Marvin Jones Endowed Scholarship for Transfer Students
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must have a qualifying GPA and SAT or ACT Test score of:
ü 3.5 cumulative GPA at your current institution
ü 1300 SAT (Math and Reading portions only) or 29 ACT when using your best scores from each portion of the test/s
For this application to be considered, it must include the following items:
ü 2 letters of recommendation from professors at your current institution
ü high school and college transcripts (if the current semester is your first in college, please fax a transcript of your grades as soon as this semester is over, ATTN: Janet Veal, Marvin Jones Scholarship to 806.742.1805)
ü a list and brief explanation of organizations or activities you have been involved in while in college, with particular attention paid to elected offices or other leadership positions held in an organization
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Address (city/state/zip): _________________________________________________________
Student ID # ______________________________ Cumulative Transfer GPA: ______________
International or Out-of-State Student: ___yes___no E-mail address:______________________
Year/s at Current School: ___________ Major: _______________ Minor: ______________
Highest Verbal SAT score:__________ Highest Math SAT score: ___________
Highest ENGL ACT score: _______ MATH: _______ READ: ________ SCRS: _________
Proposed major at TTU, if known: _________________________________________________
I hereby permit the Texas Tech University Honors College to use information that will determine my eligibility for a Marvin Jones Endowed Scholarship.
_______________________________________________ _________________
Signed Date_____________
For Office Use Only
Elected offices held? _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Other examples of leadership displayed?_________________________________________________________________________________
Work? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Letter of rec. Subject: ______________ Strong ____ Fair ____ Weak _____
Letter of rec. Subject: ______________ Strong ____ Fair ____ Weak _____
The amount of the scholarship award is contingent upon funding. The scholarship deadline is March 1st for students entering TTU in the fall, and Nov. 15th for students entering TTU in the spring.