Degree Program: Healthcare Informatics (AAS.HCI)
Completed by:Susan Scully
Date:Spring 2017
Identify which specific course addresses one or more of the Program Learning Outcomes. Use an “I” for an outcome that is introduced, and an “E” for an outcome that is emphasized.
Graduates of the program should be able to: / HIT 103 / HIT 120 / HIT 121 / HIT 218 / HIT 224 / HIT 228 / HIT 229 / HIT 230 / HIT 250 / CIS 138 / CSE 110 / CSE 2131.Utilize skills in electronic health record, quality and performance improvement, database management, and IT project management to train staff on information systems
2. Demonstrate skills needed to be professional and technically competent
3. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills necessary to interact with other healthcare professionals
4. Have knowledge and skills to assess health IT workflows
General Education Outcomes / HIT 103 / HIT 120 / HIT 121 / HIT 218 / HIT 224 / HIT 228 / HIT 229 / HIT 230 / HIT 250 / CIS 138 / CSE 110 / CSE 213
Written & Oral Communications: Communications / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Quantitative Knowledge & Skills: Mathematics
Technological Competency or Information Literacy: Technology / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Humanistic Perspective: Humanities: Art
Humanistic Perspective: Humanities: Languages
Humanistic Perspective: Humanities: Literature
Humanistic Perspective: Humanities: Philosophy
Humanistic Perspective: Humanities: Theatre & Music
Historical Perspective: History
Global & Cultural Awareness: Diversity
Ethical Reasoning & Action / X / X
Scientific Knowledge & Reasoning: Science / X / X / X
Society & Human Behavior: Social Science