Weekend of Quizbowl Saturday Set
Round 12
Related Tossup/Bonus
1. This author wrote about a man who has an affair with Anna during a trip to Yalta. He also wrote about a lawyer who takes up an offer to imprison himself for 15 years, while in another story a man describes his brother who fulfils his dream of consuming the title fruit even though they are sour and unripe. In addition to "Lady with the Lapdog," "The Bet," and "Gooseberries," he wrote about Nina who ignores Konstantin's advances which leads Konstantin to commit suicide.For 10 points, identify this author of The Seagull, who also wrote The Cherry Orchard.
ANSWER: Anton Chekhov
BONUS. She is embarrassed by Natasha's gossip, but after she is given a cream by Azazello, she flies on a broomstick to "Apartment 50." For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this character who is made the hostess of Satan's Great Ball and is in love with a figure writing a book about the Pontius Pilate.
ANSWER: Margarita Nikolaevna
[10] Margarita is the title character of this author's The Master and Margarita. He also wrote about Preobrazhinsky's experiments with implanting a brain into the dog Sharik in Heart of the Dog.
ANSWER: Mikhail Bulgakov
2. One case involving this entity resulted from the illegal detention of a man named Robinette,while another case centered on a Criminal Syndicalism statute in this entity which outlawed "mere advocacy" according to the Supreme Court.Yet another case involving this state centered around a showing of the film The Lovers, and saw Potter Stewart declare "I know it when I see it" while describing obscenity.For 10 points, identify this state, one of whose residents was found to possess pornography through a warrantless search in a case which outlawed unreasonable search and seizure,Mapp v.this state.
ANSWER: the State of Ohio
BONUS. He formed a coalition with the Heimwahr, and allied with Benito Mussolini to gain support for a fascist Austria.For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this Austrian ruler who was succeeded by Kurt von Schusschnigg after his assassination in the July Putsch.
ANSWER: Engelbert Dollfuss
[10] In 1938, Schuschnigg was ousted and Arthur Seyss-Inquart was made Chancellor after German troops entered Austria in this "union" of Germany and Austria.
ANSWER: Anschluss
3. In one story, sailors attempted to sell this god into slavery, but he unleashed a bear on their ship and turned those sailors into dolphins. One myth sees this one of this god’s sons blind Orion, that son being Oenopion. He gave the golden touch to Midas, and is often identified riding a leopard and carrying his staff, the Thyrsus. His mother died after looking at Zeus’ full glory, causing Zeus to sew this god’s fetus into his thigh, and in a more famous myth, he makes the women of Thebes go into frenzy, and drives Agave to rip apart her son Pentheus. For 10 points, name this son of Semele, the Greek god of wine and ecstasy.
ANSWER: Dionysus
BONUS. Rosh Hashanah is celebratedon the first two days of this month. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this first month of the Jewish calendar during which Yom Kippur is also celebrated.
ANSWER: Tishrei
[10] This other festival that occurs during Tishrei marks the forty year period during which Israelites wandered in a desert. It is often called "Feast of Booths" and many children create temporary shelters.
ANSWER: Sukkot [or Sukkos; prompt on "Feast of Tabernacles"]
4. Cairns and Miller published a paper which offered a description of these contrary to the results of the Delbruck-Luria experiment which showed that the rate at which they occur follows a Poisson distribution. Intercalating agents such as ethidium bromide also induce these. RFLPs and SNPs are examples of these, which can cause a change in the open reading frame, while the type which preserve the amino acid sequence are called "silent." For 10 points, identify these events where nucleotides are changed within a DNA sequence.
ANSWER: mutations
BONUS. It saw certain particles passed through an atomizer, and used a 3KV potential to observe the motion of those particles. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this experiment which relied on an electric field to slow down a namesake particle, and revealed that the charge on an electron is approximately negative one point six times ten to the negative nineteenth coulombs.
ANSWER: Milikan experiment [or Milikan oil-drop experiment]
[10] Robert Millikan also provided a very accurate experimental value for this quantity, which is the proportionality constant between Energy and frequency of a wave.
ANSWER: Planck's constant
5. One king of this name appointed General Yorck who unilaterally decided to side with Russia in the Convention of Tauroggen. One king by this name attempted to convene ssessions called "United Committee" and "United Diet." Another king by this name issued the Declaration of Pillnitz along with Leopold II and ruled his country during the second and third partitions of Poland. Yet another king by this name gained parts of Pomerania from the 1720 Treaty of Stockholm, but is better known for his military reforms.For 10 points, identify this name shared by an important elector of Brandenburg and the three Prussian kings who came after Frederick the Great.
ANSWER: Frederick William[or Friedrich Wilhelm; do not accept or prompt on partial]
BONUS. It barred courts from issuing injunctions to settle labor disputes. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this 1932 legislation which prohibited yellow-dog contracts, named for a Representative from New York and a senator from Nebraska.
ANSWER: Norris-La Guardia Act[prompt on Anti Injunction Act of 1932]
[10] Named for a different New York senator, this 1935 act established the National Labor Relations Board, and prohibited employers from preventing the unionization of their employees.
