School Council Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Agenda Item / Details/Decision /
General Meeting - 6:25 pm
1.  Welcome & Introductions / ·  Please be sure to sign in (requirement) and include email if new to a meeting.
·  Everyone is welcome to stay for both parts of meeting and there are still some positions available on council. As of Sept 2016 the council bylaws formalize the roles of the members.
·  2 chairs and 2 vice-chairs are very accessible and very open and inclusive
2.  Principal’s Report – Paula Dodick / ·  Heading toward half way mark of 1st term. Progress reports are now postponed until resolution
·  Grade 8 – extra teacher allocation given and now have flexibility to use the teacher in grade 5 and grade 8. Breaking up grade 8 classes wasn’t preferable and this allows grade 8 to have some small group core instruction in grades 5, 8
·  Empathy – chosen be a part of Roots of Empathy program to bring a baby into the classroom twice a month. Themes and development are charted. Shelly Mediratta will come to Ms. Wing Yee’s class. This creates a positive, warm and loving experience for mom and baby and this is part of character education (starts this Monday)
·  Students in grade 8 -- postpone grade 8-9 transition evening. . Grade 9 open houses that our community tends to visit will be published in the Falcon.
Stacey: Thank you to Paula for mini meeting on Health curriculum – it was well received
3.  Chair’s Report – By-Laws
-Stacey / Movie night on October 15 – Thanks to movie committee (indoor because of inclement weather),
A good turnout and hotdogs and Menchies were sold
Yonge-Eglinton project: Look at Shelley Laskin’s report…
·  Stacey and Paula have attended 2 meetings with ward 11. FHPS will not be as affected as other schools in the area. The school is at 99% capacity on paper but well above 100% in reality. The board team presented their ideas and from the city and team needed to come up with practical ideas on dealing with over enrollment. Davisville will be rebuilt; Oriole may be K-5…
·  The main changes at FH and how it may be impacted: We were supposed to have 2 extended French and now will only have 1 extended French grade 4 class.
·  We won’t take Oriole Park kids- those kids will now go to Hodgson -cohort will be 2-3 fewer students at FH.
·  The path for extended French -- it will continue until grade 8 now instead of transitioning in grade 6
·  Some classes will need to be retrofit and there is a DT and woodshop in basement, which may be used. Computer lab is at risk because we have roving labs so this isn’t a huge problem
Bylaws: Goal to be transparent and inclusive
·  Opened in Nest for parent comments
·  Form in the office next year if people want to run for council and candidate will be invited to share information about themselves
·  The goal is to have up to 25 council members but if there are not enough people then can be less (this will be finalized tonight for this 2015-2016 year)
·  Nominations should be taken by a parent who is not on parent council (unbiased to be transparent…)
·  Quorum is 51% and so 13 votes are needed to vote
·  $350 for snack set aside but this can be put up to $400
·  Sub-committee meetings – one-week notice posted in the Nest to alert people.
Ambassador program: (2/class) show responsibility and leadership in the school– helping with pizza, helping in office and subway lunch and movie night, fun fair... to be good role models
4.  Treasurer’s Report / Financials - Laura Smith / ·  Teachers should be encouraged to ask for money to spend on students and classes
·  8-1 and 8-2 class has graduated students come in to help students and use this for volunteer hours in high school.
Executive Meeting - 7:10 pm
1.  Meeting Dates / ·  Tuesdays seem to be a preferred meeting date
November 24, 2015
No December meeting
January 12, 2016
February 23, 2016
April 5, 2016
May 10, 2016
June 7, 2016
2.  Parent reaching out grant / ·  Approved $1000 –embrace mental health and awareness
·  Parents must be involved in this program - Richard recommended ADHD speaker from Sick Kids who is a colleague of (Dr. Patak) and he can also talk about behavior disorder, depression, anxiety etc.
·  Cedarville asked if they can partner with us but first priority is to FHPS community
3.  Sac initiative / ·  Mini meeting- next topic was to be P/T interviews but this will be put off
·  QSP – Elif will update but reminder that people can continue to order throughout the year
·  Terry Fox – will continue and look at more initiative for 2016. The senior and junior were different
·  Book Fair- this week and parents are needed for support with helping out at fair – it will be opening for after school
·  Luncheon for Staff appreciation needs to be chosen in December and later in June at the end of the year for amazing staff
·  Jump Rope for Heart – in the spring time
·  Spring Fair – June 1 and will begin planning early
·  Book Drive of different level needed for donation.
