Worksheet: “Inequality For All”
Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______
Before you watch…
- What is economic inequality?
- Do you think that in the United States it is possible for anyone to become wealthy? Why or why not?
As you watch…
- Who is Robert Reich, and what were some of his past jobs?
- Where does the United States rank compared to other developed nations, in terms of inequality?
- What did Saez and Piketty learn about inequality, from looking at tax data?
- Reich feels that the economy is sustained and kept vibrant by the ______(poor/working poor/middle class/wealthy)
- How much money does a “middle class” family earn? How much money does the 1% earn?
- What do the rich generally do with most of their money?
- Reich asserts that something happened in the late 1970s that caused wages to stop growing. What happened?
- What happened between 1947 and 1977 in the United States?
- What was Reich’s “dream job,” to which President Bill Clinton appointed him?
- Why were corporations able to earn higher profits in the 1990s?
- What was Reich’s argument to the (union) workers at Calpine?
- Who does Reich feel is working or has worked throughout history to improve the well being of the American workforce?
- How did the United States cope with flattening and/or declining incomes?
- Method/mechanism #1:
- Method/mechanism #2:
- Method/mechanism #3:
- Why wasn’t the Clinton administration able to do more to address inequality?
- Reich asserts that the people worried about widening inequality are worried about something more than upward social mobility. He says ,“with money comes the capacity to control…”
- Who does Reich actually blame for the persistence of inequality?
- What was the tax rate on the top earners before Reagan? After Reagan?
- Why do the rich pay very low taxes?
- Is Reich a communist or socialist? Why is he sometimes called a socialist? Why are Reich and Alan Simpson called communists/socialists/leftists?
- If not the President or Congress, who are the guardians of democracy?
- What did they decide, in 2010?
After you watch…
- Do you think the video had a liberal or conservative bias? Explain
- Do you think the problem of inequality in the US is out of control? What, if anything, should be done to fix it?
- What was the cause of the Great Recession?
- What connections do you see between Inequality For All and the video we watched on the crisis of credit?