Marquette County ATV Club, Inc. Minutes
Meeting: Saturday, November 8, 2014 at Yahoo’s, Montello, opened at 10:09 AM by President, Scotty Z.
Attendance: Laureen S., Mark S., Harry and Rhonda M., Marsha S., Tom B., Don H., Gary and Lynn O., Wayne P., Russ P., Jan P., Dennis & Sue V., Ken G., Cindy Z., John E., Bonnie C., Scotty Z., Jeff from Yahoo. Rhonda & Harry M. just joined today.
Minutes from September 13, 2014 meeting provided by Secretary, Laureen S. Motion to acceptLynn O., second byGary O.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Donna gave her report; get memberships renewed if you haven’ already. Motion to accept, Bonnie C., second by Marsha S.
Township of Crystal Lake: this is the road to Neshkoro. Township members are needed to show up at the meeting on November 13th, Thursday, at 7:00 pm. Be there! The board members are for opening it up to routes, but will question if enough opposition shows up. There may be 30-50 people there in opposition. We need to be there to show support. Wear t-shirts.
Village of Endeavor: Routes open 5:00 am to midnight. Need to get County M into Westfield, Donna planning to be at their meeting next month.
Town of Moundville: approved all roads, 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Township of Oxford: meeting on Nov 12th at 6:00 pm. Cty Hwy CX approved to Moundville and Endeavor; they are set up as every 3 years before review.
Township of Douglas: introduce our club on Nov 12th, 7:30 pm.
Adams County: Our club has been asked to share our proposal and attend some meetings. Donna will follow-up with this.
Shara Riders, the Waushara County club, asked us for help.
The Scavenger Hunt was held on Saturday, October 18th. Some asked if one could be held in spring. We need to look into that because it was preferred over poker runs. Is something new.
Lakeside Bar and Grill having a gun raffle for us. Only 9 tickets left of 100, so get your tickets today. The drawing will be held after the tickets are all sold.
One of the people that attended the scavenger hunt mentioned that we could try a geocache event. We will think about for summer. There are some geocache locations already out there, new ones soon.
Sondalle’s Town and Pump will also do a meat raffle, but would need 3 to 4 club members to participate. John C., was to check on this, but was not in attendance this meeting.
Sign Committee: next week need to get them into Moundville, Endeavor, and into Neshkoro. Donny does have some already, but will need to get more and some posts too.
Planning Committee: close up loose ends that we are already working on, leave new for next year.
Map Committee: have smaller maps. Will get the new large ones in January. Adding Endeavor, Neshkoro, and that both Montello city and township are both closed Nov 1 to April 1; asking them to change next year. Trying to get all route dates and times the same.
New Business:
November 14th state trails closed.
There is a new game warden, Ben N., who is a proactive ATVer but will ticket if you get off course. He will follow up on calls. The county is keeping track of us.
Donna mentioned the Salvation Army needs bell ringers still, our club can advertise when we ring.
K & M open house today in Hancock; 9 am to 3 pm, free brats and hot dogs.
Donna told about 5 schedules sports shows that we should sign up for and have members attend to advertise our club. 2 people per group at the booth to promote us and Marquette County. Get in for free and if far away lodging is paid. 1 Green Bay, 2 Milwaukee, 2 Madison, there may be some in Appleton or Oshkosh also. Donna has the dates, first to call in get the dates, need 6-8 people per show. Be active, talk a lot, learn about Marquette. Donna will be asking the businesses in the county too, so sign up soon!
We should do pro-publicity articles in February and March. Do an outline of the townships that work with us, and print an updated map in the paper. We want to educate the public of what we have.
Meeting: The next meeting is Saturday December 13, 2014 at Lakeside in Montello at 10:00 am.
Motion to adjourn at 10:48am by Sue V.; second by Tom B.