Changes in Windows RetailLicense

InourcontinuedefforttosimplifythenumberofSKUs atretailandpreventcustomerconfusion,Microsoftmadesomechangesto Windows 8.1licensing that will continue in Windows 10:

1.ThefullversionFPP(fullypackagedproduct)isthesoleretailofferingintheretailchannel.Thisaddressesthegreatestnumberof consumerscenarios(upgradingfrompreviousversionsofWindows,installingWindowsonaMac,virtualmachine,orbuildingaPC fromscratch).

2.TheDIY(personaluserights)addendumisremovedfromCOEM (Commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer)product.MicrosoftwillcarrytheOEMEULAonlyand COEM product continues to be for exclusive use by System Builders, which is the product’s historicalintention.

3.Windows COEM product has a single EULA.


COEM / Full VersionFPP
For preinstall on a new PC only (systembuilder) / Can be used to upgrade an existing PC with WindowsOS
Bound to the hardware in which it is installed(non-transferable) / Can be used for clean install scenarios on existing or new hardware (i.e.DIYer)
System Builder provides support (No Microsoftsupport) / Can be used for legalization given the Fulllicense
With the nature of the product above it will continue to be pricedlower thanFPP / Can be transferred to new hardware, if removed from the priorPC (transferrable)
Comes with full Microsoftsupport

Windows 10 System BuilderLicense


  • System Builder product may only be used to preinstall as the operating system on a PC you build to sell to an enduser.
  • System Builder product may not be used as an upgrade license to an existing underlying Windows operatingsystem.

With the Windows 10 System Builder product,you:

  • Can do only clean installs for new PCs (noupgrades).
  • Will not be able to keep settings, files, or user preferences as it is a cleaninstall.
  • Should not display on retail shelf as there’s no retailpackaging.
  • Mustprovidesupportforenduserswhopurchasethisproductpreinstalledonyoursystems;theywillnotbeabletogetcustomer support from Microsoft directly.
  • Can downgrade (seebelow)

Windows 10 DowngradeRights

The following OEM versions of Windows software are eligible for downgrade rights.

Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7
Windows 10 Pro includes downgrade rights to:
  • Window 8.1 Pro
  • Windows 7 Professional
/ Windows 8.1 Pro includes downgrade rights to:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows Vista Business
/ Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate include downgrade rights to:
  • Windows Vista Business and Windows Vista Ultimate.
  • Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, or Windows XP x64 Edition.
Note Other OEM Windows 7 versions (for example, Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Home Premium) do not include downgrade rights.

Please note: downgrade rights are only available for so long as Microsoft provides support for that earlier version as set forth in