Manfest 4
Primary Strategic Objectives
Hive Spire Defense Cannon
-The Cannon has an Armor Value of 14 and is Impassable.
-Range: 24”-Unlimited, S: D, Barrage(Apocalyptic Blast), Always Scatters unless a Hit
Firing the Cannon:
You must have at least one model from a unit not engaged in CC in base contact with the control panel to operate the Cannon. Cannon is a Strategic Objective that is secured when a unit is able to operate it.
The Spire:
Spire walls are considered Battlements and are indestructible. No vehicles, cavalry, bikes or units with base sizes larger then 40mm are allowed on the spire. Units may move up or down one level of the spire per turn as long as there is enough space for the entire unit to do so. This comprises the full movement for the unit for that turn. The unit may then run or charge as normal. Units may not split between more then one level. Units may only charge enemy units that are on the same level.
-Spire AA Guns, S7, AP4, Twin Linked, Skyfire, Interceptor
Spire AA guns are manual fire weapons and may be fired by a member of a unit in base-to-base with them at the end of any movement phase using the firer’s BS. These are not considered objectives.
Control Tower
-The Control Tower has an Armor Value of 14
-While a unit is in control of the Tower, all allied aircraft that enter Strategic Reserves may return to play with full Hull Points and armament.
You must have at least one model from a unit not engaged in CC in base contact with the control panel to operate the Tower. The Tower is a Strategic Objective that is secured when a unit is able to operate it.
Data Archivium
-The Archivium has an Armor Value of 14 and is Impassable.
- While a unit is in control of the Archivium, at the start of their player turn the controlling General may repair up to two Hull Points each on D3 allied vehicles. These vehicles may be any currently on the table.
You must have at least one model from a unit not engaged in CC in base contact with the control panel to operate the Archivium. The Archivium is a Strategic Objective that is secured when a unit is able to operate it.
Disruptor Beacon
-The Disruptor Beacon has an armor value of 14
-While a unit is in control of the Disruptor Beacon, Roll a D6 for any enemy units arriving by Deep Strike within 48” of the Beacon. On a roll of 4+ the player controlling the Beacon may choose a new entry point for the unit. The new point must be a valid Deep Strike position and may not be in impassable terrain.
You must have at least one model from a unit not engaged in CC in base contact with the control panel to operate the Disruptor Beacon. The Disruptor Beacon is a Strategic Objective that is secured when a unit is able to operate it.
-The Teleportarium has an Armor Value of 14.
-While a unit is in control of the Teleportarium, at the start of their player turn the controlling General may remove any single allied unit (non-superheavy) from the table and have it perform an immediate deep strike. This deep strike does not scatter but the controlling player must roll 2D6. If doubles are rolled a Deep Strike Mishap has occurred, roll on the mishap table. If a unit is unable to fully deploy for any reason, roll on the mishap table.
You must have at least one model from a unit not engaged in CC in base contact with the control panel to operate the Teleportarium. The Teleportarium is a Strategic Objective that is secured when a unit is able to operate it.
-The VoxTower has an Armor Value of 14
-While a unit is in control of the VoxTower, at the start of their player turn the controlling General may select up to 3 allied units. Roll a D6 for each unit selected in this way. On a 3+ the General has inspired his men to glory! The unit has the Zealot and Feel No Pain(6+) special rules until the start of the next turn.
You must have at least one model from a unit not engaged in CC in base contact with the control panel to operate the Tower. The Tower is a Strategic Objective that is secured when a unit is able to operate it.
Munitorium Supply Depot
-The Munitorium Supply Depot has an armor value of 14
-While a unit is in control of the Munitorium Supply Depot, the controlling side’s General gets reinforcements at the start of their turn. This asset may be used to bring back any single completely destroyed unit on the General’s side. Treat the unit as a standard reserves unit. The unit selected may not be a superheavy, gargantuan creature, formation or Warlord.
Secondary Player Objectives
Archeotech Artifacts (Mysterious Objectives p205)
-16 objectives placed before deployment.
-Placing Objectives – Opposing generals roll off before deployment. Winner places the first objective then each side takes turns placing remaining objectives. Objectives may not be within 12” of another Archeotech Artifact or within 6” of a table edge.
-Archeotech Artifacts follow the rules for Mysterious Objectives on page 205 of the main rule book. They are not Strategic Objectives and are only worth 1VP per turn it is held. Artifacts are held by having at least one scoring unit and no enemy denial units within 6” of the objective. Units engaged in close combat, immobilized vehicles and Superheavies may not claim objectives.
Killing an enemy Warlord is worth 1VP. Players may not kill their own side’s Warlords to claim victory points. Any Warlord accidentally killed will award the opposing side a point.
Stopping a Finest Hour
See page 27 of the Apocalypse rulebook.
Super Heavies
Destroying an enemy Super Heavy/Gargantuan Creature is worth 1VP
Apocalypse Rules Clarifications:
All armies on a side are considered Allies of Convenience. If you think something should effect all units on a side or should be sharable amongst units on a side bring it up with the judges and we’ll rule on it.
After teams are determined, each side will elect a General for the game.
Psychic Phase:
When rolling for Warp Charges, roll separately for each physical table. Psykers only have access to the Warp Charges available to the table they are on. Psychic abilities may only be targeted at units on the same table as the psyker attempting to cast them.
Official Breaks:
Official breaks will take place at the end of every even numbered game turn.
Scoring Strategic Victory Points:
Victory points are tallied at the end of each game turn and are added to each side’s Victory Points Pool.
-Primary Objectives are each worth a number of Victory Points equivalent to the current game turn. (IE: 1 point turn 1, 2 points turn 2, etc)
-Secondary Objectives are worth one Victory Point per game turn.
Spending Strategic Victory Points:
Players may spend Strategic Victory Points as described on page 23 of the Apocalypse rule book with the following exception. Only Generals may use Strategic Reinforcements but they may use it to bring back any legal unit on their side. This may only be used once per turn and does not count towards the General’s one point per turn spending limit.
Using Divine Intervention:
A side may only use one Divine Intervention per turn. The Intervention only effects the armies it applies to but effects all applicable armies on the side. Each player may only use the Intervention that applies to their army and may only use it once.
Example: If there are 4 Imperial, 2 Chaos, 1 Ork and 1 Tau players on a side that side has that many of each Intervention available. Once the Ork Intervention is used then no more Ork Interventions are available for that side. If an Imperial player calls on the Emperor then all Imperial forces on the side benefit but not the non-Imperial forces.
Using Finest Hour:
Each Warlord may declare their Finest Hour as normal. There is no limit to the number of Warlords who may do this per turn. Exemplar Table effects apply to all allied units within range when the roll is made. Note: This means some effects may overlap the same unit, apply all results cumulatively. If a Marine or Chaos Marine player elects to use a Sons of the Primarch bonus instead of an Exemplar table the effect only applies to units from the same Primarch.
Unnatural Disasters:
These rules will not be used for this year’s Manfest.