log or on the ST pages.

If choice a is selected set score to 1.

When test results are out-of-tolerance the failed step is circled and the failure is documented in the ST Test Log, what else should the Test Performer do?
(a)None of the answers are correct
(b)Notify the STA
Perform a partial acceptance review
Notify the CRS/Shift Manager

If choice d is selected set score to 1.

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