Sutton upon Derwent Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held on Monday 14 December 2015 at 7.30pm at Sutton upon Derwent Village Hall


Chairman: Elizabeth Rogers

Councillors: Hobman, Stephenson, Green & Hardcastle

Clerk: Mrs V Nicholson

Temporary Clerk: Yvonne Eggleston

Ward Cllr: Stephen Lane

3 parishioners were present

138/15. To record any Apologies for Absence

Cllrs Davis & Rees

139/15. To record any Register of Interests


140/15. To hear any matters raised by attending Parishioners with the consent of the Chairman (10 minutes maximum)


141/15 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting and release for publication if


a) November 2015 Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Stephenson, seconded by Cllr Green that the minutes be approved and signed in readiness for publication this was agreed by all - Action VLN

142/15 To discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting:

a) Neighbourhood Plan

It was agreed that it would be advantageous to progress the neighbourhood plan as soon as possible. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask Cllr Davis to suggest a time and date early in the New Year for a neighbourhood plan meeting. – Action VLN

b) Children’s playing field

- Lease

The Solicitors acting for The Crown Estates are chasing for a response. Cllr Green proposed that the Chairman should seek advice from Julian Pheby a solicitor who lives in the village and proceed to execute the Lease as soon as possible. This was seconded by Cllr Stephenson and agreed by all. – Action ERogers

- Maintenance

The Play Inspection Company will be inspecting the playing field during December.

- Grant funding

The Clerk reported that the Active Fit grant monies will be made available to us as soon as ERVAS issue a fit for purpose number to the Parish Council. The Clerk has supplied ERVAS with all they need and expects to receive this number very shortly.

c) Bank mandates

The Clerk updated the Council, the mandates for the community account and deposit account and the Charity account are now updated. The Clerk will now submit the mandate for the Playing field account to Lloyds Bank plc to add Cllr Stephenson to the mandate. – Action VLN

d) Update on public footpaths

- Extension from Village to Pylon Corner

Cllr Stephenson is still trying to obtain a quote from Ian Donaldson of ERYC for cutting the verges. – Action GS

The Clerk reported that she has contacted John Gill to ask him how he would feel about granting a permissive path on his land. He had responded to say that this would not be a viable solution because the land is too wet.

- The Bottoms

The Clerk reported that she had spoken with Lesley Whitehead of ERYC. She is searching the records held by ERYC for further details regarding the dissolution of this path back in the 1980’s. She will revert back to us when she has more news. In the meantime the Chairman suggested that any members of the public with an interest in this matter discuss it directly with the footpaths officer.

Cllrs Green and Stephenson will attend to re-erecting the fingerpost sign at Gravel Pit corner. – Action BG & GS

e) Defibrillators

Cllr Green is to speak to the village hall committee and discuss the possible options for purchasing a defibrillator. The Chairman suggested that the Parish Council may be able to consider being responsible for the ongoing maintenance cost of the equipment. – Action BG

143/15 Agenda items

a)  Village maintenance schedule

This was noted and updated, the road sweeper attended on 8 December however it was noted that the area from Church Bend to the Bridge was not attended to.

b)  Clerk’s maternity leave cover

Yvonne Eggleston was appointed as the temporary Clerk to cover the Clerk’s maternity leave cover. The Clerk shall arrange to handover to Yvonne after this meeting in readiness for her post to commence on 1 January 2016. – Action VLN

c)  Electronic working with planning service, purchase of laptop

The Parish Council is now in receipt of the projector and it was agreed that a laptop computer for use by the Clerk. Cllrs Hobman and Hardcastle have investigated the options and it was agreed that they would finalise the details and the laptop would be ordered by the end of the week. – Action KH & AH

Cllr Stephenson is to attend the training provided by ERYC for the projector and investigate the purchase of a screen for use with the projector. – Action GS

d)  State of repair of notice boards at Wynam Lane and Smallwood’s lane end

This will be discussed again in January when Cllr Rees has had chance to look at the notice boards – Action ERees

e)  Beacon Green maintenance - side gate and footpath

It was agreed that this matter should be discussed again in the spring. – Action YE

The bench needs powder coating, this matter should be discussed again in the spring.

– Action YE

Cllr Stephenson is checking the position regarding the responsibility to repair the tennis club path and this should be discussed again in February – Action YE

f)  Risk assessment for Beacon Green

Cllr Stephenson reported that this is a work in progress at present. – Action GS

g)  Road markings at Robin Hill/ Nurse Coopers corner

ERYC are looking at making improvements to the signage at this junction.

h)  Emergency Chest

All items for the chest have now been delivered and Cllr Green has catalogued and photographed them and marked them for security.

Cllr Green and the Chairman are to meet to update the emergency plan.

– Action BG & ERogers

Cllr Green is to check the stocks of grit salt. – Action BG

144/15 To note and approve the Monthly Financial Report for December 2015

The monthly financial report for December 2016 was tabled and passed round and the Chairman read out the figures. It was proposed that these be approved by Cllr Hardcastle and seconded by Cllr Stephenson and agreed by all.

145/15 To note and approve any Requests for Payment and any other requests for

payments received

a)  Mrs V L Nicholson £257.50 salary

It was proposed by Cllr Hobman and seconded by Cllr Hardcastle and agreed by all that this payment be made.

146/15 To note and process any Planning Matters

15/02721/PLF Mill House for erection of 2 storey extension to existing outbuildings to form garage with annexe above, alterations to existing garage/store and erection of first floor extension to allow use as games room/gym and erection of a timber play structure for Mr Andrew Ratcliffe

It was proposed by Cllr Stephenson that the Parish Council respond with a neutral response make the following comments:

There are concerns that proposals will increase intrusion in to overlooking neighbouring properties.

Proposed use of extensions for gym/ games room/ garage/ workshop might have noise nuisance implications for the neighbours

Increased surface water run off is a concern.

We have had reports that some of the work has already taken place.

This was seconded by Cllr Green and agreed by all.

147/15 To hear and note any correspondence matters

All correspondence with tabled and noted

It was agreed that the PC should renew the insurance with the proposed new bespoke policy they have suggested.

The Precept should be discussed at the January 2016 meeting.

148/15 To conduct any other business by consent of the Chairman


149/15 To fix the date and time of the next meeting

Monday 18 January 2015 at 7.30pm

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm