Product: Aquatic Safety Concepts LLC, WahoooSMS
Release Date: March 31, 2011
CJ Contacts: Carey Bates; Joan Thomas

Information Development Project Plan

The information development goal for the WahoooSMS product ( is to produce documentation that is accurate, complete, clear, concise, and on time, and which incorporates the industry-standard format, presentation, and structure for print and web-based information delivery systems in english. Language localization is beyond the scope of this plan.

This document specifies the following information about this project:

Project Scope

Documentation Audience and Purpose

Commercial Deliverables

Deliverable Descriptions

Software Tools

What’s Not Included

Contact List

Project Milestones



Edits and Reviews

Project Scope

CJ will provide:

  • Information Development Project Plan (initial)
  • Participation (remotely or on-site) at design meetings, if any
  • Bi-monthly status updates
  • Editing and review distribution
  • Deliverables as outlined in this document

Documentation Audience and Purpose

Deliverable / Audience / Purpose
Installation Manual / Facility maintenance personal or site operators of:
  • Public pools
  • Public & private lakes
  • Seaside?
  • Privately owned consumer pools?
/ Initially used to install the monitoring unit, and remote sensors.
Kept on file for parts and service reference.
User Guide / Lifeguards and other onsite monitoring personnel (site operators, staff managers, maintenance personnel) / As a reference for general public at any time. May also be used for training purposes.
Set-manual / Owner and facility maintenance personal or site operators. / Primary documentation set that comes with the WahoooSMS system. Includes:
  • Installation Manual
  • User Guide
  • Quick Reference Guide
  • Registration Card?
  • Product Survey Card?

Quick Reference Guide / Lifeguards and other onsite monitoring personnel (site operators, staff managers, maintenance personnel) / As a reference when first using the product and as a general reference after. May also be used for training purposes for lifeguards.
Recommend laminating this for pool/beach environment.
Help System /
  • General consumer – lifeguards
  • Facility maintenance personal or site operators
/ As a reference while using the product. The Help button in the product will be linked to the User Guide PDF or WebWorks5/Dynamic HTML linked help system. Embedded help is hard coded by the software engineer and reviewed by CJ.
Documentation for Individual Swim products? / Goggles/headband/lifeguard wrist band?

Commercial Deliverables

Deliverable / Responsible / Target Date / Estimated Page/Topic Count / Comments
(media or format)
To be determined
*NOTE: Quick Start is a subset of the User Guide.

Deliverable Descriptions

Installation Manual

One manual with chapters targeted for each audience or individual guides?

Will there be a general installation sheet for extra/replacement receiver parts?

Will this guide contain a product Registration Card and/or Product Survey Card or are they prepared separately for the set-manual only?

The Installation Manual serves as a reference manual after the initial installation is complete.

A standard Installation Manual contains:

  • Cover
  • Quick Start
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Parts List
  • Site Requirements (electrical, structural, layout)
  • Installation diagrams
  • Installation Instructions
  • Monitor Calibration
  • Replacement Parts
  • Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Index
  • Regulatory
  • Website & contact information
  • Legal block and warranty information
  • Document Part Number, revision history

User Guide; Quick Guides

The User Guide and help system will serve as a primary tool for users/owners of the WahoooSMS system. This reference will contain all procedures and essential information about day-to-day operation as well as any other pertinent information for the user.

The User Guide can include quick start and quick reference guide sections or they can be prepared separately. For a product such as WahoooSMS that is near water and maintained outside, lamination is suggested for the quick guides.

A standard user guide contains:

  • Cover
  • Quick Reference?
  • Quick Start
  • Table of Contents
  • Installation/Product Overview
  • Software Navigation
  • Software graphic user interface (GUI) descriptions
  • Troubleshooting (reset, calibration)
  • Index
  • Regulatory
  • Website & contact information
  • Legal block and warranty information
  • Document Part Number, revision history

Set Manual

This User Reference will be created using the following software:

The manual documentation set that comes with the WahoooSMS system may include documentation on CD/DVD or print materials:

  • Set Main Page
  • Installation Manual
  • User Guide
  • Quick Reference Guide (glossy poster or laminated page?)
  • Registration Card?
  • Product Survey Card?

If a CD/DVD is included, then include demo tutorials from website.

Help System

Help systems are typically accessible from the F1 key or a Help button as dictated by the software engineer.

An embedded help system will be created using the following:

  • Framemaker 7.1 to develop the source files
  • WWP to convert the files into a help project

TopicAlias markers for context sensitivity will be provided to the software engineer by CJ.

Training Materials

Training material (if desired) is sourced from the FrameMaker documentation, therefore source material must be as complete as possible before starting work on this type of material.

Software Tools

CJ will prepare all documentation content using Adobe FrameMaker 7.1 and generate output using Adobe Acrobat 7 to create an industry-standard portable document format (PDF) file. This file can be read by Windows and MAC PC owners using the free Adobe Reader software (downloadable free from and is typically a standard installation for most computers now).

For an embedded help system is requested instead of the single user guide PDF file, then a WebWorks5 or dynamic html system can be created using Quadralay’s ePublisher or WebWorks platform for the entire set of source documents or any subset of them.

What’s Not Included

  • CJ will work with the designated printing company to ensure our documents meet the standard requirements for quality and delivery.
  • Creation of brand style elements. We will work with the designated design firm, WEB SOLUTIONS, to procure the necessary approved graphics, color pallette, etc.

