Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Bhadohi Industrial Development Authority (BIDA)
Bhadohi, Sant Ravidas Nagar (U.P.)
Tel : 05414-224593, Website-
Notice inviting Tender
For Establishment of CFC for Carpet Backing
Bhadohi Industrial Development Authority (BIDA), created by U.P. Government intends to commission a Common Facility Centre (CFC) for Carpet Backing under the Cluster Development Scheme of GOI at Carpet City Bhadohi, with a capacity of 6 lac square meters per year. The carpet backing system comprising of polymer sheets and carpet backing machine have been conceptualized, patented, trademarked by Indian Institute of Carpet Technology (IICT) Bhadohi.
Sealed tenders are invited from manufactures/ Authorized dealers / contractors to supply, install and commission Carpet Backing machine developed by I.I.C.T Bhadohi and other equipments on as per item wise and detailed specification available in the website The interested eligible bidders are expected to submit technical and financial bids separately on the prescribed formats available at the website and office of BIDA in sealed cover duly super-scribed, along with cost of Tender@Rs. 7500/- for Part-A and @5000/- for Part-B+4% VAT and EMD@2% of the offer separately by demand draft/FDR pledged in favour of C.E.O. BIDA in the office of BIDA, Bhadohi on or before 20-08-2012 upto 5:00 p.m.
The Tenders will be opened before the purchase committee authorized or headed by Principal Secretary of U.P. Small Scale Industries & Export Promotion on the date to be informed separately.
Purchase committee will be the final authority for accepting or rejecting the Tender without assigning any reason and its decision will be final.
(R.A. Yadav)
I/C Executive Engineer
Information relating to Delivery, Validity Period, License, Capacity, Registration
Reference N0.Date
TenderingFirm / Manufacturer / Authorised Dealer / Contractor
Name of Firm
Fax No.
Chief Executive Officer,
BIDA, Bhadohi
- I/we hereby tender for the supply & commission of items ______as per the TENDER DOCUMENTS, at the Schedule of Rates quoted by me in the Financial offer in accordance with the Tender Notice & conditions.
- I/We have gone through all the Tender Conditions and Instructions and should this tender be accepted. I/We agree to abide and fulfill all terms and conditions referred in this Tender.
- I/We pay/have paid the required Tender Fee.
Details of Tender Fee Rs. ______Rupees (in words) ______By way of ______dated ______issued by ______in favour of CEO, BIDA Bhadohi payable at Bhadohi.
- I/We agree to pay the Advance Security Deposit (As per tender Condition)
Security ______and which will be/is paid/enclosed as set out in the Tender
Notice ______
I/We hereby agree to deliver the items to the place of destination, as per the following schedule;
Sl. No. / Name of Item / Quantity (nos) / Delivery Schedule- If a Sole Selling Agent/Distributor :- I/We shall ensure despatch of items direct from factory premises of our Principal to the purchaser (Indentor), if so required and spelt out in the Tender Notice.
- (a) I/We accept/don’t accept the validity period of our offer, as per this T.E.
(b) If validity period, as per T.E. is not acceptable, then the validity period of our offer is :
- Applicable License (s) :
Sl. No. / Name of License / Number / Date(s) of validity
From / to
- Production Capacity-Quantity and Value (Q&V): ______
Capacity available for this tender –Q&V : ______
- Numbers relating to Registration, Taxation :
Sl. No. / Category / Number / Date(s) of validity
From / to
(a) / Registered with #
(b) / Central Sales Tax Registration
(c) / Trade Tax Registration
(d) / Firm’s Income Tax-Permanent Account
(e) / Firm’s Central Excise Control Code
- Details of previous supply of similar items.
Sl. No. / Item / Indenting orgnisation / No.
- I/We authorize Mr. ______, who signs as ______. He shall be attending the Tender Events on our be-half. His Designation : ______: Address: ______
(Note :- Please strike off. which ever is/are not applicable.)
