Bosham Parish Council
Tel: 01243 576464 4th January 2018
Date and time of meeting: / Wednesday 10th January 2018 at 6.45pmVenue: / The Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground, Walton Lane
Members of the
Planning Committee: / Mr A Chapman, Mrs J Copsey, Mr J Dean, Mr J Fulford, Mr J Holloway, Mrs G Powell and Mr C Whitmore Jones
Members are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE
to transact the business detailed below:-
Members of the Public and Press are welcome and encouraged to attend
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest by Councillors on any of the agenda items below.
3. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held 20th December 2017 (previously issued)
4. To consider responses to Planning Applications which have been submitted to Chichester District Council and to delegate to the Parish Clerk to respond to each application in accordance with the Parish Council’s resolution.
Note: Before the Committee considers individual applications; the Chairman of the Planning Committee may invite Members of the Public present at the meeting if they wish to address the Committee with their views on any of the applications listed on the agenda.
4.1 / 17/03536/ELD Mrs S Wells, Fletchers Barn Old Park Lane Bosham PO18 8EY - Certificate of lawfulness to confirm works to implement planning permission for change of use of the building to tourist accommodation and associated works approved under reference BO/12/03032/COU have commenced.4.2 / 17/03465/FUL Thesis Technology, Unit S17 Brooks Green Farm Brooks Lane Bosham PO18 8JX - Proposed detached commercial unit at Brooks Green Farm as extension to existing commercial use (B1.) Variation of condition 2 from planning permission BO/10/04927/FUL, amendments to plans.
4.3 / 17/03529/FUL Mrs Rachel Hodgson, Smugglers Haul Smugglers Lane Bosham Chichester - Replacement dwelling and associated works.
4.4 / 17/03533/DOM Mr & Mrs Graham Firman, Little Creed Cottage 3 Green Lane Bosham PO18 8NT - Replacement of existing summer house with new hobbies/ store outbuilding.
5. To note decisions confirmed by Chichester District Council
5.1 / 17/01800/FUL Mr & Mrs Mark and Susie Upton-Brown, The Oaks Main Road Bosham PO18 8PH - Retention and use of existing bungalow as holiday accommodation.PERMIT WITH S106
5.2 / 17/02694/FUL Mr & Mrs Manzoni, The Garden House Bosham Lane Bosham PO18 8HG - Demolition of dwelling and construction of 1 no. dwelling and associated works.
5.3 / 17/02946/DOM Mr & Mrs Reeves, The Saltings Shore Road Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8QL - Proposed conversion of office/garage to annexe with extension to provide garden/boat store.
5.4 / 17/03050/DOM Mr & Mrs M Toms, Willoughby House Taylors Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8EP - Single storey garden room.
5.5 / 17/02056/DOM Mr Mark Stanton, Mallards Windmill Field Bosham PO18 8LH - Replacement boat store with habitable accommodation above.
5.6 / 17/03154/DOM Mr & Mrs Carruthers, Kirk House Green Lane Bosham PO18 8NT - Single storey rear extension, gable end to rear, timber cladding of first floor walls and enlargment of rooflight on south elevation.
6. Enforcement Action/Appeals
7. Major Local Development
8. CDC planning Committee meeting
9. To note the date of the next planning meeting
Signed: Lisa Roberts
Lisa Roberts - Clerk to the Council
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Bosham Parish Council, The Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground, Walton Lane, Bosham, PO18 8QF
Tel: 01243 576464 E-mail: