Enterprise Europe Network Correspondence Center in Armenia / CO 10/E /
Business request
N XXXX-XXX-XX / Edition
1 / Pg.
1 / 1
- Company profile
Name of the company
Registration address
Activity address
Year established
Website / E-mail
Tel./fax / Contact person
Director / Position in the company
Activity / □Scientific research University
□Technical centre/Technology transfer center
□Other (clarify)
Type and size of the company / □Industry >500
□Industry >500 MNE
□Industry 250-499
□IndustryՓՄՁ ≤10
□IndustryՓՄՁ 11-49
□IndustryՓՄՁ 50-249
□Other (clarify)
□R&D Institution
Annual turnover / □ < 1mln EURO
□> 500 mln EURO
□1-10mln EURO
□10-20 mln EURO
□100-250 mln EURO
□20-50 mln EURO
□250-500 mln EURO
□50-100 mln EURO
Certification standards
- Technology description
Summary 1-500 characters
(technology, application, advantages, target partners, sought partnership)
Description 100-4000*
* photos can be attached (jpg, gif, png and jpeg–maximum size. 4Mb)
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought(The product and/or processes should be briefly described and the targeted prices and production throughput should be given.)
Advantages and innovations
(minimum 50 characters)
Stage of Development / □Already on the market
□Available for demonstration
□Concept stage
□Field tested/evaluated
□Project already started
□Project in negotiations-urgent
□Proposal under development
□Prototype available for demonstration
□Under development/lab tested
(Add any additional comments regarding the stage of development, if applicable. It may be useful to clarify in greater detail the exact stage of development and/or any factors that require consideration.)
Profile origin / □ CIP
□ FP4
□ FP5
□ FP5
□ FP7
□National R&D program
□Other European R&D program
□Private (in-house research)
□Regional R&D program
(only one choice) / □Copyright
□Design rights
□Exclusive rights
□Granted patents or patent application essential
□Patents applied for but not yet granted
□Patents granted
□Secret know-how
□Trade marks
Comments Regarding IPR Status
(In this field, add any additional comments regarding the status of intellectual property rights (IPR), if applicable.)
- Application
Technology keywords
(Choose a maximum of five keywords applicable to the client.)
Market keywords
(Choose a maximum of five keywords applicable to the client.)
Activity (NACE code)
(Choose one keywords applicable to the client’s activity.)
Restrict dissemination to specific countries
- Type of partnership considered
Type and Role of Partner Sought
Type and size of partner sought / □>500
□>500 MNE
□R&D Institute
□SME <10
□SME 11-50
Type of cooperation sought(May be selected more than 1 type of cooperation)
□Acquisition Agreement
□Commercial Agreement
□Distribution Agreement
□Financial Agreement
□ Franchise Agreement
□Joint venture Agreement
□License Agreement
□ Manufacturing Agreement
□ Outsourcing Agreement
□ Reciprocal production
□ Services Agreement
□ Subcontracting
I confirm that I am entitled to release the information provided on this form. I understand that it will be stored electronically and be made accessible to interested parties.
Name, Position
Date Signature
SME DNC of Armenia/Enterprise Europe Network Correspondence Center in Armenia
Address` 5a M. Mkrtchyan0010 Yerevan, Tel.: (+374 10) 54 16 48, 56 37 14, fax: (+374 10) 54 16 42,
e-mail: , URL: