In attendance:Mrs. D. Fletcher
Mr. T. Henderson
Mrs. C. Royston
Mr. J. Woodcock
Present:Approximately 10 to 12 members of the public
The planned December Parish Council meeting having been cancelled, this Parish Council meeting had been called, in accordance with Standing order 27, by Mr Henderson and Mr Woodcock.
Since the last Parish Council meeting (15th December 2016) Mr Barker Grimshaw, Mr Dealtry, Mrs Hitchen, and Mr Rudd (formerly Parish Council Chairman) had each resigned as Parish Councillors with immediate effect, and Mrs Lond had resigned her employment as Parish Clerk but was working her notice.
1). Election of Parish Council Chairman.
Mrs Fletcher proposed Mrs Royston. Seconded by Mr Woodcock. It was unanimously agreed. Mrs Royston accepted position of Chairman and, for the record,re-committed the Parish Council to the seven Nolan Principles: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty, and Leadership.
The Chairman reminded members of the public that only Parish Councillors are entitled to speak at the meeting. However, although not listed on the agenda, the Chairman indicated there would be 10 minutes at the end of the meeting for public comment. This would not be a question and answer session.
2). Mrs Fletcher agreed to take the minutes.
3).Apologies for absence:
3.1)Mrs. V. R. Lond (Clerk)
4).Register of interests:
Mr Henderson, MrWoodcock and Mrs Royston each registered a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 10.
5). Parish council minutes for meeting held on Tuesday 15th November 2016.
5.1) It was proposed by Mrs Fletcher and seconded by Mr Woodcock that the minutes were a true record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
5.2)Matters arising
5.2.1) (83/16) Derelict building in Whitgift: Mrs Fletcher, Parish Councillor for the Whitgift ward, advised she was waiting for a call back from Mr Andrew Taylor Principle Building Control Officer (ERYC), who was looking into the matter. Mrs Fletcher to provide a progress report at the January 2017 meeting.
5.2.2) (83/16) Adlingfleet Defibrillator: Ongoing. Mrs Royston, Parish Councillor for Adlingfleet ward, advised she would make enquiries in respect of the grant progress and liaise with Mr Peter Lee(local resident) and other parties to deliver a progress report at the January 2017 meeting.
5.2.3) (87/16) Potholes Justice Lane Whitgift: Mrs Fletcher agreed to check the Parish Clerk’s records and report back at the next meeting.
6) Correspondence.
6.1) Letter of concern from Ousefleet Village Hall Committee dated 07/12/2016:
In the absence of the Clerk, Mrs Royston summarised the letter which, apart from expressing serious concern about the way they claim to have been kept in the dark by the Parish Council over the past five years, the letter asks two specific questions.
Firstly, the Hall Committee ask for clarification of who the Parish Council say are ‘holding trustees’ for the property. The clerk’s letter dated 21st November 2016 to the Village Hall Committee states the Parish Council but the Trust Deed states Mr Rudd and Mrs Henderson.
Unless access to Parish Council’s files indicate anything to the contrary, Mrs Royston advised that the Council’s minutes of the meeting for the 15th November also indicate that Mr Rudd and Mrs Henderson are holding trustees.
This suggests that the statement in the Clerk’s letter to the Village Hall Committee was in error, and Mrs Royston asked that the minutes record it as such.
The second question is about information. This matter is listed under agenda item 10 and will be discussed then.
6.2) Email dated 09/12/2016 from Mrs Hitchen resigning role as Parish Councillor. Resignation acknowledged and agreed by all for a letter to be sent thanking her for her service.
6.3) Email dated 09/12/2016 from Mr Barker Grimshaw resigning role as Parish Councillor. Resignation acknowledged and agreed by all for a letter to be sent thanking him for his service.
6.4) Email dated 11/12/2016 from Mr Dealtry resigning role as Parish Councillor. Resignation acknowledged and agreed by all for a letter to be sent thanking him for his service.
6.5) Email dated 12/12/2016 from Mrs Lond resigning her employment as Clerk to the Parish Council stating she will work her notice until the 8th January 2017. It was agreed by all to pay Mrs Lond until 8th January 2017 but that she be immediately released from her duties and that all property of the Parish Council relating to the position to be collected asap. It was proposed by the Chairman to send a letter of acknowledgement thanking Mrs Lond for her past service to the Council. This was agreed.
