Christ Church CofE First School Pupil Premium Allocation

The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers…. It is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who have been:

  • registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years
  • been in care for 6 months or longer


  • Christ Church CE First School is of average size and the proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium funding is above average.
  • The majority of pupils are White British and come from the local area. A significant proportion of pupils are of Gypsy and Roma heritage.
  • The proportions of pupils supported through school action, school action plus and with a statement of special educational needs are well above the national average.
  • A children’s centre, managed by the headteacher, shares the school site.
Pupil Premium at Christ Church
Most groups of pupils are making better than the expected progress, including those of Gypsy and Roma heritage. This is due to the way teachers are tracking progress robustly so that they can move pupils on more quickly. Well-targeted support, funded through pupil premium, ensures pupils known to be eligible for free school meals progress as well as their peers.
We aim to use the Pupil Premium effectively to raise achievement and close the gap between pupil groups. We believe that Quality First Teaching has the biggest impact on these groups;with additional targeted support where needed to raise attainment of those from vulnerable groups.
We are rigorous in our data analysis, both at the end of the year and throughout, to ensure that all children receive the targeted support they may need. All teachers have a responsibility in this data tracking and in knowing who pupil premium children in their class are.
We have used previous evaluations of what has worked in our school alongside research such as the Sutton Trust Toolkit to inform how to spend the allocation. Grants are considered within the overall school budget, including additional funds for other vulnerable groups such as Gypsy/Roma children, and is used to supplement existing resources and provide new ones.
Pupil Premium 2013-2014
Total number of pupils on roll / 272
Number of pupils benefitting from PPG / 70
Amount of PPG received / £71700
Amount of Gypsy/Roma funding received / £16100
Total amount of additional funds received / £87800
Nature of Support 2013-2014
The school used this money to help provide:
Intervention support staff, learning and pastoral,
Early intervention Nurture group, in depth programmes
Staff training in phonics, Team Teach, storymaking
After school activities/Educational visits/ residential/music tuition
ICT home learning programmes/Reading Scheme/Vulnerability Toolkit
Additional KS2 class plus TA
Release time / £24337
Impact of Support 2012-2013
EYFS / Pupil Premium / Non-Pupil Premium
% Achieving 2+ in Prime areas / 65 / 63
%Achieving ‘Good Level of Development’ (2+ in all Prime and Specific areas) / 18 / 57
% Achieving 2+ in all areas / 18 / 53
Overall Average Total Score
(Total possible 51, average expectation 34) / 32 / 35
APS Year 2 / School Pupil Premium / School Non-Pupil Premium / National Pupil Premium
Maths / 14.9 / 15.4 / 14.6
Reading / 16.7 / 16.2 / 14.4
Writing / 14.2 / 14.6 / 13.2
APS Year 4 / School Pupil Premium / School Non-Pupil Premium / Somerset Pupil Premium
Maths / 18.29 / 21.27 / 19.7
Reading / 17 / 21.27 / 20.4
Writing / 15 / 18.6 / 18.8
APS Progress Year 1 to Year 2 / Pupil Premium / Non-Pupil Premium
Maths / 5.08 / 4.24
Reading / 6.54 / 5.67
Writing / 5.31 / 4.65
APS Progress Year 2 to Year 4 / Pupil Premium / Non-Pupil Premium
Maths / 6.71 / 7.33
Reading / 6.5 / 7.2
Writing / 5.71 / 5.93
Impact of Pupil Premium Spending 2013-2014
  • In the Early Years Pupil premium children made a greater rate of progress than Non in all areas over the year.
  • At the end of Year 2 the APS score of Pupil Premium children was higher in all subjects than the National score.
  • Progress in KS1 is more accelerated for Pupil Premium children, although this was not consistent across the school.
  • Additionally interventions are monitored and evaluated across the year for effectiveness and children are targeted using this information.

Pupil Premium 2014-2015
Total number of pupils on roll / 262
Number of pupils benefitting from PPG / 68
Amount of PPG received / £105770
Amount of Gypsy/Roma funding received / £22575
Total amount of additional funds received / £128345
Nature of Support 2014-2015
Item/Project / Cost / Objective
Assessment for Learning project: staff training / £ / Improve feedback as studies tend to show very high effects on learning.
Chris Quigley Outstanding Assessment and Feedback training for SLT / £ / Improve feedback as studies tend to show very high effects on learning.
Pie Corbett training for 2 staff / £ / To improve targeted Literacy teaching using proven Talk for Writing approach.
Maths in Context training
(and resources) / £
£ / To implement a guided group maths approach, to ensure precise teaching to meet children’s needs.
Additional staff training for TA’s e.g. whole staff attachment and behaviour meeting, Team Teach training.
(50% of cost) / £ / Top ensure a common ethos and consistent approach.
Additional TA support in each key stage to deliver focussed in class intervention and additional pastoral support. / £13179 / To ensure targeted support to promote rapid progress of underachieving groups.
Intervention support: in depth programme of learning interventions that includes:
Individualised Literacy Intervention
Talking Partners
Speech and Language
1:1 tuition
Gross and fine motor skills specialist groups
EAL intervention programme
(50% of total costing) / £16210 / To target support for children to make rapid learning progress
Intervention support: Social, Emotional and Behaviour support
Talkabout social skills
Play Therapist
Early Intervention nurture group
Forest School
PAT worker
Counselling service
(50% of total costing) / £13850 / To target children with behavioural, social and emotional needs to enable them to develop and participate fully in learning.
Access to residential/ non educational visits / £3900 / To widen and enrich children’s life experiences and provide equality of opportunity
Music tuition opportunities, whole class and individual / £1200
Extra curricular activities and clubs / £720
Swimming opportunities / £500
SENCO/ Inclusion manager monitors interventions and programmes of support for children and identifies children through tracking alongside other SLT.
(50% cost of release time) / £ / To ensure support targetedappropriately for childrento make increased progress rates.
Behaviour and vulnerability toolkit tracks children to target additional support. Teaching staff released to complete with SENCO and head teacher.
(50% cost of release time) / £ / To ensure pastoral support is targeted appropriately for children in vulnerable circumstances.
Additional KS2 class plus TA
(50% of cost) / £45587 / To enable wider spread of children with higher needs and ensure smaller class sizes
Reading focus: develop library scheme and reading targets / £3596 / To ensure all children have access to a wide range of reading opportunities.
ICT subscriptions: use of VLE, Reading programme Bug Club and Maths Activelearn. Allow for individual targeted activities both at home and school. / £3818 / To expand children’s access to learning at both home end school and engage parents in learning.
Assistant Playleader Salary Sept 14 – Mar 15 / £1539
Total PPG received / £128345
Total spent / £82835
Total remaining / £45510