Honors Chemistry2014-2015

Mrs. Cool Room 311

Course Description: Chemistry is the study of changes in the world around us. This course is designed to be an introductory honors chemistry course. This class will place equal importance on both the theory of Chemistry and the lab applications. We will cover topics such as: chemical and physical changes, atomic structure, chemical names and formulas, stoichiometry, periodicity, electronic structure, and pre-AP problems.

Materials Needed:

Chemistry, ZumdahlZumdahl, Brooks Cole, 8th Edition © 2010

Three ring binder (it is advised to keep papers after they are returned)

Scientific Calculator (graphing not required—NOT your phone)

Periodic table (recommended)

Goggles (if you want your own pair talk to me about ordering them)

Grading Policy:

Quarter Grades are as follows:


Lab Work 35% (participation and reports)

Problem Sets15%

Written Work 10%

Semester Grades are as follows:

Quarter 140%

Quarter 240%

Final Exam20%

Tardy Policy: Students must be in the room when the bell rings in order not to be considered tardy. If you are tardy expect to be sent to the office to check in.

Classroom Rules:

1.Be engaged in learning --No talking while the teacher or a fellow student is talking.

2. Respect others’ opinions and property.

3. Proceed to your seat immediately when the bell rings.

4.Be ethical--Do YOUR own best work.

5. No food or drinks other than water will be allowed.

6. All school rules apply. (No cell phones, no gum, dress code etc.)

Consequences: The teacher may choose from any or all of these consequences depending on the rule violated:

1. Warning

2. Room beautification

3. A “chat” (student/teacher meeting after class)

4. Detention (in office or with me)

5. Call to parents

6. Referral to office

* For severe cases, students may find themselves with severe consequences!

Safety: Since this is a laboratory class, students are expected to adhere to safety rules for their protection as well as the protection of others in the class. To help students to know what is expected of them in the laboratory, each student is expected to sign and date a safety contract. This contract will also need to be signed by a parent or guardian. No lab work will be completed by a student until this is signed, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Lab Reports: All lab reports will need to be typed in the proper format and submitted via Schoology.

Absences and Late Work: As a general rule, due dates are not negotiable. Due dates may be extended at the teacher’s discretion, but they will never be moved up without consultation of the students. If you have an excused absence on a due date, material is due when you return to school. It is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. I expect you to check Schoology to see what you missed! Individual arrangements may be made for students with prolonged absences; please see me. The teacher is under no obligation to accept work as on time if it is due on a day that you are unexcused.

All unexcused late work receives up to an immediate 50% grade reduction. No late work or make-up labs will be accepted after the unit assessment has been completed.

Absent work: Assignments will be listed on Powerschool/Schoology & extra worksheets and handouts will be located in the blue bins near the classroom door (and if possible linked online). Please feel free to pick up any handouts you may have missed (or see me at an appropriate time). If you miss a test, plan to make it up when you return. Tests must be made up within one week of the scheduled date.

How to Contact Me: The easiest and fastest way to contact me is through my school email at . (and maybe through Schoology). In addition, I will be available most days from 7:30am to 3:30 pm in my room, or office. It is best to make an appointment if you would like to meet with me, so that I can guarantee you my attention.

Remind101: If you wish, you may sign up to get text or email reminders from me through Remind 101. If you wish to do so, please follow the directions listed on my website.

Honors Chemistry Syllabus Verification

Mrs. Cool - 2014-2015

I, , hereby verify that I have read the syllabus for Honors Chemistry and that I agree to abide by the rules set forth regarding late work, test corrections, lab reports and grading scales.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

2014-2015 Safety Contract

Mrs. Cool

I, , hereby agree to obey the safety rules set forth by as stated in class and the written safety contract. I also understand that at any time the teacher may append or change these rules depending on the lab. I also agree to abide by these spoken instructions of the teacher.

Safety is an important part of the lab, and so I understand that if I habitually break safety rules, or perform unsafe or unauthorized experiments, I may be asked not to do lab work. In this case, an academic penalty may exist.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Sign and return no later than Tuesday, September 9, 2014.