- Any other information of document to be submitted as per tender conditions please mention :-
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Proprietor/partner(s)/Director/
Managing Director/Constituted Attorney
with Rubber seal of the firm
Place ……………………….Name …………….……………….
Date ………………………..Desgination ……………………….
Establishment of CFC for Carpet Backing
Reference No.Date
From -
TenderingFirm / Manufacturer / Authorised Dealter / Contractor
Name of Firm
Fax No.
Chief Executive Officer,
BIDA, Bhadohi
I/We hereby submit the financial offer attached herewith.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Proprietor/partner(s)/Director/
Managing Director/Constituted Attorney
with Rubber seal of the firm
Detail Specification & BOQ
Work Completion period from date of work order will be 06 months
S.No. / Description / Qty. / Rate / Amount
1 / Supply of Carpet Backing Machine of size 9’ x 12’ with following specification:-
- Work plate size – 9’-8” x 12’-8”
- Floor size – 11’ x 14’
- Hydraulic power required in H.P – 15 HP
- Hydraulic cylinder size – 100mm
- Maximum pressure of Plate – 80 Ton
- Maximum temperature of Plate’s – 200 (deg.) C
- Heating mode – Thermo Fluid
- Number of Plate – One
- Maximum opening of one Plate Machine/ Strock/ Daylight – 300mm
- Number of cylinders – 10 Nos.
- Pressing roller H.P required – 3 H.P.
- Total power required – 18 H.P.
- Voltage – 415 Volt 3 Phase 50Hz + 10%
2 / Supply of Carpet Backing Machine of size 8’ x 5’ with following specification:-
- Work plate size – 8’-8” x 5’-8”
- Floor size – 10’ x 7’
- Hydraulic power required in H.P – 7.5 HP
- Hydraulic cylinder size – 80mm
- Maximum pressure of Plate – 60 Ton
- Maximum temperature of Plate’s – 200 (deg.) C
- Heating mode – Thermo Fluid
- Number of Plate – One
- Maximum opening of one Plate Machine/ Strock/ Daylight – 300mm
- Number of cylinders – 6 Nos.
- Pressing roller H.P required – 2 H.P.
- Total power required – 9.5 H.P.
- Voltage – 415 Volt 3 Phase 50Hz + 10%
3 / Supply of Carpet Backing Machine of size 6’ x 3’ with following specification:-
- Work plate size – 6’-8” x 3’-8”
- Floor size – 9’ x 5’
- Hydraulic power required in H.P – 5 HP
- Hydraulic cylinder size – 65 mm
- Maximum pressure of Plate – 60 Ton
- Maximum temperature of Plate’s – 200 (deg.) C
- Heating mode – Thermo Fluid
- Number of Plate – One
- Maximum opening of one Plate Machine/ Strock/ Daylight – 300mm
- Number of cylinders – 4 Nos.
- Pressing roller H.P required – 1.5 H.P.
- Total power required – 6.5 H.P.
- Voltage – 415 Volt 3 Phase 50Hz + 10%
4 / Supply of Carpet Backing Machine of size 2’ x 3’ with following specification:-
- Work plate size – 2’-8” x 3’-8”
- Floor size – 3’ x 4’
- Hydraulic power required in H.P – 3 HP
- Hydraulic cylinder size – 50 mm
- Maximum pressure of Plate – 40 Ton
- Maximum temperature of Plate’s – 200 (deg.) C
- Heating mode – Thermo Fluid
- Number of Platen – One
- Maximum opening of one Plate Machine/ Strock/ Daylight – 300mm
- Number of cylinders – 2 Nos.
- Pressing roller H.P required – 1 H.P.
- Total power required – 4 H.P.
- Voltage – 415 Volt 3 Phase 50Hz + 10%
Detail Specification & BOQ
S.No. / Description / Qty. / Rate / Amount
Equipment Handling storage and placing in position by Mechanical device:
Providing fork lift of capacity 1.5 Ton of approved manufacturer i.e. L&T, Godrej, etc with following specification:
- Lift shall be battery operated
- Battery charger
- 3hrs battery backup
- Lift unto 2mt.
