AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (RAC)/TRB Conduct of Research (COR)
Coordination and Collaboration Task Force
Meeting Notes
Action items are underlined.
1. Introductions/Housekeeping
a. Attendees:
Sue Sillick, Montana DOT (Co-Chair)
Nancy Chinlund (Co-Chair)
Frank Law, CalTrans
Wes Lum, CalTrans
Phil Roke, FHWA
David Kuehn, FHWA
Linda Taylor, Mn/DOT
Matt Klein, RITA
David Jared, GDOT
Jennifer Rosales, TRB
Martin Pietrucha, Penn State Univ.
Alasdair Cain, RITA
Michael Townley, Michigan DOT
Natassja Linzau, TRB
Richard Long, Univ. of Florida
Mark Norman, TRB
Georgene Geary, GDOT
b. Corrections to 7/25/11 meeting notes - None
2. RiP Database – Need Volunteers
a. 100% data entry by organizations required to update RiP (state DOTs and UTCs). There is no set deadline as this is an ongoing process.
i. FHWA/RITA oversight role
Since FHWA and RITA have oversight over state DOTs and UTCs, respectively, perhaps these two Administrations could exert a stronger oversight role in this respect.
ii. Self-policing
Can state DOTs and UTCs police themselves to keep RiP data entry at 100%?
iii. Automated process
Can the RiP database be modified to notify state DOTs and UTCs when they haven’t entered data in a given year? This database change might be accompanied with the addition of a checkbox that state DOTs and UTCs can mark if they have not begun any new projects in any given year.
iv. Other?
b. Gap Analysis – Need Volunteers
Leni feels a gap analysis is a good idea, but wasn’t sure how we tap organizations such as NCAT.
i. Federal (USDOT, non-USDOT)
RITA’s new Research Hub database is tailored to USDOT sponsored projects and pulls information from an internal USDOT database and also from RiP and TRID. Likewise, research in progress and completed research will be pulled from the Research Hub into RiP and TRID, respectively. The amount of information entered by each Administration varies; some records don’t have much detail. The contractors that enter FHWA RiP records are a couple of months behind. Time lag can be an issue. Alasdair Cain indicated he is working on getting non-USDOT modes to enter data into RiP in 2012. It needs to be more of a priority with the Administrations. Alasdair is working to making data entry into RiP and TRID a requirement.
ii. Private industry
iii. Non-profit
iv. Others?
Wes Lum suggested TRB committees.
The discussion moved on to entering completed projects into TRID and the NTL digital repository. The question came up as to whether records were shared between NTL and TRID. Note: After this meeting Lisa Loyo confirmed she shares records submitted to TRID with NTL and vice versa. There is one exception; if records are submitted to TRID on the form provided by TRB and the box allowing the record to be shared with NTL is not checked, the record is not shared.
3. Funding Guidebook – Need Volunteers –
a. Update
i. State DOT and USDOT
Sue noted the funding guidebook was updated and now includes state DOTs that solicit for proposals in addition to those who solicit for research ideas. Alasdair noted that some USDOT programs were added to/updated in the funding guidebook and they have a list of programs from each Agency, including FAA sites, which we do not have in the funding guidebook now.
Leni would like one of the technical wizards to offer suggestions on guidance to give funding programs so it would be easier to do mash-ups from the diverse sources. Kendra? Dawn V.?
ii. Need to identify other programs: (e.g., Federal non-USDOT, industry, non-profits, international programs)
iii. Calendar of Events
The calendar for specific deadlines was discussed. Matt Klein noted that RITA is looking to update their SharePoint (RPPM) site to make it easier to match up calendars (within a few months). Sue is also trying calendar notices on the TRB Conduct of Research (COR) Committee Google Groups website. Phil noted that they were doing stakeholder feedback on the STEP program until Nov 10th, and an annual report is developed from this information.
b. Marketing:
i. The talking points document was shared at National RAC and will be added to the TRB "cheat sheet" going out to the TRB Committee Chairs.
ii. Other marketing ideas discussed included disseminating to/through:
1. TRB Committee Research Coordinators (CRC); Sunday workshop at 2012 TRB Annual Meeting (also RPPM, unfunded research needs portal, and funding guidebook), TRB committees
2. TRB website
3. TRB E-newsletter
4. Webinar on Collaborative Tools
5. RAC, RAC 101
6. CUTC, CUTC 101
Sue also mentioned the possibility of developing a website 'alias' for the Funding Guidebook, something like researchfundingguide.org may help in marketing.
4. Unfunded Research Needs Portal –
i. Sue noted that the technical issues with the Portal have been worked out. The site connects to NCHRP statements since 2010, TRB, TPF and TERI sites and will soon connect to all unfunded research needs submitted to the TRB Cooperative Research programs. Guidance needs to be sent out on how to use and how to set up metatags so the site finds research needs that States or others may have.
ii. Leni requests guidance for program managers so we can produce this information in a way that is more retrievable and “mashable”. Leni would also like to see a more WIKI-like tool for posting and vetting ideas, similar to Mn/DOT’s IdeaScale, http://mndot-lrrb.ideascale.com/.
iii. Mn/DOT noted that they are using a tool called 'IdeaScale' to get comments and feedback on research needs; they are in their second round of using it. Linda Taylor indicated the feedback is mixed and feels Mn/DOT staff need to increase exposure and comfort level of users to the IdeaScale tool. Need guidance on posting research needs. How would a WIKI-like tool scale to the national level? What are the tools to make it more WIKI-like? Can this feed into the RITA Research Clusters and RPPM?
iv. Sue suggested that she will ask Leni to follow-up on this idea; Matt Klein volunteered to be involved as he was interested in what can be done on the Federal side. Linda Taylor was also interested in being involved. Sue noted she would ask Mike Wendt/WSDOT or Roy Mesler to take the lead.
v. Marketing – listservs and meetings:
1. RAC, RAC 101
2. CUTC, CUTC 101
3. TRB Committees/TRB Committee Research Coordinators (CRC)
4. Transportation Research Tools webinar
5. RPPM Update – Need Volunteers
i. As previously mentioned, Matt K. indicated RITA is working on implementing the 2010 of SharePoint; the calendar function will be much improved with this newer version (2010) as compared to the current version (2007) in production. The question was asked if we should push RPPM out before or after the move to SharePoint 2010. We should formally release the site soon. The trick is to have enough outreach and build users to make it work. Need guidance on posting research needs.
ii. During the meeting we discovered an issue between Excel and SharePoint. Matt K. will check in to it.
iii. Marketing for the RPPM can be combined with the Unfunded Needs site and funding guidebook marketing.
a. TRB CRCs, TRB committees, TRB Annual Meeting, TRB E-newsletter
b. RAC meetings, listserv, 101
c. CUTC meetings, listserv, 101
d. Transportation research tools webinar
7. Lab Facilities – Need Volunteers
i. Information on Federal, State, and 10 National UTC’s lab facilities are on the RPPM site in word docs.
ii. The Western Transportation Institute (WTI) sponsored by RITA is developing a database for lab facilities and will initially include all university-based university transportation centers (as opposed to only UTCs). RITA is testing the site now and the CCTF will participate in testing the website after the initial testing is complete. The database will be searchable with a web portal and each organization will manage its own content. RITA may integrate Federal and state laboratory information in the future.
iii. Georgene volunteered to assist with incorporating other lab facilities when the university-based transportation centers part is done.
8. RAC/CUTC Collaboration Update –
i. An informal TRB session on successful partnerships will be held (5-6 Sunday, 1/22/12, Delaware room, Marriott). This session will be based on a RAC and CUTC survey, Top 10 characteristics of successful partnerships, and success stories. This session will be marketed soon. The agenda is attached.
ii. The three main areas under the collaboration are: successful partnerships, successful agreements, and fact sheets on RAC members and university-based transportation centers. The fact sheets are being developed by RAC and show a variety of staffing levels, budgets, etc. Questions about how these are to be used or compared will be brought to the liaison group (Sue). It was suggested to review the sheets and identify similarities and categories, but that the UTC competition may affect this so it would be best to wait until early 2012 to see the changes. Linda Taylor and Richard Long volunteered to review and look at potential categories (consolidating and comparing/contrasting)
iii. The question came up as to whether the National UTCs have to compete for funding. Note: Follow-up indicates all UTCs must compete for funding.
9. TRB Working Group – Back to the Basics: Fostering and Nurturing a Research Agenda
i. Mark Norman noted that Oct. 4 was the next conference call for the working group
ii. The working group is composed of two teams: 1) provide guidance and assistance to CRCs and 2) modify the TRB Research Needs Statements (RNS) database.
iii. Mark also noted that almost 100 committees have now identified TRB Committee Research Coordinators (CRC) and a webinar for the coordinators is set for October 25th.
iv. TRB is developing a survey for CRCs to see what they need.
v. There will be a workshop for the CRCs at the TRB Annual Meeting on Sunday, 1/22/12 at 1:30 pm.
vi. Sue indicated the CRCs would be an ideal group to which the CCTF tools (RPPM and RITA RC, funding guidebook, unfunded research needs portal) should be marketed.
10. International Collaboration - Need Volunteers
i. David Jared noted that the RPPM site has a link to Session 176 from 2011 TRB. We need to post additional information from TRB Annual Meeting sessions.
ii. Nancy noted that Larry Orcutt is organizing a session for 2012 on International Collaboration. David Jared volunteered to assist Larry.
iii. Frank and Nancy conducted a survey of State DOTs and the results are posted on the RPPM website.
iv. Mn/DOT volunteered to send info to Nancy on their collaboration so it could be added to the site.
v. Nancy noted that there is a need to analyze models and recommend best practices.
vi. David K noted that he is preparing material related to this in relation to another project and will share it with the TF.
vii. Wes volunteered to be a liaison to the TRB International Activities Committee. Sam is also on the International Activities Committee. Wes raised a concern about why there was not more interest and participation in the 2011 TRB Workshop on International Collaboration.
viii. Leni asked for an update on the international scan program. She asked if there would be value in a survey of previous participants. She also said that we need to find ways to foster international information sharing on topics like a regular webinar series that can be viewed asynchronously. Sue will schedule an update for the next CCTF meeting. Richard L. indicated he is the chair of the NCHRP committee reviewing the international scan program.
ix. The PDF document on the RPPM site needs to be updated to include Mn/DOT and the URLs should be hyperlinked.
11. Reports Management: Due to a lack of time, a report on this topic will be given at the next CCTF meeting.
12. Ongoing Activities – It was noted that Sue would update the action steps in the attachment based on the discussion of the TF.
13. PM&QTF task force requested that the RPPM website not duplicate too much the RAC/SCOR website. They are also working on a research report distribution effort. It was also report a new TPF website will be out on October 1st.
14. Sue noted that this Task Force will need another co-chair within a year or so as Nancy will be retiring. – Need Volunteers
15. Volunteers needed for:
i. RiP database gap analysis
ii. Funding Guidebook update
iii. RPPM updates
iv. Lab Facilities (federal and state)
v. International collaboration
vi. CCTF Co-Chair
16. Meetings – Next Meetings – Mark your calendars! Next Meeting Date – 12/7/11; Agenda Items? Upcoming Meeting Dates - 2/22/12, 4/25/12, 6/27/12, 7/25/12 (date tentative; will be held in conjunction with AASHTO RAC meeting), 9/26/12, and 12/5/12.
AASHTO RAC/TRB COR Coordination and Collaboration Committee
Action Items
Update, pending, and action items are in red
Initiative / Action Steps / Who / Action Taken/Status /Research in Progress (RIP) / Need more marketing to increase participation, need to strive for 100% data entry for organizations required to use RiP, need to broaden organizations with access to enter records into RiP. / Sue Sillick, Alasdair Cain, Wes Lum, Lisa Loyo, TRB, TKNs, and Information Services and LIST Committees / Annually, an e-mail is sent to DOTs who haven’t entered projects into RiP. Some states fund projects only every other year. A review of RiP project status categories was completed, along with a survey to RAC. Recommendations (ftp://ftp.mdt.mt.gov/research/OTHER/RIP_PROJECT_STATUS_CATEGORIES-DEFINITIONS.DOCX) for changes to categories and adding definitions were made to TRB. TRB has made the recommended changes. TRB periodically hosts webinars on entering data into RiP. USDOT administrations will enter their projects into RiP by 2014, maybe as early as 2012 (also perhaps non-USDOT federal?). Can FHWA and RITA play an oversight role in ensuring state DOTs and UTCs, respectively, enter data into RiP? Can RAC and UTCs police themselves? It was requested a check box be added to the RiP site for each organization to confirm their data entry is up-to-date; Lisa Loyo indicated funds are not currently available for this programming change, but will keep the suggestion in a “parking lot” for future consideration. Another suggestion resulting from a 7/2011 TRB Information Services Committee (B0002) meeting is to have RiP automatically alert agencies who haven’t entered a record within the last year. This would go well with the checkbox mentioned above. New records could be entered and current records modified, or the box checked certifying the agencies records are up-to-date. Need to review gaps in organizations (federal agencies other than USDOT, private, non-profit, local agencies, others?) that enter data into RiP and close the gaps (CCTF, TKNs, and TRB Information Services and LIST committees). FL UTC is reviewing RiP for duplicative research efforts.