Archaeological Sites EvaluationWisconsin Department of Transportation

Factor Sheet B-6

Alternative / Total Length of Center Line of Existing Roadway
Length of This Alternative
Yes No None identified

If there are any effects to an archaeological site and any American Indian Tribes express interest in the project, Factor Sheet B-7, the Cultural Resources Tribal Issues Factor Sheet must also be completed.

Section 106 Form or other documentation, with all necessary approvals, must be attached to the Environmental Document for all projects.

1.Parties Contacted:

Parties Contacted / Date Contacted / Comments Received
No / Yes / Check if Attached

2. Property Designations:

National Historic Landmark

National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)

State Register of Historic Places

Local Registry

Tribal Registry

3.Sites Identified by record search or Phase I survey. Attach map to appendices depicting

site(s)’ approximate location within alternative:

Site # / Site Name / Description & Site Information (e.g., historic, prehistoric, village, campsite, etc.) / Site Recommended for Phase II Evaluation?
Y/N / Site Avoided?
  1. Sites evaluated by Phase II survey:

Site # / Site Name / Findings of Phase II Evaluation / Site Determined Eligible for or already listed in the NRHP?
Y/N / Site Avoided?
  1. Do any sites identified in Phase I or II investigations (Question 3 and 4) involve human burials?



American Indian Burial:

Complete Factor Sheet B-7, Tribal Issues.

Euro-American Burial:

Documentation Attached:

Cemetery Name(s): ______



Consultation with Wisconsin Historical Society (Burial Sites Office and SHPO):

Dates: ______

Burials will not be affected:

Identify ______

Burials will be affected:

Identify ______

Documentation attached:

Unknown Affiliation:

6. List Environmental Commitments to avoid impacts to sites listed as “Avoided” in Phases I and II, above (Also list on Basic Sheet 8, Environmental Commitments):

7. Identify effects on those sites not avoided in question #4:

Site # ______(Complete questions below for each site listed in Question 4, above.)

List any commitments to avoid having an adverse effect. (Also list on the Environmental

Commitments Basic Sheet)

Yes, the adverse effect is unavoidable. Describe the adverse effect:

Do FHWA requirements for Section 4(f) apply to the project's use of the historic property?


Project is not Federally funded.

Other – Explain:

Yes - Complete Factor Sheet B-8, Section 4(f) 6(f) or Other Unique Areas (Form


Property is eligible for NRHP and project will have adverse effect.

Other, Explain:

Has Documentation for Consultation been prepared?


Yes - Complete Question 8

8. Has a Memorandum of Agreement been signed?

No – Pending:

Explain - ______

Yes, attached:

Signatories and dates of signature:




American Indian Tribes______







Data Recovery:

YesDate plan accepted:

Prepared by



Other: ______

Project ID# ______Page 1 of 3