General Classroom Expectations


●You are responsible for your own success.

●Expect to work 47 minutes every class period, to the very last day of school. Something can be learned every day.

●It is up to you to learn; it is up to the teacher to help you learn.

●You are expected to come to class prepared to work when the bell rings with all your necessary materials.

●Class time is to be used solely for learning Chemistry/Physics; this is not a study hall or social hour.

●Expect to study outside of class. You cannot be successful in this course if the only time you think about it is during class time.

●Use your iPad for approved classroom activities only. Gaming is not allowed.

The passing periods are of sufficient length for you to catch up with friends, collect materials from your locker, and/or take care of any bodily functions. Once you enter the classroom, you need to be prepared to work. Should you need to leave the classroom, you will be counted tardy.

Required Course Materials:

●One scientific calculator – TI 30X IIS is recommended (should be kept in the classroom)

●3-ring binder (1” to 1½”), dividers are recommended

●Pencil with extra erasers

●iPad with earbuds

Start of class:

●You must be fully in the room or you will be considered tardy. If you are tardy to class, you must fill out a tardy slip located in the binder next to the door. Tardies will also be documented in PowerSchool.

●Check the front board to see how to start the class period. Guidelines for the day will be listed on the board behind my desk.

●Be sure to have all course materials with you. If you have forgotten something, you may retrieve the item from your locker, however, it will count as a tardy and you will be required to sign the tardy slip.

Classroom Rule:

Discipline yourself, so I don’t have to.

How? Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Respect other people’s property and person (no hitting or stealing)

Laugh with anyone, but laugh at no one.

Be responsible for your own learning.

Come to class and hand in assignments on time.

Do not disturb people who are working.

Use your iPad for approved classroom activities only.


Failure to follow the required classroom rules will result in the following:

1st offense – Verbal warning.

2nd offense – You will be moved to an unoccupied area of the room or the hall and a discipline report will be sent home. You may receive a detention.

3rd offense – You will be required to explain your misbehavior to Mr. Luce and/or Mr. Fahey and you will receive a detention.

These consequences are not cumulative beyond the class period. Each student starts each day with a clean slate. Nonetheless, Mrs. Ashmore may skip steps for certain offenses and/or repeat offenders. For example, profanity will begin at the 2nd offense level.

Make-Up Work:

Schoolwork missed as a result of an unexcused absence cannot be made up for credit. Students may be permitted to make up work due to missing class for an out-of-school suspension.

●Immediately upon returning to class, you must take the initiative to check the appropriate places for missed handouts/assignments.

●You are allowed one day for each day of absence to make up missed work. Any assignment turned in after the allotted amount of time may result in the assignment not being accepted.

●You will not be held responsible for making up an assignment or test on the day following an absence IF the work was announced during the time of your absence. However, if the assignment or test was announced (in verbal or written form) prior to an absence, you will be responsible for the assignment or test on the day you return to school.

●I will not call for make-up work to be turned in. You are responsible for remembering to turn it in on time.

●If a lab is missed, you may be given a set of data that can be used to complete all analyses and post-lab questions or a writing assignment that will take the place of the lab in your grade.

Academic Honesty:

· Working together is encouraged in Chemistry. “Working together” means two or more students doing or studying the same material at the same time. Students may discuss the problem and possible solutions. Every member of the group must understand the solution and write down their own solution, even though the group may have formulated the answer together.

· Cheating is not encouraged in Chemistry. Cheating is different from “working together”. Cheating can come in any of the following forms but is not limited to these:

a) Copying another person's work for your credit. (i.e. plagiarism)

b) Working together and not understanding the solution but writing it down anyway.

c) Assisting another person in cheating.

d) Having your partner do an experiment and you just write down the results.

e) Talking or using unapproved materials during a quiz or test.

f) Discussing quiz/test questions with students who have not yet taken the quiz/test.

Wapahani High School Cheating Policy:

The first offense will result in loss of credit for that assignment or test. The second offense of cheating will result in a loss of credit in the class.


Bullying, harassment, or any rude behavior or comments are not permissible in this classroom by students, teachers, or visitors. Violations of this rule will result in disciplinary consequences that may include a warning, removal from class, a meeting with a principal, or parental contact. Students are encouraged to report any concerns of bullying, harassment, or other rude behavior to the teacher directly or by using the Bullying/Harassment form located in this room. This rule also applies to your online activity using an IPAD, email, or any other technology associated with this class or school.

Safe Internet Use:
In this class you will use the internet often for classroom activities. Please refrain from providing personal information such as name, address, phone number, or photograph to anyone that is unknown to you via the internet.