Spanish Conversation 3603 Fall 2008 T-TH 2:00 - 3:15



PHONE: (660)543-8608 e-mail:

OFFICE HOURS: TTH 9:15 - 11:00, 12:15 - 1:00, and by appointment.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Advanced Spanish Conversation. Emphasis in oral-aural practice in Spanish using cultural readings, and focusing on the four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. This class will be conducted entirely in Spanish. NO English allowed during class period.

COURSE TEXT: Blanco, García, Aparisi. Revista. 2nd Edition.Vista Higher Learning, 2007.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To challenge students in the use of the Spanish language and to develop fluency and cultural competence through writing, reading, listening comprehension, and oral communication.


* Students are responsible for reading each chapter and preparing assignments / compositions from the text before class. You will miss 50% of your participation for not preparing the homework before class! Why? Not exposing yourself with the Vocabulary and Readings will limit your comprehension & conversation skills for the topic covered on that day. No late assignments are accepted! No writing/No dictionaries during class! These are part of homework. Memorization of vocabulary and verbs per lesson is expected before class (20% deduction per class if not memorization is demonstrated)

* Students are expected to participate every day of class in small groups, individually, and with the whole class, using Spanish only and complete sentences. Using English or short answers in Spanish will affect your participation grade 1.23 point per class activity when English-short answer is used. Complete sentences in Spanish are expected all the time! Mistakes are welcome!

* Students will prepare three oral presentations (using power point) selecting a topic from a list posted on Bb to be presented in writing (typed & double spaced) and orally (no reading). Not external help is allowed (no translation programs, no peer help, not instructor help). If you get help you won=t be able to develop your speaking skills! Mistakes are welcome, and they are part of this learning experience, but you are expected to review the grammar and spelling of your presentation (on your own) before you turn it in. It is very easy to detect external help! Your every day presentation will show the areas of grammar and vocabulary that you need to improve. Perfection is not needed to succeed in this class. Students are expected to evaluate and participate in each student presentation (absences during presentations affects participation). Power point is expected as a guideline-visual presentation with few words and images or pictures. If power point is used with the purpose of reading or not making contact with audience, a low grade will be received!

* Students will contact native speakers through Skype. Part of your grade in this course will be based on five (5) online conversations via Skype with native speakers from a Hispanic country interested in practicing language skills. Our language lab is equipped with webcams and the software program, skype. Skype allows you to call anyone for free. You will need to create a skype username and password ( Start contacting people as soon as possible! It takes some time to find persons available at the same time that you could have a conversation. No excuses accepted for late conversations. You can also use the site to contact native speakers. Prepare 10 cultural questions in Spanish in advance based on the cultural topics that you will be reading in your textbook. After the conversation write a composition in Spanish based on the answers. The composition needs to be typed, double spaced, six paragraphs minimum. Turn in questions and compositions on the dates scheduled. (*Important: Never give out your password or other sensitive personal information. Please inform me of any conversation partners that cause you concern. You may disconnect or stop the conversation at any time with no penalty if you ever feel uncomfortable).


20% Participation during class activities in Spanish and following all the participation *variables during class.

21% 3 Oral exams - Written (typed-double spaced -20% deduction if not). Oral (no reading is allowed).

22% Assignments (no late homework accepted, if you are sick send the homework by e-mail on the due date)

10% Compositions (typed - double space - 10% deduction if not - minimum 6 paragraphs). Not external help!

05% Online activities

03% Internet information search.

05% Skype conversations with native speakers. Prepare 10 questions and after conversation write a composition.

14% Final Exam (entrevista oral individual), based on all the class interviews and cultural topics.


90 - 100: A 80 - 89: B 70 - 79: C 60 - 69: D 00 - 59: F



*Consistent attendance, participation , and homework are essential to acquire the skills needed to succeed in a Conversation class. Skipping many classes, not doing the homework, or attending without participating will lower your final grade. Each day participation is 3.7 (1.23 each, individual, pair, and whole group activities per class. Not bringing your homework to class will lower your participation 1.85 per class.