Contact List

The following resources are expected to be involved in this project:

CJ Resources

Carey Bates:203.241.7479,

Joan Thomas:203.300.2199,

Customer Contacts

Primary Contact:Dave Cutler, Co-Founder, Director of Product Development, Aquatic Safety Concepts LLC
203.685.0129, Redding, CT USA 888-HEY-WAHOOO

Jonathan Fenwick,
Lori O’Brien,

Chief Software EngineerJohn Dailey,
Kimchuk Inc.,
Vince Berluti,


Reviews are approved by the representatives listed below for each deliverable. The responsible individual may delegate all or part of the actual review to their direct reports. A sign off sheet will be provided. Periodic review meetings will be scheduled if required. For more information on Edits and Reviews, see page 5.

Deliverable / Reviewers
To be determined

Project Milestones

See the chart for a brief synopsis of project milestones.

Nov 2010 / Dec 2010 / Jan 2011 / Feb 2010 / Mar 2010
Preliminary Tasks
Guide Preparation
Help System

Preliminary Tasks:

 CJ Project Plan

 Researching, reading specs, attending planning meetings

 Gathering draft information and review / discuss release content

 Developing preliminary outlines for guides

User Guide. Installation Guide, Quick Reference Guide:

 Preliminary Draft (development cycle)

PHASE 1: Establish framework for Guides and scope of project

PHASE 2: Procedures and content development

PHASE 3: Supporting material content development

 TECH1 Cycle

 TECH2 / Final Cycle (release final PDF to printer or for CD/DVD distribution)

Help system:

 TECH1 Cycle (get PDF linked into the PSR Interface application, test F1 links if available)

 TECH2 / Final Cycle (update final PDF and test PDF within final release of product)


Any substantial changes (new features added or dropped) to the software interface can affect the schedule for CJ deliverables.


The following critical dependencies may become risks to the project at any time, depending upon their impact on the project deliverables:

  • It is the responsibility of the Senior Software Engineer to provide advance notice (one week) of a final build so that up-to-date help files can be included. The User Guide will be provided for posting one week after the final build (the User Reference contains more recent updates than the help system). The Release Notes include the most recent updates.
  • Technical reviews must be returned by the deadline date specified on the review cover sheet. If a delay in content reviews occurs, our documentation will be lacking.
  • In order to be incorporated into the documentation and/or help system, any new corporate design elements or styles (including logos or marketing information) must be provided by ______. Additional time may be required editing the document if product naming conventions change.
  • Context sensitivity (i.e., F1) in the product depends on the Senior Software Engineer implementing context sensitive TopicAlias marker code.

Edits and Reviews

Documentation may not be released unless it has been reviewed by technical reviewers and an a CJ editor:

  • The purpose of technical reviews is to provide the highest possible level of technical accuracy and completeness.
  • The purpose of editing is to ensure clarity and consistency along with correct spelling and grammar.

New documentation normally passes through the following stages of development:

  • Preliminary Draft: This is an informal review of documentation that is still in the development stages. CJ usually works with one or two primary technical resource persons to gather information and collect comments.
  • Tech 1: This is a formal technical review by the team. CJ has developed the document as fully as possible based on the information available. Technical reviewers provide as much additional technical information as possible. Typically, a Tech 1 Review is missing some information and may have incorporated some technical errors. Here is your primary opportunity to provide the information and clarify the procedures. Signoff is required. It is the responsibility of the product team to ensure that reviews are returned by the deadline date.
  • Tech 2/Final: This review is performed remotely. You will be provided with a link by e-mail. Because multiple reviewers provide comments, there may be conflicting edits among reviewers; in this case, the document may require a review meeting. We strongly suggest that the Product Manager sign off on this review.

CJ distributes documents to the technical reviewers and editor according to the schedule. The review cover sheet indicates the editing status of the document.

Here are some tips for reviewers to help the review process run more smoothly:

  • DO write your comments clearly. Pen is more legible than pencil if you prefer to mark up hard copy.
  • DO include additional pages if your comments are extensive.
  • DO return the review by the date requested. We try to give you at least a week to return your comments.
  • DO return the cover sheet with your review. We keep this sheet on file so that we can return your previous review for comparison.
  • DO contact us if there are additional recommended reviewers. Please contact us early in the release cycle, so that these individuals can have enough time to complete their review.
  • DO contact us if you have suggestions to make this process easier!
  • DO NOT write extensive questions on the review. Instead, call the CJ representative to set up a meeting.
  • DO NOT mark extensive changes to the writing style or format of the document. If the Concurrent Edit box is checked, the document is being edited at the same time as you are making technical revisions. If you would like to suggest changes to the format or writing style, we would be happy to discuss this.
  • DO NOT hesitate to contact us if you don't see your previously suggested changes in the review!

Technical reviewers and editor are responsible for returning their comments to the writer by the date specified on the cover sheet. When reviews have been delegated, it is helpful to provide to the writer a list of the individuals who reviewed the document (in case questions arise).

Each person who receives a technical review must return it to CJ along with the following comments about the review:

  • Complete and accurate as written
  • Revisions attached
  • Review waived due to time constraints

If a review is waived due to time constraints, the project team must decide whether to re-adjust the documentation schedule to provide enough time to allow the review to take place.

Download the free PDF viewer/commenting .exe tool from here:

I can open a PDF we created with Acrobat 7 and add comments.

The reader-saved PDF can be re-opened in Acrobat 7 showing the new notes without a problem.

How to use Foxit Reader:

  1. Copy the FoxitReader.exe file to your PC and click to open it.

  1. Click Open a PDF file and select the PDF file to which you want to add notes.
  2. The PDF opens so that you can add note boxes and highlight text.

  1. To view the comments pane and see notes in a list, click View > Navigation Panels and select Comments.
    To display all commenting tools, click View > Toolbars and select Commenting Tools.
    To create a print copy of the notes, use the Print Screen function or Snagit application to create an image.
    NOTE: To create a PDF where comments are summarized for printing, you will still need the Acrobat application to create a PDF that looks like this:

DocPlan_WahooSMS.docRevised: 5/18/2019 3:32 PMPage 1