Countdown to Worship:

*Opening Song: “The Old Rugged Cross” #504

*Words of Worship:

L: We have gathered with the crowds crying Hosanna!
P: Because even if we were silent the stone themselves would have called out. We have shared the hope for aworld about to be changed, and then it changed.

L: We have walked with another crowd,
P: One that called words of scorn and condemnation.
L: And now we follow the crowd as it leads out to the cross, and yet even as the world grows dark, we cannot lose hope.
P: Because God is with us. God will be with us. Whatever happens. We are not alone. And so we watch the crowd and we follow…

*Welcome in Christ:

Gathering Song: “Jesus All For Jesus”

Ministry Minute:

Mission of the Month Offering: Lift FM

Easter Invite Video:

Tithes and Offering:


Sermon Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11

Sermon: Palm SundayPastor Jim

*Prayers of the People:

Communion Song: “Near the Cross”


Song of Praise: “There is Joy in the Lord”



*Congregation Please Stand (If able)

April Ushers:David Ashby- captain, Jerry Harshman

Gary Heckart, Chris Cunningham

Please join us after church for coffee and fellowship

Adult Bible Study At 10:45

If you would like to honor your loved one with a lily for Easter. $10 each. They will be on display Easter Sunday.

Wesley T-Shirts and Sweatshirts

Eileen will be placing another order.

Please let her know if you would like a Tee, Sweatshirt or Hoodie

Schedule of Events for the Week

Monday, April 10

Office Closed

Wednesday, April 12

Book Group At 7:00pm

Thursday, April 13

Stations of the Cross- Sanctuary all day 9am-7pm

JFON – 6pm

Friday, April 14, Good Friday

Church Service at 7:30 pm

Choir and “Good Friday Grace” readings.

Please be in prayerfor:

Rebekkah Shrimplin (Health)

Carol Brown (treatment plan)

Praise- Carolyn Gardner is now home from her surgery after

Rehab at Good Samaritan

Hospitality Team NOMADS- April 24-May 11

We could use help when the NOMADS are here

Make coffee, bring food, do as we did last year.

We will have a barbeque May 10, before they leave

Sign- up sheet in Parlor and on the website

Carol Brown’s Address: 543 S Ransom, Ottumwa



To Create Disciples of Jesus Christ for the

Transformation of the World

April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

Pastor Jim Shrimplin

Worship Encourage Serve