December 2016 / Vol. 6 No. 5

In This Issue:

2017 Programs
Corporate Sponsors Recognized
Thank You Conference Sponsors
Survey Update
Navigation Assistance Available
Upcoming Meetings
Future Committee Meetings
New Allied Members
Other Items of Interest

2017 Corporate Sponsors

HealthcareCouncil of Western Pennsylvania is a strategic partner with health care providers and affiliated organizations, enabling them to realize their mission while maintaining their status as economically viable entities.

Visit: 1-800-704-8434

Save These Dates for 2017 HCWP Programs

Healthcare Council members can look forward to some great programs in 2017. Watch for details on all of the programs below in the New Year!

Studer Group - April 6 and 7, 2017

The Studer Group has been providing Healthcare Council members with national-level conferences at very reasonable rates for the past few years. Last year's Studer Group Conference SOLD OUT within the first month after the program was announced. Mark your calendars now for April 6 and April 7, 2017, when the Studer Group returns to Healthcare Council.

The one-and-a-half day program will feature two prominent Studer Group speakers: Dan Collard and Pam Beitlich. Dan Collard is a national speaker and coach with Studer Group and was part of three consecutive hospital turnarounds. His balanced focus on improving operations, financials and satisfaction initiatives bring a well-rounded skill set to the coaching arena. Pam Beitlich, DNP, ARNP, RN, NEA-BC, is a national speaker and has more than 30 years of experience in patient care, medical staff relations and nursing administration. Watch for more information and registration details in January 2017! For more information contact Jane Montgomery or Pat Raffaele.

Series on Alternate Payment Modelsin Long Term Care

A new series of programs for 2017 and 2018 will focus on Alternate Payment Models in long term care. A workgroup of long term care executives and community partners are assisting with the program content. The series will start on May 12, 2017 followed by another program in the fall. The series will continue with two additional programs in 2018. Watch for dates and registration information in early 2017. For more information contact Jane Montgomery.

Annual Labor Update Program - May 5, 2017

Healthcare Council's 2017 Labor Update Program promises to be interesting with regulatory and legal changes as well as labor policy under President-Elect Donald Trump's new administration. This long-standing annual program will feature updates on trends in national healthcare labor unions and campaigns as well as the latest changes in regulations such as the FLSA "overtime" issue. In addition, we will discuss the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, the National Labor Relations Board and other related agencies and policy changes. The Labor Update Program will be held on May 5, 2017. Watch for program and registration details in early 2017. For more information contact Pat Raffaele.

Annual Medicare Update-September 22, 2017

It's not too early to mark the date of September 22, 2017 for Healthcare Council's and the western Pennsylvania chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association's Annual Medicare Update. This popular program will be held at Healthcare Council's Education Center and feature the latest updates and changes in Medicare reimbursement and other payors. Chief financial officers and others can earn CEUs, learn the latest on reimbursement and network with colleagues at this day-long program. For more information contact Denis Lukes.

Fall Membership Conference-October 27, 2017

Be part of Healthcare Council's largest program of the year - the Fall Membership Conference. The Conference is offered free of charge to all members and features national, thought-provoking speakers and opportunities for networking. The Conference will be held on October 27, 2017, at the Pittsburgh Marriott North in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania. For more information contact Pat Raffaele.

In addition to this line up of outstanding programs, watch for information about special issues briefings throughout 2017 as well as other programs and meetings.

HCWP Recognizes 2017 Corporate Sponsors

Healthcare Council's Corporate Sponsors commit to a full year of sponsorship. This funding enhances Healthcare Council's ability to provide programs, surveys, reports and one on one assistance to members at no or low cost. The 2017 Healthcare Council Sponsors are:

* Cowden Associates

* Intalere

* Saul Ewing

* Strategy Solutions

* Corazon

The logos of these organizations appear on the homepage of Healthcare Council's website, on the C-Suite and HR Newsletters and on the marquee in the Jack C. Robinette Conference Center. These organizations will also be featured at Healthcare Council's major education programs in 2017.

For more information about this year's Corporate Sponsors or the Corporate Sponsorship program contact Pat Raffaele.

A Special Thanks to Healthcare Council's

2016 Conference Sponsors

Healthcare Council continues to offer its Annual Membership Meeting and Fall Conference free of charge to members because of the Allied Members who sponsor the Conference. More than 180 healthcare leaders participated in the 2016 Conference, which featured several speakers, including Stephen Beeson, M.D., from Practicing Excellence.

This year's Conference Sponsors included, at the Platinum level: Cowden and Cura.

Gold sponsors included: BKD, Corazon, Fox Rothschild, Intalere, Saul Ewing, Sentact, Strategy Solutions, ViaQuest, and UPMC Health Plan.