- Boom length 1.2 mt
- Lesser probability for accidents
- Accidental run way on the slopes is prevented
- Battery discharge indicator with LIFT LOCK OUT
- Electric solenoid valve controlled Lift & Lowering functions
- Integrated gear box & traction motor, high performance – Hydraulic pump motor
- Tandem load rollers
- Emergency switch
- Superior mast design – to reduce deflections at maximum lift heights
6 / Framing & Rolling system as per approved design:
Providing frame made out of 2”x 2”x ¼” M.S. Angle duly welded at corners including ¼ mm thick M.S. Plate for strengthening having 1” M.S.Pipe of 16 gauge with 2 ball bearing at the ends fixed with M.S. Frame at every 3” – 4” c/c as per the width of the frame
Frame sizes:
Frame M1 – 9’x 12’ / 19 No.
Frame M2 - 6’x 9’ / 20 No.
Frame M3– 8’x 5’ / 20 No.
Frame M4– 6’x 3’ / 20 No.
Frame M5 -2’x 3’ / 20 No.
Providing mild steel trolley of size (L- 3’-0” x W- 5’-0” x H- 3’-0”) made with 2”Ø M.S. Pipe or 2” x 2” square tube with 16 gauge wall thickness & two side railing with 1”Ø M.S. Pipe duly welded with frame work. Base of trolley is of M.S.Chequered plate 3mm thick with edge rounded welded to bottom with 4 nos. of castor with double wheel to stand 400 kg of weight each wheel of Raxsol make or equivalent with yellow & black Harring bone synthetic enamel paint including handle, etc. / 10 No.
7 / Equipment for testing of raw material and finished goods of reputed manufacturer –
- Polymer sheet test kit* - 1 No.
- IR oven – 1 No.
- Balance (500 g Mettler make)-1 No.
- Balance (50 kg Avery Make)-1 N0.
- Tuft withdrawl Tessometer (WIRA make) – 2 No.
- Universal Tensile Testing Machine
(SDL make) – 1 No.
- Digital Thickness Gauge (WRONZ make) – 1 No.
- Compressibility Tester (SDL make) -1 N0.
* To include arrangement for purity, specific gravity, melting behavior (Melt flow index, Tg etc), Mass, thickness testing etc. / one job
8 / Modern Loom of Approved design confirming to cross Bar Horizontal Loom as per attached diagram –
Width 9’ – 5 No.
Width 5’ – 5 No. / one job
Signature of Proprietor/Partner(s)/Director/
Managing Director/Constituted Attorney
With Rubber seal of the firm
Terms & Condition
- The Bidder should ensure engagement of qualified and experienced engineers/ technicians who are well versed with the job of fabrication, furnace erection, Installation of machine, electrification, instrumentation & pipeline laying in a glass plant etc.
- The bidder should specifically mention standard specification & other details of materials/ machinery & equipment to be installed or erected in all respect.
- The bidder should specify the line sketch of the furnace and indicate refractory to be used at various locations of the furnace .The fuel efficiency i.e. Fuel /Glass rod ratio may be indicated specifically’
- The Bidder shall have qualified project management team of professional to handle such project in a time bound period.
- The Bidder shall have all logistics for handing machines and equipments at site.
- The Bidder shall have sound financial backing through their banker.
- The Bidder/ Contractor shall have to submit three envelopes containing earnest money, technical bid and financial bid. It should be super subscribed in Capital & bold letters on each respective envelop. Financial bid will be opened in the last only for those bidders who qualify in technical bid.
- The bidders must have Vat registration & PAN No of Income Tax.
- 2% earnest money should be deposit of tender cost.
Specical condition
Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Bhadohi Industrial Development Authority (BIDA)
Bhadohi, Sant Ravidas Nagar (U.P.)
