Supply List for 2017-2018

Pre-K / Kindergarten / First Grade / Second Grade
2- boxes of facial tissues
1- container of hand sanitizer
1-composition book
1- roll of paper towels
2- package of napkins (for snack)
2- containers of cleaning wipes
1-box of band-aids
1 bag cough drops
1-change of clothes
I can of Lysol spray
Book bag
(rolling ones don't fit in cubbies)
Towel or small blanket
(mats will be provided to rest on) / 1- book bag – large enough to put a winter coat in and easy for your child to open (please no rolling backpacks, due to space)
2- large boxes of facial tissues
1- package of gallon size bagswith sliders
1- package of quart size bags with slider
6- packs of #2 wooden pencils
5- boxes of 24 count crayons
12- glue sticks
1- pair of scissors
1- pack of erasers Block or pencil top
1- pencil case (no pouches)
2- primary writing tablets (no spirals)
1- box of Lysol/Clorox wipes
2- packs of copy paper
1 pack- dry erase makers
1 set watercolor paint (8-12 color set)
2-large boxes of tissues
1 box band-aids
1 bag cough drops
1 set of earbuds / 24 - #2 pencils
(no personal or designer pencils)
4 - 24 pack of crayons
4-plastic pocket and prong folders
3-composition book (wide ruled)
2- reams of copy paper
4-hand held erasers
1-pair of scissors
6- large glue sticks (1.30 oz.)
1- package dry erase markers
1- bottle of hand soap
2 -bottle of hand sanitizer
2- boxes of tissue
1 box band aids
1 set of earbuds/headphones
1-pack gallon size bags
1-pack of quart size bags
1-box of pencil top erasers
2- containers of Clorox wipes
1- can of Lysol spray
Wish List: See your child’s individual teacher for a specific classroom wish list. / 12 glue sticks (Large 1.30 oz.)
1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue
24 Sharpened pencils
1 pencil case/box
5 boxes of 24 count crayons
6 composition notebooks (no spirals, wide ruled)
4 boxes of tissue
4 canisters of Clorox wipes
2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of Quart sized Ziplock baggies
1 box of Gallon sized Ziplock baggies
1 pack of colored pencils
1 package of highlighters
1 pack of pencil top erasers
1 pack of dry erase markers
1 set of earbuds/headphones
1 box of band-aids
1 bag of cough drops
$7.00 Specials fee
$5.00 Agenda fee
1 Great positive attitude ready and excited to learn!! We’re going to have a PHENOMENAL year together!
Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade / Reminders-
4- thick packages of White Notebook Paper
(no college ruled, please)
5- Packs of #2 pencils
(standard wooden pencils)
2 boxes – 24 count crayons
4- Boxes of Facial Tissue
6- Marble Composition Notebooks
1 pk 3 ring divider indexes
1- pkg. of Colored Wooden Pencils
2- zippered Pencil Holder- (no boxes)
6- packages Glue Sticks
4- highlighters (multi-colors)
1 pair child safety scissors
2 –pocket folders with fasteners
2-Waterless Hand Sanitizer
1-4 pack of Dry Erase Markers
2-Boxes of Baggies
(small zip lock and gallon size)
2- bottles of Hand Soap
2- pack of paper towels
2- Reams of Copy Paper
1- container of Clorox wipes
2 boxes band aids
1 bag cough drops
2 set of earbuds
Agenda (required)
Special Fee - $7 (for grade specific materials) / 5 - composition notebooks (wide ruled)
1 - 1” 3-ring binder
2 - packs of lined paper (wide ruled)
1 - pencil pouch
3 - packs of pencils (No mechanical pencils)
1 - hand held pencil sharpener
1 - box of 24 crayons
1 - set of colored pencils
1 - pair of student safety scissors
4 - glue sticks
2 - packages of dry erase markers (one pack of thin and one standard size)
1 - flash drive
1 - set of earbuds
2 - reams of white printer paper
3 - bottles of hand sanitizer
3 - boxes of facial tissue
1 - pack of Lysol wipes/disinfectant
1 - Lysol Spray
1 - box of Band-Aids
1 - box of quart size Ziploc style bags
3 - packs of paper towels / 6-composition notebooks
1- 5 subject notebook
4- thick packages of White Notebook Paper (no college ruled, please)
1-Pencil zip pouch (no boxes)
# 2 wooden pencils (no mechanical please)
1-box 24 crayons
1-box color pencils
1-pack (3) glue sticks
1-bottle glue
1-bottle hand sanitizer 12 oz.
2-packs sticky notes
2-dry erase markers (student use)
3- pocket/prong folders
2-boxes facial tissue
1 box band aids
1 bag cough drops
1-flash drive
1-hole reinforcers
Optional: pocket spelling dictionary
1 set of earbuds
REMINDER: A minimum of 5 project boards (3 Tri-Fold) will be required during the course of the school year. / Clinic Wish List
Sandwich or Snack Bags
Lysol Spray
Lysol or Clorox Wipes
Hand Sanitizer
Liquid Soap
Paper Towels
Cough Drops