2007 Deep Bench
Questions by St. Olaf College
Edited by Rob Carson, Andrew Hart, and Quentin Roper
Singles and Doubles Packet Tossups
1. In one of this author's short stories, Elisa Allen teaches the Man in a Wagon how to grow flowers, but he discards her carefully prepared plants to keep the pot. In addition to Chrysanthemums,another of his short stories details the evasion from a posse of Pepe Torres, Flight. Jim Nolan is shot at the end of his novel about a man named Mac who leads striking fruit pickers, In Dubious Battle, while George Milton talks of owning a rabbit farm before shooting Lennie Small in another of this man's works. FTP, name this author of Of Mice and Men who chronicled the Joad family's trek to California in The Grapes of Wrath.
ANSWER: John Steinbeck
2. This player was taken out of El Segundo high school a pick before Mike Schmidt in the 1971 MLB draft. Before Curtis Granderson accomplished the feat in 2007, this player was the last to rack up 20+ doubles, triples, and homers in a season. He's the only player to winbatting titlesin three decades, and he credited much of his success to hitting coach Charley Lau. In 1980, he won the AL MVP, led his team to a World Series loss to the Phillies, and batted .390. He had to be restrained from punching umpire Tim McClelland after a homer he hit off of Goose Gossage was called back due to excessive pine tar. FTP, name this Kansas City Royals third baseman.
ANSWER: George Howard Brett
3. Two blue-bonneted ladies in billowing yellow dresses sit next to two children at play amidst a crowd of top-hatted gentlemen in a painting by this man that inspired a William Glackens work.In addition to Music in the Tuileries,he depicted a trapeze artist's green shoes in the upper left of a painting that also shows a mustached man in a top hat conversing with a brown-haired woman. A black servant brings flowers to a reclining nude in one of his works, while a scantily clad woman in a stream is depicted behind two dandies and a nude woman picnicking in another. FTP, name this Impressionist painter of A Bar at the Foiles-Bergere, Olympia,and Luncheon on the Grass.
ANSWER: Edouard Manet
4. Herbert Louis and Julius Budel classified these entities into Kerb, Sohlenkerb, Kehl, and Fachmulden types. Paternoster lakes are found in these geographic features, and their bottoms can be horizontal or terraced. When two cirques or two of these features form adjacent to each other, an arête is formed, and Bridalveil Falls in Yosemite National Park is an example of the hanging type. The * Mississippi embayment is an example of the rift type. Ice masses generally form U-shaped ones, while flowing water cuts V-shaped ones. FTP, name these landmarks that can be carved out by rivers or glaciers.
ANSWER: valleys (accept U-shaped valleys before the *)
5. This book dedicates 11 lines to explaining why "two are better than one" and suggests that men should "remember the days of darkness, for there are many." It notes that "the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong," and claims that "The heart of the foolish is in the house of mirth" in its seventh chapter. The speaker claims that "There is no new thing under the sun" and "vanity of vanities; all is vanity." FTP, name this book of the Bible that claims "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
ANSWER: The Book ofEcclesiastesor Qoheleth
6. In one of this author's short stories, James Nolan arranged the traitorous Fergus Kilpatrick's assassination.In addition to "The Theme of the Traitor and the Hero," he wrote a work centering on Baltasar, who heals a lamb before he is crucified by the three Gutres. That story, "The Gospel According to Mark," appeared in this man's collection Doctor Brodie's Report. Another collection by this man contains a story in which a group of idealists led by Herbert Ashe attempt to imagine a world into existence, as well as a namesake story in which German spy Yu Tsun kills a sinologist. FTP, name this author of Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius, The Garden of Forking Paths, and other Ficciones.
ANSWER: Jorge Luis Borges
7. In 1838, Claude Pouillet used this to set the lower bound for the surface temperature of the sun at 1800 degrees Celsius. This law assumed that Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics and the equipartition of energy apply at all temperatures. The Debye model replaces this law at lower temperatures, and this measure sets the dimensionlessheat capacity at three. Simply stated, this law finds a measure in joules per Kelvin per kilogram by taking three times the gas constant over the molar mass of the material. FTP, name this law that gives the specific heat capacity of a crystal due to lattice vibrations, named after two Frenchmen.
ANSWER: Dulong-Petitlaw (accept anything with both names)
8. Historian Mark Neely criticized this government's civil liberties regime, particularly its passports mandated for internal travel. Its first leader laid out the basis of this entity's government in the so-called "Cornerstone Speech," and its congress passed the pro-pirating Bounty Laws. McNeill's and Mosby's Rangers were the only paramilitary units formed as a result of its PartisanRanger Act. The Supreme Court case Texas v. White ruled that this entity'sfounding was illegal, and Judah Benjamin served as its first Attorney General. FTP, name this nation headed up by Jefferson Davis, the pro-slavery counterpart of the United States during the Civil War.
ANSWER: The Confederate Statesof America or CSA
9. This man was quoted as saying that some rape victims look like they are saying "do it to me," which causes male "black panthers" to attack them. His father served as Prime Minister in the late 1970s, introducing primary elections and caving to the demands of terrorists who hadhijackedFlight 472. This man was the longest-serving Chief Cabinet Secretary in his country's history, serving under such LDP Prime Ministers as Mori and Koizumi. FTP, name this man who ascended to office on September 26, replacing Shinzo Abe as the current Prime Minister of Japan.
ANSWER: Yakuo Fukuda
10. A subplot in this work sees one character disguise himself as Tom O' Bedlam in order to avoid the scheming of his half-brother. Another character claims that "truth's a dog must to kennel" and constantly addresses the title character as "nuncle." One figure who claims "As flies are to wanton boys, we are to the gods— / They kill us for their sport" disguises himself as Caius in this work, while another is told to "Smell his way to Dover" after the Duke of Cornwall plucks out his eyes. FTP, name this play which features Edgar, Edmund, the Earl of Kent, and the title figure's three daughters Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia, a work of William Shakespeare.
ANSWER: The Tragedy ofKing Lear
11.Louis Hammett did work with "super" ones, and developed a namesake function for measuring them, and George Olah won a Nobel prize for his work with a "magic" one. Liebig believed that these substances always contained hydrogen that could be replaced by a metal, and weak ones have a namesake dissociation constant. Arrhenius defined them as substances that increase hydronium ion concentration, while Bronsted and Lowry claimed that they were proton donors. FTP, name these low-pH substances contrasted with bases.
ANSWER: acids
12.This man fought as the head of the Uruguayan navy in the Guerra Grande, opposing Manuel Oribe, and he won victories at Cerro and Sant'Antonio. He was exiled from his home country after a failed Carbonari insurrection, and upon his return he battled Louis Napoleon and was exiled again. In his most successful campaign, he won the battle of Volturno against the Neapolitans before Cavour's Piedmontese army prevented him from marching on Rome. FTP, name this leader of the red shirts whose military victories helped unite Italy.
ANSWER: Guiseppi Garibaldi
13. This figure is associated with the muses because he created their fountain Hippocrene on Mount Helicon. Late in life, he aided Eos in bringing in the dawn and brought Zeus his thunderbolts. His offspring by Euippe include Celeris and Melanippe, and a single feather fell to the ground at Tarsus when he was made a constellation. Along with his brother Chrysaor, he was born of Medusa and Poseidon, and he was stung by a gadfly before he could reach the top of Mount Olympus. FTP, name this creature tamed by a golden bridle and rode by Bellerophon, a winged horse.
ANSWER: Pegasus
14. He described one of his first works as "falling down an elevator shaft and landing in a pool of mermaids." That work was published in Scanlan's Monthly, and was later republished in his collection The Great Shark Hunt. He ran for political office on the "Freak Power" ticket with a platform of renaming Aspen "Fat City." His article The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved inspired Bill Cardoso to coin the label for his genre. Another of his works stemmed from an assignment to write a 250-word caption for a photographic article of a motorcycle race. FTP, name this writer of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a "Gonzo" journalist.
ANSWER: Hunter StocktonThompson
15. In a poem reminiscent of a Longfellow work, he wrote of a "smithy's" "unpredictable fantail of sparks" in "The Forge." He details his reaction to his young brother dying in "Mid-Term Break," while he describes a pilgrimage to Lough Derg in Station Island. One of his poems contrasts a "squat pen" resting in his hands with the "spade sink[ing] into gravelly ground," and another of his poems contrasts Miss Walls's classroom explanation of animal mating with collecting frogspawn near a flax dam. FTP, name this author of "Digging," Death of a Naturalist, and a recent translation of Beowulf, an Irish poet.
