MKTG 422




Syllabus : Fall 2003


Talha Harcar, Ph.D.

Office: 114 GCB (General Classrooms Building)

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 9.00-11.00 am. and 3.00pm – 4.00 p.m. or by appointment

Phone: (724)-773-3892

E-mail :

WEB Site:

CLASS SCHEDULE : Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 4:00 pm – 5:00pm

PREREQUISITES : CMPSC 203; MATH 18, 021, 110 or 140


Advertising and Sales Promotion Principles, the title of this course, summarizes the content of the course. The course objective is to provide a solid foundation of the principles of advertising and sales promotion. Will explore the entire integrated marketing communications field including the role of IMC in marketing, and development the integrated marketing communications program as well as objectives and budgeting, monitoring evaluation and control of IMC activities.


·  Text: Text: ADVERTISING and PROMOTION George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch Sixth Edition, Irwin-McGraw-Hill.


Generally, class periods will open with a Quiz of 10 multiple choice questions on chapter content and terms. Instructor will give a lecture for each chapter followed by class discussion. Student will be called upon discussion of topics identified in the chapter and end of chapter questions. The latter part of the period will be a project discussion, video tape discussions and company presentation session.


Students in this course are expected to spend a minimum of one hour preparation for each hour of class time. This time is to be used to read the assigned text material, work the assigned class projects, and to read newspapers, magazines, and professional literature to find examples of the use of advertising and sales promotion. Students will be expected to have read the assigned material for class and actively participate in the discussions. Attendance is expected and unexcused absences will reflect in your grade. The instructor reserves the right to drop a student after the three excused absences have been used.


The purpose of the IMC comprehensive project is to have each student develop an integrated marketing communications plan as they proceed through the course. You will prepare an Integrated Communication Plan for Penn State Beaver Campus. First you will be given a brief on all aspect of your project by the Dan Pinchot director of Penn State Beaver. After the briefing, you will start to create an integrated marketing communications (IMC) program for the client Penn State Beaver Campus.

The project covers all phases of an IMC program. A number of helpful how to work sheets as well as real, current data on promotion costs and practices will guide your work. Each student will act as a member of advertising agency to promote Penn State Beaver. Students can update their plan as each chapter and topic area is covered. By the end of the course each group should have a detailed notebook containing the plan that will turned for evaluation. You should also plan for a 30 minutes oral presentation and allow 5-10 minutes for questions and discussions. Every week each group should turn in a progress report for IMC projects. (Please see Time Table for IMC Project).

Detailed project assignments will be post on the course website and some project samples will be available at the library.


We will be using Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Front Page for the computer projects. You can access to these programs through the computers in the computer lab. You will need to be certified as proficient in the Windows environment. If you are not, enquire at the lab. There will be two computer assignments during the semester. These will consist of developing a brochure and an individual web page.


There will be two mid-term exams and NO final examination. Midterm exams will take up one class period (approximately 50 minutes). No alternate time will be offered for any of the scheduled exams. No make-up exams will be given unless pre approved by the Instructor. Make-up exams are more rigorous, are graded to a higher standard than the original exam, and do not offer bonus points or additional credits of any kind. Failure to take an exam will result in a grade of zero for that exam.


I expect to give quizzes occasionally to provide students with feedback in terms of their understanding of the material. Quizzes will be closed-book and will cover the present chapters. Quizzes are given at the beginning of classes.


These activities encourage classroom discussion and involvement and add an experimental component to the education process. Everyone is required to involve in class activities. These activities will not be announced and will be practiced in the class. ONLY those students attending the class may have credits for in class activities. THERE IS NO MAKEUP for in class activities.


I encourage all of you to participate in class lectures and discussions, to raise questions concerning the understanding of lectures. Participation will be 10% of your final grade. I will credit your attendance grade according to my general impression of your participation.

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Students with Disabilities: "The Pennsylvania State University is committed to providing access to a quality education for all students, including those with documented disabilities. If a student has a disability and wants to request an accommodation for a course, it is the responsibility of the student to first obtain a University accommodation letter confirming the disability and suggesting appropriate remedies. This letter can be obtained from the Penn State Office for Disability services or the campus Disability Contact Liaisons. The contact person at Penn State Beaver is Barb McDanels in the Administration Building. It is encouraged that students request their accommodation need early in the semester, and once identified, a reasonable accommodation will be implemented in a timely manner. Students may also access the web site for the Office of Disability Services at University Park: If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability (physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.), have emergency medical information to share, or a need for special arrangements in case the building may be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office location and hours are noted above.

Academic Integrity: All students are expected to act with civility, personal integrity; respect other students' dignity, rights and property; and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their own efforts. An environment of academic integrity is requisite to respect for self and others and a civil community. There is nothing wrong with students working together in studying for tests, discussing computer assignments, etc. In fact, I highly encourage students to work together. Plagiarism in any form, however, is academic misconduct. This includes copying of entire assignments, or portions of assignments written by someone else without citing appropriate references. Suspected academic misconduct, including plagiarism or violations of computer usage policies (stated below), will not be ignored but will be dealt with according to the procedures specified by the university . All students are expected to act with civility, personal integrity; respect other students' dignity, rights and property; and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their own efforts. An environment of academic integrity is requisite to respect for self and others and a civil community. Academic integrity includes a commitment to not engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty include cheating or copying, plagiarizing, submitting another persons' work as one's own, using Internet sources without citation, fabricating field data or citations, "ghosting" (taking or having another student take an exam), stealing examinations, tampering with the academic work of another student, facilitating other students' acts of academic dishonesty, etc. Students charged with a breach of academic integrity will receive due process and, if the charge is found valid, academic sanctions may range, depending on the severity of the offense, from F for the assignment to F for the course. The University’s statement on academic integrity is available at

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Computation of Course Grade
2 Tests 30 %
Project 30 %
Quizzes 20 %
Computer Projects 10 %
In Class Activities 10 %
TOTAL 100 %
Grading Policy
93%-100% A 77%-79.9% C+
90%-92.9% A- 70%-76.9% C
87%-89.9% B+ 60%-69.9% D
83%-86.9% B < 60% F
80%-82.9% B-

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September 3,5 / ·  Introduction Session and Review Syllabus
·  An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communication
·  Chapter 1: pages 9-23
September 8,10,11 / ·  Organizing for Advertising and Promotion: The Role of Ad Agencies and Marketing Communication Organization
·  Chapter 3: pages 66-97
September 15,17,18 / ·  Analyzing the Communication Process
·  Chapter 5: pages 136-158
·  History of Advertising (Video Presentation)
September 22,24,25 / ·  Source, Message, and Channel Factors
·  Chapter 6: pages 164-188
September 29, October 1,2 / ·  Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotional Program
·  Chapter 7: Probability Concepts pages 192-228
October 6,8,9 / ·  Creative Strategy: Planning and Development
·  Chapter 8: pages 234-255
October 13,15,16 / ·  Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation
·  Chapter 9: pages 264-292
October 20,22,23 / ·  Media Planning and Strategy
·  Chapter 10: pages 298-331
·  Test I (Chapter 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10)
October 27,29,30 / ·  Evaluation of Broadcast Media
·  Chapter 11: pages 348-385
·  Evaluation of Print Media
·  Chapter 12: pages 390-425
November 3,5,6 / ·  Development of a Brochure
November 10,12,13 / ·  Support Media
·  Chapter 13: pages 430-456
·  Direct Marketing
·  Chapter 14: pages 460-480
November 17,19,20 / ·  The Internet and Interactive Media
·  Chapter 15: pages 484-508
·  Web Page Development
November 24 / ·  Web Page Development
December 1,3,4 / ·  Sales Promotion
·  Chapter 16 pages 510-546
·  Public Relations, Publicity and Corporate Advertising
·  Chapter 17: pages 562-593
December 8 / ·  Test II : (Chapter 11,12,13,14,15,16,17)
December 10,11 / ·  Presentations
December 15-19 / ·  FINAL WEEK

(*) This schedule is subject to change with notice of the instructor. For further information check course calendar on the ANGEL

NOTES: This course syllabus provides a general plan for the course. The instructor reserves the right to make periodic changes to the syllabus; including: assignments, timetable, examinations and computer assignments, etc., in order to accommodate the needs of the class as a whole and fulfill the goals of the course.

Please Select an one of the Top Advertising Agency from Figure 3-6 on page 77. Write a brief about the services offered by this agency (as a group of companies) and key clients. Please submit your agency on Angel list before you select so no one select the same agency. If you need more agency name, search yahoo or any other serach engine on the net.

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