Tel : 05414-224593, Website-
Notice inviting Tender
For Establishment of CFC for Carpet Backing
Bhadohi Industrial Development Authority (BIDA), created by U.P. Government intends to commission a Common Facility Centre (CFC) for Carpet Backing under the Cluster Development Scheme of GOI at Carpet City Bhadohi, with a capacity of 6 lac square meters per year. The carpet backing system comprising of polymer sheets and carpet backing machine have been conceptualized, patented, trademarked by Indian Institute of Carpet Technology (IICT) Bhadohi.
Sealed tenders are invited from manufactures/ Authorized dealers / contractors to supply, install and commission Carpet Backing machine developed by I.I.C.T Bhadohi and other equipments on as per item wise and detailed specification available in the website The interested eligible bidders are expected to submit technical and financial bids separately on the prescribed formats available at the website and office of BIDA in sealed cover duly super-scribed, along with cost of Tender@Rs. 7500/- for Part-A and @5000/- for Part-B+4% VAT and EMD@2% of the offer separately by demand draft/FDR pledged in favour of C.E.O. BIDA in the office of BIDA, Bhadohi on or before 20-08-2012 upto 5:00 p.m.
The Tenders will be opened before the purchase committee authorized or headed by Principal Secretary of U.P. Small Scale Industries & Export Promotion on the date to be informed separately.
Purchase committee will be the final authority for accepting or rejecting the Tender without assigning any reason and its decision will be final.
(R.A. Yadav)
I/C Executive Engineer
Information relating to Delivery, Validity Period, License, Capacity, Registration
Reference N0.Date
TenderingFirm / Manufacturer / Authorised Dealer / Contractor
Name of Firm
Fax No.
Chief Executive Officer,
BIDA, Bhadohi
- /we hereby tender for the supply & commission of items ______as per the TENDER DOCUMENTS, at the Schedule of Rates quoted by me in the Financial offer in accordance with the Tender Notice & conditions.
- /We have gone through all the Tender Conditions and Instructions and should this tender be accepted. I/We agree to abide and fulfill all terms and conditions referred in this Tender.
- I/We pay/have paid the required Tender Fee.
Details of Tender Fee Rs. ______Rupees (in words) ______By way of ______dated ______issued by ______in favour of CEO, BIDA Bhadohi payable at Bhadohi.
- I/We agree to pay the Advance Security Deposit (As per tender Condition)
Security ______and which will be/is paid/enclosed as set out in the Tender
Notice ______
I/We hereby agree to deliver the items to the place of destination, as per the following schedule;
Sl. No. / Name of Item / Quantity (nos) / Delivery Schedule- If a Sole Selling Agent/Distributor :- I/We shall ensure despatch of items direct from factory premises of our Principal to the purchaser (Indentor), if so required and spelt out in the Tender Notice.
- (a) I/We accept/don’t accept the validity period of our offer, as per this T.E.
(b) If validity period, as per T.E. is not acceptable, then the validity period of our offer is :
- Applicable License (s) :
Sl. No. / Name of License / Number / Date(s) of validity
From / to
- Production Capacity-Quantity and Value (Q&V): ______
Capacity available for this tender –Q&V : ______
- Numbers relating to Registration, Taxation :
Sl. No. / Category / Number / Date(s) of validity
From / to
(a) / Registered with #
(b) / Central Sales Tax Registration
(c) / Trade Tax Registration
(d) / Firm’s Income Tax-Permanent Account
(e) / Firm’s Central Excise Control Code
- Details of previous supply of similar items.
Sl. No. / Item / Indenting orgnisation / No.
- I/We authorize Mr. ______, who signs as ______. He shall be attending the Tender Events on our be-half. His Designation : ______: Address: ______
(Note :- Please strike off. which ever is/are not applicable.)
- Any other information of document to be submitted as per tender conditions please mention :-
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Proprietor/partner(s)/Director/
Managing Director/Constituted Attorney
with Rubber seal of the firm
Place ……………………….Name …………….……………….
Date ………………………..Desgination ……………………….
Establishment of CFC for Carpet Backing
Reference No.Date
From -
TenderingFirm / Manufacturer / Authorised Dealter / Contractor
Name of Firm
Fax No.
