Division: Business, Engineering, and Technologies Division
Subject Code: RE Course #: 206
Course Title: Non-Residential Property Management
FORM 335
Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years to qualify for state reimbursement.
1. Digital Description [§335.2]:
Credit hours: 3
Lecture hours: 3
Lab hours: 0
2. Catalog Description [§335.2]:
The policies and principles which provide the foundation for the effective management of residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Examination and analysis of the problems of collection, maintenance, services records, and tenant relationships. (May be applied toward licensing requirements fir broker only.)
Minimum Grade Required
3. Prerequisites:
4. Learning Outcomes [§335.2]
[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential knowledge and
skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of effective real estate management techniques and procedures for the purpose of direct application to chosen business career or personal objectives.
2. Recognize economic, social, and political developments which have an effect on real estate trends.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities.
4. Utilize the knowledge gained in the course in preparation for professional real estate examinations.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the effect the rising role that government has on the real estate and property management professions.
6. Practice effective employer-employee management techniques to manage properties in a manner as to produce optimum results.
5. Planned Sequence of Learning Activities [§335.2]
[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]
1. Professional Property Management
2. Property Management Economics and Planning
3. Managing Owner Relations
4. Marketing Management
5. Managing Leases
6. Managing Lease Negotiations
7. Managing Tenant Relations
8. Managing Maintenance and Construction
9. Managing Reports and Insurance
10. Managing the Office
11. Managing Federal and State Laws
12. Managing Residential Property
13. Managing Specialized Housing
14. Managing Office Property
15. Managing Retail Property
16. Managing Industrial Property
17. Managing Life Safety and Environmental Issues
6. List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use: C-lecture/lab, A-lecture, B-lab, I-internet, and V-videocourse) [§335.2] [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]
Property Management, 7th Edition, Robert C. Kyle, Real Estate Education
Company, 2007.
7. Prepared by Faculty Member: Robert Rowlands Date: 03/01/07
8. Approved by Dean: William Thompson Date: 03/06/07
This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.
This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.
If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.
Whether transfer or career, this course is articulated with other courses so that it is an elective or a requirement of one of the college programs and it does not require students to have more than 30 credit hours of post secondary study prior to enrolling in the program.
9. VP, Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management: Ronald R.Young Date:3/22/07
10. Original Date of course approval by the college: Spring 1991
11. Date(s) of subsequent reviews: