Web Page Design


Mr. Burkhart

Sheridan High School

Class Objectives(from itWORKS.OHIO: Information Technology Career Field Technical Content Standards, 2005-2006)

  • Competency 1.16: Demonstrate basic knowledge of the Internet
  • Competency 1.19: Demonstrate knowledge of Web page basics
  • Competency 6.3: Use integrated development environment to build a program
  • Competency 6.4: Debug programs
  • Competency 9.1: Demonstrate knowledge of HTML fundamentals
  • Competency 10.1: Create a basic HTML document
  • Competency 10.2: Demonstrate knowledge of graphics and multimedia
  • Competency 10.3: Link Web documents
  • Competency 36.6: Combine media elements to produce an interactive multimedia project
  • Competency 38.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge of technical art skills (traditional and electronic)
  • Competency 38.2: Demonstrate knowledge of design principles
  • Competency 38.3: Demonstrate design skills
  • Competency 38.4: Demonstrate knowledge of available graphics software applications
  • Competency 38.7: Integrate knowledge of typography
  • Competency 43.1: Demonstrate knowledge of usability and interface design
  • Competency 43.2: Demonstrate knowledge of Web programming basics
  • Competency 43.3: Explain basic Web programming
  • Competency 43.4: Apply knowledge of Web hosting
  • Competency 43.4: Create/maintain a static Web site
  • Competency 43.6: Demonstrate how to format page layout
  • Competency 43.7: Demonstrate how to add video and audio to a Web page
  • Competency 43.8: Demonstrate how to link documents


A majority of the class time will be spent working on computers. Students are expected to treat the computer equipment with utmost care. No food, candy, drinks, etc. are permitted in this room because of the dangers it poses to the equipment. Students are expected to remain on task at all times while using the computer. Students caught using inappropriate programs for the task at hand or using the computer for any other reason than completing an assigned task will forfeit their use of the equipment and possibly face dismissal from the class.

Disks, CD’s or other computer equipment should not be brought into the classroom for use except when permitted by the teacher. At the beginning of each mod, you should take a thorough check of your area to make sure that the equipment is in working order. You must report any problems or disturbances to your station immediately to the instructor.

The Internet is to be used only with the permission of the instructor. Acceptable use and the Internet Safety Policy of Northern Local Schools must always be followed when using the Internet. Never give your password to another student.

Behavioral Expectations

Students are expected to be in their assigned seats when the bell rings. All classroom materials will be provide to students using the school’s Moodle system. Students will be given a Moodle username and password at the beginning of the semester. Moodle can be accessed at school or at home. Students must follow all the rules outlined in the student agenda regarding classroom behavior. Above all, Be Respectful. Treat on another and the teacher with respect. You should expect this back in return. Violations of classroom policy will be handled according to the school district policy.


Final grades will be calculated based on total points accumulated for that quarter. Points will come from daily assignments, final assessments and other in class activities. Students will be forewarned of any test or assessment in advance. The absence policy of Sheridan High School will apply to this course. If you are absent on a test day, a make-up text will be given upon your return. If you are absent, you will be responsible for getting your assignment from the instructor and completing it. If computers are needed to complete the assignment, talk with the instructor to see when they are available. Attendance is very important because we “build” on the knowledge and skills learned each day.


Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated. Any person found to be using another’s work for his or her own benefit will be held accountable for these actions according to the school policy, in addition to possibly not receiving credit for the assignment or course. This includes both written and computer assignments. Both parties may be responsible for the infraction.

Tentative Course Outline

Module / Topic / Approximate Class Sessions / CSTA Level 2 Objectives and Outlines Covered
1 / The History and Future of the Web / 5 / Topic 3: Basic Components of Computer Networks
2 / XHTML Basics / 10 / Topic 11: Programming Languages;
Topic 12 Web Page Design and Development
3 / Designing for Communication / 10 / Topic 9: Ethical Issues
4 / Working with Images / 15 / Topic 13: Multimedia;
Topic 14: Applications
5 / Beyond the Basics / 10 / Topic 12 Web Page Design and Development;
Topic 14: Applications
6 / The Design Process / 15 / Topic 12 Web Page Design and Development
7 / The Production Process / 15 / Topic 12 Web Page Design and Development
8 / Web Publishing and Maintenance / 10 / Topic 12 Web Page Design and Development

Web Page Design


Mr. Burkhart

Sheridan High School

I understand the course requirements for Web Page Design, as stated in this course syllabus and agree to abide by those requirements.

Printed Student Name______Mod ______

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______

Parent email address______

Last updated November 5, 2018