*Participation takes into consideration a number of *variables, including but not limited to *1) your use of Spanish in complete sentences, *2) your willingness to participate when providing oral answers from assignments, oral activities in small groups, and the whole class, *3) your cooperation in group and pair work, *4) you respect and attitude towards the class and your peers, *5) bringing your book and homework everyday to class. All the oral activities are expected in Spanish using complete sentences. Not doing the homework before class will limit your knowledge of the vocabulary, verbs, culture, and expressions related to the lesson assigned, and that will also result in a limitation of your conversation skills. If you are absent, you can replace up to three classes participation visiting one of the Spanish tutors hired by the Department of Modern Languages (bring your book and practice with the material covered in class, no less than 30 minutes per visit, and no later than a week after the absence. The tutors will sign a form with the date and the conversation minutes. No dictionaries needed during class. No conversation can happen with a dictionary on hand!

EXAM ABSENCES: Be sure to schedule your appointments so that they do not conflict with your course examinations and be sure to get valid / written documentation if medical/court emergency prevents you from taking an exam. If the excuse is accepted, a make up exam must be taken during the week following the regular exam week. Changes in the exams with not valid/written documentation will be penalized 10% per class missed.

EXAMS: There will be two (2) oral exams and a final exam (individual) interview based on the opinion questions covered in class during the semester. Exams will take place on the dates indicated on the syllabus. NO changes will be made to these dates, 20 % penalization per class for late exams.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the academic honesty policy as outlined in the UCM Student Handbook. Such occurrences may result in an F grade being given for the curse.

OFFICE OF ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: Students with documented disabilities who are seeking academic accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services, Union 220

EARLY ALERT: As part of the department of Modern Languages commitment to building a positive, student-centered learning community that supports the success of every student, the faculty member instructing this course participates in the UCM Early Alert Program.

IMPORTANT STUDENT WEBSITE: (This site lists all available support services and tutoring programs on campus).

(Ojo! Expresiones útiles para la clase:

)Cómo se dice...? )Qué es...? (Repita por favor! (Escriba por favor



The following schedule indicates dates for each chapter, homework, and exams. Because this is a conversation class it is important that you read the material and prepare the exercises before class. If you miss class you miss the opportunity for participation and homework. You will NOT be given the opportunity to make up work (homework, exams, participation, etc.) simply because you were not in class. No late assignments accepted!

6 Compositions (Creaciones). Follow the book instructions for the topic, minimum 5 paragraphs, typed, double spaced (20% deduction if not typed or double spaced). Not external help!

22 Homework: answer (write) all the personal questions and activities individually, (ignore the instructions of working with a partner or group) of the pages assigned per class day in the calendar.

18 Online activities from the book on the pages assigned: must be answered online and submitted (don=t write them again). *****Passcode & Instructions on the last page of this syllabus.

5 Internet search: Follow the instructions from the calendar.

Films: Can be watched online. Watch them as homework outside class.

Agosto 19 Introducción: Explicación de Syllabus

21 Lección 1 )Realidad o fantasía? Pags. 2-5

26 Leer pags. 6-7. Escribir Pag. 8-9. Submit Online pag.8-1. Internet: buscar fotos & infor. Valle de la Luna (Ver Filme:Viaje a Marte).

28 Ser y Estar pags. 10-11. Submit Online pag.11-1. Opinión. Pags. 16-18.

Septiembre 02 Tira cómica Pags. 26-27. Creación 1 (p.28). Pag. 29-1

04 Lección 2 Historias de dos. Pags. 30-33, submit online activities. Skype 1

09 Leer pags. 34-35. Mirar filme: Diez minutos online. Escribir pags. 36-37. Internet: comparar costo de un móvil en España y Estados Unidos.

11 Pretérito-Impefecto-Artículo. Pags. 38-44, submit online activities.

16 Obra de teatro. Escribir pags. 49-53, submit online activ. Creación 2 (p.56). Pag.57-1

18 Examen oral 1 (Presentación individual 10-12 minutos)

23 Examen oral 1 (Presentación individual 10-12 minutos)

25 Lección 3 Prohibido... Pags.58-61. Leer pags.62-63. Mirar Filme: Nada que perder. Pags.64-65. Submit online activities

30 Preposiciones-Entrevista. Pags. 66-72. Submit online activities from pages assigned. Skype 2

Octubre 02 Cuento pags. 78-83, submit online activities. Creación 3 (p.86). Pag. 87-1

07 Lección 4 Poder, quiero...Pags. 88-91. Leer 92-93. Internet: buscar información Sanguineti & Ley de Caducidad 1989. Mirar Filme: El ojo en la nuca. Escribir pags. 94-95.

09 Subjuntivo-Opinión. Pags. 98-101. Submit online activities. Skype 3

14 Experiencias pags.102-106. Creación 4 (p.114). Pag.115-1. Submit online avtivities.

16 Lección 5 El laboratorio de...Pags. 116-119. Submit online activities.

21 Internet: buscar en periódicos hispanos, salario empleada doméstica en Argentina- situación económica del país. Leer pags. 120-121. Mirar Filme: Un día con ... Escribir pags. 122-23. Submit online activities.

23 Examen oral 2 (Presentación individual 10-12 minutos)

28 Examen oral 2 (Presentación individual 10-12 minutos)

30 Subjuntivo II -124-125. Artículo pags. 130-134. Submit online activities. Skype 4

Noviembre 04 Cuento-Tira comíca. Pags. 135-141. Creación 5 (p.142). Pag.143-1. Submit online activities.

06 Lección 6 Modos de vivir. Pags. 144-149. Internet: buscar información/fotos Caguas, Puerto Rico Mirar Filme: Bajo la sombrilla. Escribir pags. 150- 51. Submit online activities.

11 Oraciones con SI - Experiencias. Pags. 152-15. Submit online activities.

13 Opinión-Microcuento. Pags. 158-167. Submit online activities. Skype 5

18 Tira cómica Pags. 168-169. Creación 6 (p.170). Pag.171-1

20 Examen oral 3 (Presentación individual 10-12 minutos)

Diciembre 02 Examen oral 3 (Presentación individual 10-12 minutos) 04 Actividad gramatical

11 EXAMEN FINAL ORAL 2:00-4:00

***** How to set up your REVISTA Supersite account and enroll in your Instructor's course


So that you can see your assignments and due dates, receive important announcements, and communicate

with your Instructor and classmates, you will need to set up an account on the REVISTA Supersite, and then

enroll as a registered student in your Instructor's course.


1.  Go to the Student Registration page (the link will open in a new window). Go to:

2.  On the "Already have an account?" screen, follow the on-screen instructions. Select the choice that best applies, then click continue to move to the next step.

3.  On the "Login information" screen, follow the on-screen instructions. You will be asked to either:

o  Enter a username and password if you already have an existing account. Click Verify after entering the requested information. Once you receive a boxed, red confirmation message that the information you entered is valid, click Continue to move to the next step.

o  Or enter a username and email address if you do not have an account or are not sure. Click Search after entering the requested information. Once you receive a boxed, red confirmation that the information you entered or chose is valid, click Continue to move to the next step.

4.  On the "Instructor or student" screen, select the choice that best applies to you, then click Continue to move to the next step.

5.  On the "Enter your passcode" screen, follow the on-screen instructions. Note that you can redeem passcodes for different sections of the Supersite. Be sure to read the on-screen instructions carefully. After entering your passcode(s) and clicking Redeem, wait for a boxed, red confirmation that the passcode(s) is valid. After the confirmation message appears, click Continue to move to the next step.

6.  On the "Confirm information" screen, you need to review your account information and enter your personal information. When done, click Continue to move to the next step.

7.  On the "School Region" screen, find your school by selecting Colleges/Universities in Missouri.

8.  On the "School Name" screen, select University of Central Missouri from the list of schools.

9.  From the list of available courses on the "Course information" screen, select Span 3603 Fall 08 taught by instructor Delores Mercado, from Aug 19, 2008 to Dec 05, 2008 and the section labeled: "Section 1".

10.  You are now at the "Complete" screen. Click the Print link to print a copy of your account information for future reference.