The Epistle October
* Motions were made and carried to elect the Council Officers for 2015-2016:
Doug Newhard - Council President
Tom Roberts - Council Vice President
Helene Sterner - Council Secretary/Treasurer
Bob Bastian- Sr. Deacon
Tom Danner & Robin Ruch –Deacons
* A motion was made to accept the following new members on September 27: Jessica Considine, Benjamin Considine, Maomi Kalinoski and Penelope Considine
*As outgoing council members, Kerry Lewis and Laurie Perna will now be members of the Nominating Committee.
* Letter of resignation was received and accepted by council for Norbert Huber.
St. Paul’s Child Care Center
Current Full Time Openings for children in our Older Toddler, Preschool, and PreK Rooms for
Ages 2-4
Our program develops social skills and creative thinking skills along with providing a nurturing environment where children can learn and grow together! Hot Lunch and Snacks Provided Daily
Call Cynthia Hickey, Child Care Director or Amanda Fritz, Assistant Child Care Director at (610)264-0190 for further details and to come in for a tour.
The month of October has arrived and everyone is enjoying walks around town to observe the changes of the season. The classrooms have been discussing things like changes in the trees and leaves, colors, and how to dress for the weather. Our children will be busy making crafts that represent these changes they see and crafts for Halloween. There will be an “Orange Day” this month when all of the children are encouraged to wear orange. They will get to go outside to find a small pumpkin to take home. Each class will carve a big jack-o-lantern for their classroom. This is a great hands on experience because the children will get to see, feel, and smell the seeds and pulp of a pumpkin. We will celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 30th with a fun party followed by a parade through town in our costumes.
We are participating in the Giant Food Store A+ School Rewards fundraiser again this year. Every time our parents use their bonus cards when they shop at Giant we will get points for each dollar they spend. Anyone can join, just go on line at: and click on Register under Designate your School. Our school ID # is 24376. If you registered your card last year you do not have to re-register but Giant does ask that you go on-line and double check to make sure they have your correct information. The fundraiser will run through March 17, 2016. Thank you to everyone in advance that helps participate in the Giant fundraiser.
Happy Autumn!
Cynthia Hickey & Amanda Fritz
Child Care Director & Assistant Child Care Director
Upcoming Events
October 3: Annual Chicken Dinner 4:30 pm - $12.00 per person
Menu: Garden Salad or bacon dressing salad, coleslaw, bbq chicken (breast or leg), green beans w/brown sauce, steamed sweet corn, scalloped potatoes and basket of fresh corn bread and rolls. Desert Bar: assorted pies, brownies and cookies with fresh whipped cream.
Blessing of the Animals service will be held on October 4 at 9am in our Fellowship Hall. We do this service to remember St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
To bless is more than an expression of goodwill and caring. The blessing of each animal, by name, means that health, healing and life are being mediated from God for the benefit of the animal in its relationship with its human partners.
You can bring any kind of pet to church to be blessed. Over the past few years we have blessed cats, birds, gerbils, hamsters, hermit crabs, turtles, frogs, snakes, lizards and even a tarantula…BUT please remember they all must be either leash or cage!
Harvest Home
On October 11, St. Paul’s will again celebrate Harvest Home. This celebration can be traced back to the very beginning of our church. People brought many of their crops they harvested and decorated the church. This was a service of thanksgiving, thanking God for blessing the harvest and usually after the service; all that was brought in was donated to a local nursing home or orphanage.
The Worship Committee is asking our members to bring in fresh fruits and vegetables for our wagon either on Friday during office hours or no later than 9 am Saturday in the sanctuary. On Sunday, we are asking you to bring canned goods for the Ecumenical Food Bank.
November 22: Thanksgiving Pie Sale. Pumpkin & Apple pies and Pumpkin Rolls are $8 each.
Annual Holly Fair
November 28 - 9 am to 2 pm..
St. Paul’s Fundraising Committee
invites you to join us at our Holly Fair featuring BOTH Crafters AND Vendors*
This festive event will offer family & friends the opportunity to kick off their Christmas season and get a jump start on their holiday shopping!
*If interested in participating in our Holly Fair, please contact church office for Registration Forms
December 20 Christmas Basket Raffle - (Gift Card included)
This year we are once again seeking donations to help offset the cost of purchasing Christmas trees for our beautiful sanctuary this Christmas season. If you would like to help, please submit donations (marked: for Christmas trees) to church office or place in offering plate. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.
Hopefully this winter we will not have another snowy season, but we are once again seeking donations to help offset the cost of snow removal. If you would like to help, please submit donations (marked: for snow removal) to church office or place in offering plate. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated
Hospital Visits
If you or someone you know is admitted into the hospital or rehabilitation facility, it is very important to notify the church as soon as possible. You can do this by either:
- calling the church office directly or
- inform the hospital upon admittance that you are a member of St. Paul’s and they will list you under our Pastoral Code 312
PLEASE NOTE: During our transition of calling a new pastor and waiting for an interim pastor,
Pastor George Spieker has graciously agreed to do funerals, weddings, and crises for St. Paul’s
We remember the family of Darryl Dawkins who passed away on August 27th.
Darryl’s funeral was held on Wednesday, September 2 at St. Paul’s.
We are pleased to welcome our newest members into our St. Paul’s family:
Benjamin & Jessica Considine. They have two young children, Naomi (Kalinoski) and Penelope (Considine).
Also we are pleased to welcome back
Debbie Dorsey, who has returned to St. Paul’s after being away for many years.
Special prayers for God’s loving guidance, blessings and happiness as the following children were baptized:
Penelope Pauline Considine, daughter of Benjamin & Jessica Considine was baptized on September 27.
Maximillian Everett Woodring, son of Michael & Lauree Woodring will be baptized on October 4.
All active St. Paul members: in order to keep your membership up-to-date, please remember to complete and return a Holy Communion card (at least once a year) as a record of your Communion. Cards are located in the pews and completed card can be placed in the offering plate. Also, please remember to use your offering envelopes or put your envelope number on your offering checks as a record of your giving. If you haven’t had offering envelopes assigned to you, please contact the church office.
We were so sad to say goodbye to one of our teachers, Mrs. Amy Gair who left our school on September 11 for another position. Mrs. Amy had been teaching at St. Paul’s Child Care Center for over a decade. Her love for children (she has 5 young children of her own) and her dedication to our school will be extremely missed.
Good Luck on your new job Mrs. Amy!
We also are sad to say goodbye to our Organist, Geraldine Patire who resigned from her position as of September 20. Geraldine has been with us since 2014. The Worship & Music Committee thanks Geraldine for serving St. Paul's in an outstanding manner and wishes her God's blessings.
Please keep in your prayers this month: Joyce Mohr, William Rinker, Ann Harding, Lester Washburn, Rena Ackerman, Richard Collins, Ruth Lewis, Norbert Huber and David Rickey
You may contact the church office for addresses
for cards and well wishes
May the birthday candles Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World”.
that represent the years of
your life be a reflection to
others of your love for
10/1 David Laudenslager
10/1 Stacie Raven
10/2 Audrey Heil
10/5 David Hudson
10/6 Linda Peters
10/8 Dorothy Rehrig
10/8 Rebecca Urban
10/11 Mildred Parker
10/13 Janet Searfass
10/14 Douglas Corcoran
10/15 Trajano Bastidas
10/15 Terri Dumbach
10/17 Emily Falko
10/17 Patricia Muehlberger
10/17 Jane Sechney
10/18 Olivia Falko
10/18 Howard Hahn
10/18 Carolyn Schleicher
10/18 Jade Streitman
10/22 Brian Bartholomew
10/22 Lucille Desrosiers
10/23 Marcy Shander
10/26 Beth Pizzuto
10/26 Helene Sterner
10/28 Debra Stewart
Volunteers Serving at St. Paul's in October
DATE / PASTOR / ORGANIST / LECTOR / COMM. ASSTS. / ALTAR GUILD10/4 / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM
Pr. Richard Bardo / * / J. Falko
R. Ruch
10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM
Pr. Richard Bardo / * / Betty Rabenold / * / B. Rabenold
10/11 / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM
Pr. Jerry Smith / - / * / -
10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM
Pr. Jerry Smith / * / Sonny Heil / - / -
10/18 / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM
Pr. Joseph Scholtes / - / * / P. Gerber
D. Stewart
10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM
Pr. Joseph Scholtes / * / Judy Donchez / * / L. Anglestein
10/25 / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM / 8:00 AM
Pr. Rounds / - / * / -
10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 10:30 AM
Pr. Rounds / * / Doug Newhard / - / -
* Information not available at this time
St. Paul's Calendar for October
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1
7pm Cub Pack / 2 / 3
Chicken Dinner
8:00 Comm
10:30 Comm / 5
7pm Worship
7pm Boy Scouts / 6
6:30 Girl Scouts
7pm Property / 7
6:30 Cadettes / 8
7pm Cub Pack
7pm Finance / 9 / 10
8:00 Comm
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
Harvest Home (Fresh fruit/ veg)
/ 12
7pm Boy Scouts / 13
6:30 Girl Scouts / 14
6:30 Cadettes
7 Fundraising / 15
7pm Cub Pack / 16
Deadline / 17
8:00 Comm
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Comm
Harvest Home Canned//boxed goods / 19
7pm Boy Scouts
7pm CYSA / 20
6:30 Girl Scouts
7pm CCC / 21
6:30 Cadettes / 22
7pm Cub Pack / 23
9am Epistle
Volunteers / 24
8:00 Comm
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
/ 26
7pm Council
7pm Boy Scouts / 27
6:30 Girl Scouts / 28
6:30 Cadettes / 29
7pm Cub Pack / 30
Reformation Day
/ 31
Don’t forget you can view our calendar on-line by visiting our
website and click on Calendar link
October Worship Services
October 4th 19th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Blessing of Animals
10:30 p.m. – Holy Communion
October 11th 20th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 p.m. – Worship
October 18th 21st Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion
October 26th Reformation Sunday
8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:30 a.m. – Worship