Español 2
Course Guidelines and Expectations
Room 529
*Please check my school website for homework assignments, grammar notes, and test/quiz dates. You can find it under “staff” at the RHS website. Email is the best way to contact me.
*Please keep these expectations at the front of your notebook; you will need to refer to them throughout the semester.
Course Overview
Spanish II: You will continue to build upon the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking acquired in Spanish I. You will deepen your understating of the language and culture through interactive and relevant activities. The prerequisite of Spanish II is Spanish I (3 years of middle school Spanish) or a teacher recommendation. The different themes explored in Spanish II are: school activities, special events and celebrations, your community and you, childhood memories, accidents and natural disasters, and television and cinema. There is a strong emphasis in correct use of form in spoken and written Spanish. Spanish is spoken in the class 90% of the time or more!
Necesidades para la clase (Required supplies for class):
Your materials below are required every day. I will give you “random” supply checks which will count as a homework grade.
- 3-ring binder (1½ -2”) with college rule paper
- Pens and Pencils
- Five dividers labeled in order with the following:
- Repaso(Review Warmups / Bell-ringers)
- Tarea(Homework/Classwork)
- Vocabulario(Vocabulary accordions)
- Pruebas/ Exámenes(Quizzes/Tests)
- Apuntes (grammar and culture notes)
**Dividers can be made by three-hole punching construction paper.
Las reglas de la clase (Class rules):
Be Respectful
- This is an environment of respect. You must respect every person and item in this classroom. Disrespected language of any kind will not be tolerated.
- It is expected that you respect all of the rules and guidelines set forth by the Student Handbook.
Be Here
- Come to class prepared with all materials and be ready to work and to participate everyday.
- Active participation (answering questions, volunteering, acting, singing and giving choral responses) is required. Participate.
- Care enough about your grade to do your best and study every night. Your success on quizzes, tests and projects will be determined by how much you participate in class and how much you study at home.
- Care enough to ask questions for clarification when you need to or attend tutoring.
La Calificación (Grading Policy):
90-100 A80-89 B70-79 C60-69 D0-59 F
Tests/Projects - 50%
Tests are given at the end of each chapter. These are always announced in advance and posted on the calendar. It is the students’ responsibility to consistently check the calendar and record important dates in their planner.You will have at least two projects throughout eachsemester. These count as one test grade. Projects are due at the beginning of the class period on its due date.
Quizzes/Mini-projects/Memorizations – 20%
Quizzes will be given two to three times a week. These may or may not be announced. There will be occasional small projects or short memorized oral presentations assigned.
Homework/Classwork – 15%
Class work and homework are graded on effort and completion. Classwork is due at the end of the period it is assigned unless instructed otherwise. Homework is due at the beginning of the period on its due date. There will be 5-15 minutes of homework assigned every day.
Participation – 15%
Throughout each unit, each student has the opportunity to earn participation credit. You must earn 20 participation points per quarter.Participation credit can be earned by volunteering answers, contributing to discussions, staying in the target language (Spanish) during partner activities and role-playing, presenting skits, and much more. Students can lose participation points by not bringing textbooks or materials to class, speaking English during class activities, not being on task, etc…
Los procedimientos de la clase (Class procedures):
- HOMEWORK: You may be asked to turn in your homework at the beginning of class. No late homework will be accepted—even if you did it, but you left it in your car, locker, etc. If you don’t understand the homework, call a classmate, e-mail me or come see me before the time it is due! BE RESPONSIBLE!
- SPEAK SPANISH!: You will not learn Spanish by speaking English. You are not expected to sound like a native speaker, but you are expected to TRY YOUR BEST.
- DISMISSAL: The bell does not dismiss you. You may pack and leave when I dismiss you.
- MAKE-UP WORK: The student handbook allots one day per absence to make up missed homework, class work, tests or quizzes. It is your responsibility to come to me to discuss missed work. Failure to make up a test, quiz or assignment during this time period will receive a zero. Any missed homework/class work due to an absence is recorded as an omit unless it is turned in.
- CLASSROOM CODE of ETHICS - All students need to do their own work. If you are found to have cheated/copied on a test or homework assignment, you will receive a zero and may receive an office referral. I consider it cheating to use Google Translate or a Spanish-speaking friend to do your assignments. It is very obvious to me when this is done. I know what my students have been taught and what they should be capable of doing in the target language. If I suspect you of not having done your own work, you will receive a zero on the assignment. You may use a Spanish/English Dictionary or an on-line translator ( only to look up a word (noun, adjective, infinitive). You may not use it to help conjugate verbs or to translate sentences or phrases. I want you to try to use what you have learned in class to do your work.
- Cell phones and ipods are prohibited both in the classroom and during class hours unless instructed otherwise by the teacher.
- Do not bring food or gum to class.
Consequences for not following the school handbook, requirements, guidelines & procedures*:
- 1st offense—verbal warning
- 2nd offense—after school detention at the teacher’s convenienceand phone call home.
- 3rd offense—administrative referral (D1) and phone call home.
*NOTE: Failure to follow the classroom guidelines may result in discipline consequences listed in your Student Planner/Handbook.
Please review the guidelines with your parents/guardians and return this slip by:
(Cut here)
I have read and understand the Guidelines/Expectations. If I have any questions or concerns, I will call Ms. Rahn at school and/or e-mail her at .(Parent Signature) / (Date)
(email address) / (Phone)
I have read and understand the Guidelines/Expectations. If I have any questions or concerns, I will make an appointment with Sra. Rahnor e-mail her at
(Student Signature) / (Date)
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