Chief Executive Officer,
BIDA, Bhadohi
I/We hereby submit the financial offer attached herewith.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Proprietor/partner(s)/Director/
Managing Director/Constituted Attorney
with Rubber seal of the firm
Detail Specification & BOQ
Work Completion period from date of work order will be 06 months
S.No. / Description / Qty. / Rate / Amount
1 / Installation / commissioning and Electrification for all machine:
Providing armored cable of different sizes as per recommendation of the manufacturers of machine & equipments shall be provided with copper cable tray, brackets including thumble, connection, earthing, starters (if any) upto the machine as per the layout.
Machine 9’x12’ 4 core 10 mm / 45 rmt
Machine 9’x6 4 core 10 mm / 55 rmt
Machine 5’x8’ 4 core 6 mm / 60 rmt
Machine 6’x3’ 4 core 4 mm / 70 rmt
Machine 2’x3’ 4 core 4 mm / 75 rmt
2 / Thermics Boiler 4L of reputed manufacturer
Supply, installation & fixing of Thermic fluid heater, Heat output 4 Lac Kcal/Hr, maximum temperature 280°C, Fuel - Rice husk (100%). The following specification & material shall be the part of the thermic fluid heater:
- Radiant Coil (Boiler Tube – BS 3059)
- Convective Coils (Boiler Tube – BS 3059) with shell
- MS Furnace structure, fire bars & ash doors etc.
- Screw feeder with VFD & Pneumatic spreader assembly
- Refractory bricks, cement etc. for furnace with labour.
- Insulation & cladding material for main unit, APH with labour
- MS Ducting (Flue) from thermopac up to ID fan, MS Ducting (Air) from FD Fan to furnace
- Top up cum charging tank
- Air pre-heater with rotary air lock valve
- Dust collector with rotary air lock valve
- Thermic fluid pump motor, base frame, coupling
- Diesel Engine Drive (Rocket/ Field Marshal) for pump
- ID fan with motorwith expansion joints at Inlet & Outlet
- FD fan with motor
- Expansion & Deareator tank
- Electrical control panel incorporating MCCB for all motors, sequence controller
- Safety package with switches, pressure gauges etc.
- Instruments, control & safeties as follows:
Outlet temp. indicator cum controller on TF outlet line
Return temp. indicator cum controller on TF outlet line
Stack temp. controller on flue gas outlet
Pressure indicator on pump outlet line
Pressure indicator on thermic fluid line
Thermic fluid level controller on Expansion Tank
Gauge glass & level indicator on Expansion line
Differential pressure switch to protect against low/ no flow of thermic fluid
Safety valve / 1 No.
3 / Air Compressor
Air cooled Reciprocating Air Compressor with 5 / 15HP motor for supplying air 10 to 12 cfm at 10kgs / cm2 with storage capacity of 400 liters including pneumatic press, various pnueumatic valves. / 1 No.
Detail Specification & BOQ
S. NO. / Description / Qty. / Rate / Amount4 (A) / 100 KVA SILENT D.G. SET
Supply & delivering at site, installing, testing & commissioning of 100 KVA capacity AMF control Silent Diesel generating set comprising of a suitable BHP vertical multi Cylinder oil engine with water cooled radiator equipped with fly wheel, fuel tank, electric starting equipment with battery and battery charger flexible coupled to an alternator capable of generating 75 KW at 0.8 P.F., 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 V, 4 wire A.C. supply, complete with base plate, pipes and fitting of exhaust pipes, residential type silencer, lubricating / 1 No.
Supply & delivering at site, installing, testing & commissioning of 100 KVA capacity AMF control Silent Diesel generating set comprising of a suitable BHP vertical multi Cylinder oil engine with water cooled radiator equipped with fly wheel, fuel tank, electric starting equipment with battery and battery charger flexible coupled to an alternator capable of generating 22 KW at 0.8 P.F., 3 phase 50 Hz, 415 V, 4 wire A.C. supply, complete with base plate, pipes and fitting of exhaust pipes, residential type silencer, lubricating / 1 No.