·  Mid November Wish List Campaign – ask for parents to donate money (over $25 gets tax receipts) and used to find large scale items – computers hardware, instruments, sports equipment… and teachers are able to submit their wish for their classes to see if this will be funded (now have 5 roving computer carts).
Parents are welcome to email Council if they have a wish for the class/school
·  Workplaces who have United Way can donate this way
·  Goal is $15 000 and average over the last few years is $22 000-23 000 and we are very proud of this campaign
4.  Staff Appreciation lunches / Dates proposed in December:
Thursday December 10
Elda will contact anyone on this committee and will help organize this lunch
Invite Ashley and Sandra (super) and Shelley Laskin (Trustee), Sandra and Kathleen (Admin assistant, Shelley Mediratta and baby Maya
Cortney passed and Elissa seconded
5.  QSP Elif / Parents need to be reminded that they can still order magazines and Elif suggested that a French magazine could be ordered for the class for kids to take home
Kids didn’t get bears but received a pen and different awards for high numbers of sales but fewer incentives. Now there is a pick-a-prize system as the past system was a cost and took away money from the fundraising for school. The classes who ordered most - Madame Pride and Ms. Hartrick won for most sales
Thanks to Elif and Vania for hard work
Stacey suggested to remind parents for mothers day, valentines day…
Perhaps new fundraising endeavors will be looked into (cookies, credit card…)
6.  Project Give back
Paula / Ms. Guthrie’s grade 4 extended French with Mr. Levine’s class and Ms. Mendelson’s gifted
Teacher facilitators come in to work with kids for finding an organization that is meaningful and the kids to an Oral and written research component to learn and have fun. To develop awareness of those with needs in the larger community and world.
7.  Joseph Ward Update / ·  Area has different challenges than other areas so parents need to speak out to have a voice.
·  Minimal impact at FHPS at this stage except for extended French future cuts
·  Money given for Davisville PS so this will help other pressures in other schools who are in desperate need of retrofitting etc.
·  Model School –“million dollars schools”- in high-risk areas (not for capital costs). FHPS is NOT a model school
·  Meetings are about making learning and school life better for all students and the Ward
8.  Movie Night
- Cortney / ·  Successful evening just passed – Menchies and Fancy Franks were
·  Start time of movie at 7:00 and food will be sold beginning at 6:00
·  Email Cortney or Rania with suggestions that are age appropriate and rotate one geared to younger and one geared to older
·  Last night was free but often it is $2.00
9.  Book Fair Heba / Letter sent out and dates are Oct 28, 29, 30
9:00-4:00 and classes will come beginning at 9:15
·  Thanks to all volunteers and anyone who wishes to come in that is welcome
2 contests with 2 prizes each (4 winners total).
Activities for excitement – ‘Golden ticket’ for juniors
For older kids – a ticket will be placed in a locker and class will be rewarded with Menchies
·  A reading corner will be set up to read as they are choosing books
·  Cookie and morning coffee for parents visiting and parents can come and mingle with the librarian for 1 hour to use his expertise
·  Wish list from last year – teachers can place an order for their classes and a parent can buy the book for the class
·  Surprise – come with parents and kids together
·  Classes will attend but kids can go at recess
·  All class will be able to visit as a group this year
·  Photo booth related to a monster theme and kids and parents can take pics in the booth
Librarian, Frances Ngo will use money to purchase new books for the library and he should give a report to know what he spent money on
Get an extra 10% on total for having the fair in October
10.  Lunch Offerings / Up and running – Pizza and sub lunch and Menchies
·  Paperless lunch orders is the goal
11.  Additional Items
12.  –Stacey/Rania / ·  Kiss and Go status Quo (Robyn)
·  Lost and Found: Marina offered to do and this is started to pile up. Pictures will be posted of lost items before they items are donate --south building should be included as well
·  Clothes could possibly be shown during movie night and perhaps the labeled items should be returned
·  Gift card fundraiser – perhaps in the future
13.  PIAC Update
- Rania / ·  Committee of parents and meetings are open to attend
·  PIAC is organizing a parent conference at Earl Haig and can register online for “Unlocking Your Child’s Full Potential” on November 14, 2015
·  Rania will suggest some of the information from PIAC to be online or info in the office.
14.  Funding Request / 1.  Tanya Hollins requested $479 for leveled readers for her combined grades 2/3 class. SAC suggested $479 and additional fees and shipping. Heather forwarded the motion and Michael seconded