ANSWER: Seamus Heaney
16. Edible members of this phylum include the pineapple roller, and the terms "oral" and "aboral" are used in lieu of traditional anterior and posterior nomenclature with these organisms. First arising in the Cambrian Explosion, Helicoplacus is generally regarded as the first member of this phylum to have evolved. The genusXyloplax is encompassed by this phylum's Pelmatazoa subdivision, while the Eleutherozoa subdivision contains class Holothuroidea. Other classes in this phylum include Ophiuroidea and Asteroidea. FTP, name this taxonomic phylum that contains sea cucumbers, sea urchins, and starfish.
ANSWER: echinodermata or echinoderms
17. He served as the first U.S. Minister to Sweden and he forwarded the Hutchinson Letters to friends with instructions not to publish them, which were disregarded. Several of his satirical pamphlets, includingRules By Which a GreatEmpire May Be Reduced to a Small One and An Edict by the King of Prussia, supported the American Revolution. An alter-ego of this man was fond of poking fun at hoop petticoats and Harvard, Silence Dogood, and he depicted the colonies as a segmented snake with the caption "Join, or die." FTP, name this American founding father who also invented bifocals and experimented with electricity.
ANSWER: Benjamin Franklin
18. He wrote a three-part work of essays containing histories of astronomy, ancient physics, and ancient logics and metaphysics. August Oncken noted a contradiction in this man's two major works that he dubbed this man's namesake "problem." His first major work was an extension of his mentor Francis Hutcheson's philosophy and broke moral systems down into nature and motive categories. In addition to The Theory of Moral Sentiments, he wrote a work that used an example of a pin factory to underscore the importance of the division of labor and posited a force by which self-interest benefitted the general good, the "invisible hand." FTP, name this author of The Wealth of Nations.
ANSWER: Adam Smith
19. An important naval battle in this conflict was won by Admiral George Rooke over Manuel de Velasco, Vigo Bay. In the leadup to this war, the First Partition Treaty supported Joseph Ferdinand's position, but he died of smallpox and the Second Partition Treaty was signed. This war's bloodiest battle was a clash between Marshal Villars and Eugene of Savoy at Malplaquet, and the Duke of Marlborough led the victory at Blenheim. FTP, name this war ended by the Treaty of Utrecht, that installed Philip V on the throne of an Iberian nation.
ANSWER: War of the Spanish Succession
20. One of this man's symphonies contains a 6:8 Andante con moto second movement in E-flat, and its third movement contains a Trio in G Minor. In addition to his Fifth Symphony in B-flat major, this man composed 34 sentimental and 12 Noble Waltzes. His lyric songs include one that ends "in his arms the child was dead," a setting of Der Erlkonig, as well as another that uses sixteenth notes to represent a foot treadle, Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel. FTP, name this Austrian composer of the "Tragic" symphony, whose eighth symphony in G-minor is known as his "Unfinished."
ANSWER: Franz Peter Schubert
21. Anne Curry argued that the victorious troops at this battle weren't as outnumbered as traditionally thought in her "New History" of this battle. Edward of Norwich and the Earl of Suffolk died at this battle, which saw the innovative use of palings. Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester was wounded in this battle, and his brother fought over him until he could be rescued. Constable Charles d'Albrecht led one side in this battle before he was killed by an arrow. This battle was fought in muddy conditions, leading the French knights to sink in, and the British were commanded by King Henry V. FTP, name this 1415 British victory in the Hundred Years' War.
ANSWER: the Battle of Agincourt
22. A star known as Gliese 710 might pass through this area sometime in the next 10 million years. An object called 2000 CR-105 is believed to be located in this area, and was discovered in 2000 at the Lowell Observatory. Another object believed to be in this area is a planetoid called Sedna. One theory holds that objects escape this area when a star named Nemesis, a brown dwarf that orbits the sun, passes through it. This area is theorized to extend nearly a quarter of the way to Alpha Centauri, and Ernst Opik's name is often appended to its name. FTP, name this region believed to be the source of long-period comets.
ANSWER: the Opik-Oort Cloud
TB. Octavio Paz translated a number of them into Spanish, publishing them as "Sendas de Oku." Regina Weinreich compiled a book of them by Jack Kerouac, and Richard Wright wrote a collection of them subtitled "This other world." Franny and Zooey contains one about a snail that climbed "slowly, slowly!" by Issa. Buson was a noted writer in this form, and works in this form include one about a whore and monk sleeping in the moonlight and another about a frog jumping into the old pond. FTP, name this 17-syllable poetic form popularized by Matsuo Basho.
ANSWER: haikus