Silver sponsors were Altius, Arnett CarbisToothman, Automated Security Alert, Baker Tilly, Bottom Line Systems, Capital Healthcare Solutions, Grane Rx, Healthcare@Home (Allegheny Health Network), Main Street Medical Consulting, Robard Corporation and Sequentia.

Bronze sponsors included Cipriani & Werner, Jackson Lewis, Leech TishmanFuscaldoLampl, Optum, Perkins Eastman and Tucker Arensberg.

Sponsorship is offered as an exclusive benefit to Healthcare Council's Allied Members. For more information about Conference Sponsorship or Allied Membership contact Pat Raffaele.

Survey Update

Healthcare Council will provide members with survey results from several surveys in early 2017. Members who submitted data for the surveys listed below will receive the survey results.

Flash Survey

The first-quarter Flash Survey will be sent to members by the beginning of January 2017.

Benchmark Salary Survey

The Benchmark Salary Survey results will be sent to members in February 2017.

Collective Bargaining Update

The Collective Bargaining Update will be sent to members in early January 2017.

Management Compensation Survey

The Management Compensation Survey results will be sent to members in February 2017.

Physician Practice Administrators Survey

The Physician Practice Administrators Survey results will be sent to members in February 2017.

For questions about surveys please contact Betty Steup.

Navigation Assistance Available

Healthcare Council's navigator, Barbara McDowell, is available to assist members with insurance enrollment for patients and community members. She is a certified navigator under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is available to provide enrollment to individuals in a variety of ways. She is available to assist individuals on the phone and through in-person appointments. She is also available to do on-site enrollment at member facilities or at community events.

Healthcare Council's enrollment work is funded under a CMS navigator grant through the Consumer Health Coalition and through funding from private foundations. For more information contact Barbara McDowell.

Upcoming Meetings

Chief Operating Officers Committee

Productivity measurement and best practices of high performing healthcare organizations will be the focus of Healthcare Council's Chief Operating Officer (COO) meeting on January 17, 2017. Stephanie Dorwart, MHA, chief executive officer of ALTIUS, will facilitate discussion on productivity as well as performance improvement processes. ALTIUS assists healthcare organizations with several areas including decreasing expenses, increasing market share and maintaining current staffing levels with a focus on improving bottom lines, quality outcomes and patient/staff satisfaction. The Committee will also hold a roundtable discussion focused on two topics: cyber security and the increasing focus of COOs on contract review and other legal work. For more information contact Pat Raffaele.

Fund Development Committee

Donor "moves management" using donor systems as a tool, will be the key topic at Healthcare Council's Fund Development Committee meeting on February 7, 2017. Kate Schandler from Schandler Database Administration will provide a presentation on "moves management" and lead a discussion on the topic. The meeting will also include a roundtable discussion. For more information contact Pat Raffaele.

Future Committee Meetings

Health Information Management Committee

January 24, 2017

Contact: Denis Lukes or Jane Montgomery

Long-Term Care Quality Committee

January 25, 2017

Contact: Jane Montgomery

Accounts Receivable Committee

January 20, 2017

Contact: Denis Lukes

Risk/Quality Committee

February 1, 2017

Contact: Jane Montgomery

Chief Financial Officers Committee

February 3, 2017

Contact: Denis Lukes

Practice Administrators Committee

February 8, 2017

Contact: Denis Lukes or Jane Montgomery

Compliance Committee

February 10, 2017

Contact: Pat Raffaele

New Allied Members

Healthcare Council welcomes the following new Allied Members:

Health Monitoring Systems

Health Monitoring Systems provides healthcare providers with tools that enhance their ability to safeguard the health of the communities they serve. The Pittsburgh-based company offers a Community Health Surveillance service called Epicenter, which analyzes healthcare data in real time in western Pennsylvania and beyond. For more information contact Kevin J. Hutchison or visit

Paris Companies

Paris Healthcare Linen Services, part of Paris Companies, has been serving western Pennsylvania healthcare facilities for many years and has built strong relationships and partnerships with many healthcare facilities throughout the region. For more information contact Dave Stern, chief executive officer, or visit


Sentact delivers rounding and on demand solutions for safety, compliance and patient experience. Sentact's solutions optimize efficiency and enhance the quality of the patient care environment. Sentact is moving its headquarters to Pittsburgh. For more information contact Lynn O'Donnell, director of Marketing, or visit

For more information about Healthcare Council's Allied Membership program contact Pat Raffaele.

Other Items of Interest

Notice from Novitas

Novitas has implemented a random survey for providers to provide specific evaluation of the Novitas website. The survey is sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is being conducted on a random basis by an independent vendor, ForeSee Results. Providers are asked to complete the survey if selected, and provide detailed information on the types of services providers like, want or need improvement on the website.