7). Accounts for payment. None.
8). A motion was proposed by Mrs Fletcher to add a new standing order limiting the tenure of office of Parish Council Chairperson. Seconded by Mr Henderson. In accordance with Standing Order 16, a motion to add, amend, or revoke a Standing order shall, when proposed and seconded shall stand adjourned to the next ordinary meeting of the council. Accordingly, the Chairman requested for this item to be re-listed to the agenda for the January 2017 meeting
9). A motion was proposed by Mrs Royston to add a new standing order ensuring a Parish Councillor’s access to Parish Council documents. Seconded by Mr Woodcock.In accordance with Standing Order 16, a motion to add, amend, or revoke a Standing order shall, when proposed and seconded shall stand adjourned to the next ordinary meeting of the council. Accordingly, the Chairman requested for this item to be re-listed to the agenda for the January 2017 meeting
10). Mr Henderson spoke in favour of a motion in support of the Ousefleet Village Hall Committee’s request for help (their letter 07/12/2016). Seconded by Mrs Fletcher. It was unanimously resolved:
Motion:Twin Rivers Parish Council, in support of the Ousefleet Village Hall Committee’s request for help as set out in their letter to Twin Rivers Parish Council dated 7th December 2016, agree to provide and facilitate – including the taking and/or providing of copies - unfettered access to any and all Parish Council records, papers, accounts, or other documents that pertain, or may pertain, to the Village Hall (sometimes referred to Marshlands Community Centre) and the playing field and the play park in no lessor or limited way than as requested and outlined in the aforementioned letter and as described in the notes below relating to this motion.
Notes (to be included as part of the motion):
If there is doubt or disagreement as to the pertinence of any record(s) or document(s) then the decision will be in favour of the Ousefleet Village Hall Committee and access will be granted. The Parish Clerk will actively and constructively cooperate in the process in a timely and positive manner. The Ousefleet Village Hall Committee, while still requiring to access to all requested documents and records, will respect and maintain the confidentially of any confidential papers, except if maintaining any such confidentially would be to the direct or indirect detriment of the Ousefleet Village Hall Committee and/or its rights, assets, property, or land.
11). Mr Woodcock spoke in favour of a motion to undertake a forensic audit of Parish Council accounts in order to test existing financial controls and looking to the future to demonstrate a commitment to delivering openness and transparency. Seconded by Mr Henderson. It was unanimously resolved:
Motion: That a ‘task and finish’ group, consisting of two Parish Councillors, be immediately established to review all aspects of the council’s financial regulations and control processes and in respect of all monies received and spent since April 2011, to prepare a report on their findings, and to submit that report to the March 2017 meeting of the full Parish Council for consideration. The review is about process not people.
And to facilitate the work of the group the Parish Clerk to be instructed to cooperate fully and to provide prompt and unrestricted access to all parish records relating to any and all financial, grant funding, bank accounts, VAT claims, quotes, estimates, invoices, receipts, and/or any other records that the group consider relevant.
And that the group shall have the full and unconditional authority of the Parish Council to source copy documents from any and all related or connected third parties, including but not exclusive to grant aid organisations, banks, insurance companies, ERYC, or other companies, groups or individuals.
And that the members of the group, subject to each individual’s agreement to serve on the task and finish group, shall consist of the of the two most recently appointed Parish Councillors.
The Chairman asked if the two newest members of the Council would be prepared to form a task and finish group. Mrs Fletcher and Mr Woodcock agreed to undertake this task and report back.
12). Vacancies exist for five Parish Councillors. Two for Adlingfleet ward, one for Ousefleet ward and two for Whitgift ward. Candidates do not need to live in the ward they serve but must live within the Parish or within 3 miles of it. MrWoodcock proposed toadvertise as soon as we can and if necessary develop a recruitment action plan, which should be a standard agenda item for future meetings until the council is up to its full strength of 9 councillors.
13). Vacancy for Parish Clerk. Mrs Fletcher proposed that we advertise the post asap with a closing date of 16th January 2017 so as to review any applicants at the January meeting. The parish Council believe they are not in a position to offer any higher salary and feel the post should be offered with the current terms and conditions. Applications are to be invited by letter or email with supporting CV to the Chairman.
14). Date of the next Parish Council meeting Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7.30pm. Venue to be advised. The meeting was closed.
Members of the public were offered the opportunity to provide comment back to the Parish Councillors.
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