Path 3207 Evidence-based Symposium (EBS)
20% of total mark for the session
  • Weeks 7 and 8
  • 12-minute (maximum) presentation, 8 minutes question time
  • Working in groups of 4
  • Randomly allocated a topic and assessing groups
  • Presentation will need to be supported by a literature review (Current publications, Text books, Medline, Cochrane Data Base, WWW via Alta Vista or Google etc)
  • Presentation style is at your discretion (eg Powerpoint, video, role play)


  • Marking will include peer-assessment component
  • Of the 20% total mark,

8% will be determined by a group that has been randomly selected to evaluate another group

12% will be determined by two academic staff on the basis of content, presentation and use of relevant literature to support the argument

Topics for Evidence based symposium

  1. Compression plating of lower limb fractures to enable early weight bearing is necessary to prevent complications. Discuss (9/9/04; 13:00-13:20hrs) Group 1
  2. Discuss the relative importance of genetic vs environmental factors for the development of rheumatoid arthritis in a Caucasian woman. (9/9/04; 13:20-13:40hrs) Group 9
  3. Discuss how obesity might lead to the development of osteoarthritis and why it is considered an important predisposing factor. (9/9/04; 13:40-14:00hrs) Group 2
  4. Discuss the risk versus benefit of hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of osteoporosis.Group 10(14/9/04; 12:00-12:20hrs)
  5. Discuss the indications for as well as the costs and benefits of total joint replacement.Group 3(14/9/04; 12:20-12:40hrs)
  6. Discuss the possible benefits and ethical issues regarding embryonic stem cell research in the treatment of severe spinal cord injuries.Group 11(14/9/04; 12:40-13:00hrs)
  7. The most important risk factor for the development of rickets in children is limited exposure to sunlight. Would you recommend oral supplementation of Vitamin D to children with dark skin color and those who use sunscreen? Group 4(16/9/04; 13:00-13:20hrs)
  8. Why are inhibitors of TNF- effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis but less effective in septic shock? Group 12(16/9/04; 13:20-13:40hrs)
  9. Genetics can predispose us to disease. Discuss the role of genetic factors in the onset of muscular dystrophies. Group 5(16/9/04; 13:40-14:00hrs)
  10. Discuss why a 20 year old person with Paget’s disease has a high risk of developing bone tumors?Group 13(17/9/04; 9:00-9:20hrs)
  11. CT scanning should be a first-line investigation in the investigation of a patient with initial presentation of back pain. Discuss.Group 6(17/9/04; 9:20-9:40hrs)
  12. Can exercise regimes help overcome some forms of myopathy? If so, discuss the evidence that exists in the literature for this. Group 14(17/9/04; 9:40-10:00hrs)
  13. What is the current scientific opinion regarding the aetiology of multiple sclerosis? Discuss the possible role of vitamin D in the development of multiple sclerosisGroup 8(17/9/04; 10:00-10:20hrs)
  14. A 17 year-old male presents to you with a squash ball sized osteosarcoma on his lower thigh. Discuss the problems the patient might be facing. Group 15(17/9/04; 10:20-10:40hrs)
  15. How convincing is the evidence that multiple myeloma is caused by a virus? Group 7(17/9/04; 10:40-11:00hrs)
  16. Muscle fibre ‘plasticity’ is a commonly used term. Can you explain this term and why it is a feature of muscle that can be manipulated to overcome myopathies caused by trauma or genetics. Group 16 (17/9/04; 11:00-11:20hrs)

Guidelines for Oral Presentation

Planning (what has to be done and who will do what)

  • Consider your audience (what do they know/need to know/ want to know?)
  • Research the topic well (evidence-based medicine studies)
  • Organize your information into intro (capture attention, state purpose, present outline), body (use signposts to present your main points), and conclusion
  • Visual media facilitates learning
  • Practice delivering

Peer Assessment isbased on the contents of the:

  • Introduction
  • Establishing importance of topic
  • Degree of originality
  • Body
  • Is the presentation clear?
  • Is the content interesting?
  • Were the audience engaged?
  • Does the evidence relate to the most important aspects of the topic?
  • Effective use of visual media
  • Conclusion
  • Effective conclusion

Marking Scheme for Peer Assessment (8%)

0 / 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2
Originality of presentation
Clear explanation of the most important aspects of topic
Evidence of inclusion of recent medical literature
Evidence of critical evaluation of the literature



Academic Assessment

  • Similar marking scheme to that suggested above
  • 2 academics will assess presentations

Marking Scheme for Academics (12%)

0 / 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2
Demonstrate an understanding of the topic and how it fits into the point of discussion
Demonstrate effective communication of the most important aspect of the topic
Demonstrate an ability to utilise the current medical literature to support argument
Evidence of critical evaluation of the literature
Ability to effectively discuss questions on the topic
Clear and justified conclusions



Path 3207 Groups for evidence based symposium
Groups / Surname / First name / Topic Number / Assessed by group
Group 1 / Slansky / Nicole / 1 / 8
Hossieny / Parastu
Chandra / Tanuja
Ali / Zeena
Group 2 / Tse / Brian Wan Chi / 3 / 9
Woon / Heng Giap
Yu / Ju
Group 3 / Au / Kimberley / 5 / 10
Chan / Jennifer
Jackson / Nellie
Rankmore / Sara
Group 4 / Fernando / Rajee / 10 / 11
Agyeman / Kojo
Lee / James
Deng / Lucy
Group 5 / Chan / Yu Bong / 9 / 12
Lam / William
Ho Hoi / Florence Yan
Chung / Yeung Yiu Kevin
Group 6 / Partlin / Kylie / 11 / 13
Sullivan / Vivian
Reeks / Phillip
Sorrell / Christopher
Group 7 / Lam / Kwan Hung Garritt / 15 / 14
Laemlukvorakul / Nattharat
Liw / Kwei Huan
Looi / Yvonne
Group 8 / Ansems / Gabbrielle / 13 / 15
Favero / John-Paul
Petterson / Maria
Carter / Nikki
Group 9 / Vos / Natalie / 2 / 16
McAlpine / Elise
Gelbart / Eve
Bourke / Rachel
Group 10 / Borbe / Brian / 4 / 1
Villanueva / Jeanette
Pearce / Andrea
Le / David
Group 11 / Simpson / Melissa / 6 / 2
Walker / Samantha
Siegle / Jessica
Hackenburg / Nerida
Group 12 / Saekang / Eilen / 8 / 3
Tecson / Margrethe
Demir / Tulin
Group 13 / Aurisch / Laura / 10 / 4
Rossotti / Susanna
Pena / Gisella
Kosic / Vera
Group 14 / Healey / Chris / 12 / 5
Wilson / Jessica
Tolerton / Sarah
Group 15 / Ordakji / Michel / 14 / 6
Matar / Joel
Wang / Yi-Tsu
Yazdani / Payam
Group 16 / Broadfoot / Anthea / 16 / 7
Moawad / Benjamin
Munshey / Aasheen
Norval / Emma


Path 3207 Timetable for Evidence based symposium

Date / Time / Location / Group / Topic
9/9/2004 / 13:00-13:20 / Path Theatre / 1 / 1. Compression plating of lower limb fractures to enable early weight bearing is necessary to prevent complications. Discuss.
9/9/2004 / 13:20-13:40 / Path Theatre / 9 / 2. Discuss the relative importance of genetic vs environmental factors for the development of rheumatoid arthritis in a Caucasian woman.
9/9/2004 / 13:40-14:00 / Path Theatre / 2 / 3. Discuss how obesity might lead to the development of osteoarthritis and why it is considered an important predisposing factor.
14/9/2004 / 12:00-12:20 / Path Theatre / 10 / 4. Discuss the risk versus benefit of hormone replacement therapy in the treatment of osteoporosis.
14/9/2004 / 12:20-12:40 / Path Theatre / 3 / 5.Discuss the indications for as well as the costs and benefits of total joint replacement.
14/9/2004 / 12:40-13:00 / Path Theatre / 11 / 6. Discuss the possible benefits and ethical issues regarding embryonic stem cell research in the treatment of severe spinal cord injuries.
16/9/2004 / 13:00-13:20 / Path Theatre / 4 / 7. The most important risk factor for the development of rickets in children is limited exposure to sunlight. Would you recommend oral supplementation of Vitamin D to children with dark skin color and those who use sunscreen?
16/9/2004 / 13:20-13:40 / Path Theatre / 12 / 8. Why are inhibitors of TNF- effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis but less effective in septic shock?
16/9/2004 / 13:40-14:00 / Path Theatre / 5 / 9. Genetics can predispose us to disease. Discuss the role of genetic factors in the onset of muscular dystrophies.
17/9/2004 / 09:00-09:20 / Path Theatre / 13 / 10. Discuss why a 20 year old person with Paget’s disease has a high risk of developing bone tumors?
17/9/2004 / 09:20-09:40 / Path Theatre / 6 / 11. CT scanning should be a first-line investigation in the investigation of a patient with initial presentation of back pain. Discuss.
17/9/2004 / 09:40-10:00 / Path Theatre / 14 / 12. Can exercise regimes help overcome some forms of myopathy? If so, discuss the evidence that exists in the literature for this.
17/9/2004 / 10:00-10:20 / Path Theatre / 8 / 13. What is the current scientific opinion regarding the aetiology of multiple sclerosis? Discuss the possible role of vitamin D in the development of multiple sclerosis.
17/9/2004 / 10:20-10:40 / Path Theatre / 15 / 14. A 17 year-old male presents to you with a squash ball sized osteosarcoma on his lower thigh. Discuss the problems the patient might be facing.
17/9/2004 / 10:40-11:00 / Path Theatre / 7 / 15. How convincing is the evidence that multiple myeloma is caused by a virus?
17/9/2004 / 11:00-11:20 / Path Theatre / 16 / 16. Muscle fibre ‘plasticity’ is a commonly used term. Can you explain this term and why it is a feature of muscle that can be manipulated to overcome myopathies caused by trauma or genetics.