ANSWER: Wagner Act
6. One compound in which this element is double bonded to oxygen is used to break G-C rich regions in PCR. It's not phosphorous, but this element is found in a set of ylides used in the Johnson-Corey-Chaikovsky reaction. One atom of it is complexed with iron in ferredoxin, and it is extracted in a process wherein superheated steam is passed underground, after which compressed air is used to lift the molten element upward. One atom of this element can be replaced by a Selenium atom in cysteine, and it is found in ores such as pyrite and galena. For 10 points, identify this element which can be extracted by the Frasch process, symbolized S.
ANSWER: sulfur [accept S before mentioned; accept Sulphur]
Identify some isotope used in radiodating, for 10 points each.
[10] Since lava is too hot to contain gases, the decay of this isotope into a stable argon atom is used to date old rocks formed from volcanic material. It has a half life of 1.24 billion years.
ANSWER: Potassium 40 [accept K 40; prompt on partial; do NOT accept Potassium followed by any other number]
[10] This other isotope emits a proton and a neutrino and thus forms a nitrogen atom. It has a half life of about 5730 years, and is used for dating most organic materials.
ANSWER: carbon 14 [accept C 14]
7. One architect associated with this branch of art organized the “New City” exhibition with members of the New Tendency group, and another member of this school painted The Metaphysical Muse and Funeral for the Anarchist Galli. Another member in this movement showed several chimneys in a painting which is dominated by a charging horse and is titled The City Rises, while another member showed the rapid changes in motion of a woman walking with the title animal in Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash. For 10 points, identify this art movement most commonly associated with Italian artists such as Giacomo Balla and Umberto Boccioni.
ANSWER: Futurism
BONUS. This artist showed several young children ready to take a dive in the East River in his Forty Two Kids. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this artist who is better known for his depicitions bloody boxing matches in works such as Both Members of this Club and Stag at Sharkeys.
ANSWER: George Wesley Bellows
[10] George Bellows was a member of this school, which counted Edward Hopper among its members. Members of "The Eight" also joined into this school, which was led by Robert Henri.
ANSWER: Ashcan school
8. This man expanded up on his essay “The Paradox of Saving” in Prices and Production, and he described how only a benevolent planner can achieve a rational economic order using perfect information in his essay The Use of Knowledge in Society. He argued that the title belief cannot stop development from occurring and differentiated that belief from liberalism, though his best known work discusses the evolution of totalitarianism in socialist states and compares the USSR to Nazi Germany. For 10 points, identify this author of Why I am not a Convervative and The Road to Serfdom.
ANSWER: Freidrich von Hayek
BONUS. It describes the change from voiceless stops to voiceless fricatives, voiced stops to voiceless stops, and voiced aspirated stops to voiced stops. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this law from linguistics, elucidated in Deutsche Grammatik, which applies to the transition from Proto Indo-European languages to Proto-Germanic languages.
ANSWER: Grimm’s law
[10] Grimm’s law is sometimes also named for Rasmus Rask. Rask was a linguist from this country, which was also to Karl Verner, who developed an exception to Grimm’s law which concerned stressed syllables.
ANSWER: Denmark
Category Quiz Tossups
9. This man composed the Proteus Concerto which, and he refined his Goldfinch Concerto, which requires the recorder as the principal instrument. The arias “Vivat in Pace” and “Umbra Carae” are found in his only surviving oratorio Juditha Triumphans. He also composed a Mandolin concerto in C Major, and he collected a set of twelve concerti in his L’ Estro Armonico. This man’s most notable piece was first presented in The Contest Between Harmony and Invention and contains sections titled “L’Autunno” and “La Primavera.” For 10 points, identify this composer of The Four Seasons.
ANSWER: Antonio Vivaldi [accept Juditha Triumphans until mentioned]
10. The periodic movement of leukocytes across this structure can give rise to Scheerer's phenomenon. Pear-shaped neurons called amacrine cells can be found in its inner nuclear layer, and certain glial cells important to its structure are named for Muller. This structure's inner plexiform layer receives the axonal ends of its bipolar cells. One portion of this structure is named for its characteristic yellow spot and that portion also has a small depression called the fovea centralis. For 10 points, identify this structure which is situated at the back of the eye, which is home to rods and cones.
ANSWER: retina
11. One character in this movie is the street bully Michel, and towards the end, the protagonist draws a heart on a full moon, which is the symbol of a friend's advertisement campaign. The protagonist possesses a ticket to a showing of Frankenstein, and recalls waking up in a Miami hospital where he gets his name after a nurse asks him to sign a document. The protagonist befriends public relations consultant Ray Embery, and learns that Ray's wife Mary possesses superhuman powers. For 10 points, identify this movie whose title character is a Los Angeles superhero portrayed by Will Smith.
ANSWER: Hancock
12. An early kingdom in this country established cities such as Mongamo and Binnaki under the Pyu dynasty, and this country also saw the emergence of the Toungoo dynasty under the leadership ofTabinshwehti. Anawratha was an important king of its Pagan kingdom, and conquered the Mon peoples, and Japan supported leaders of this country's independence movement, which saw the rise of leaders like Ne Win and Ba Maw. For 10 points, identify this Asian nation home to former UN Secretary General U Thant, and regards General Aung San as an important leader.
ANSWER: Myanmar [accept Union of Burma]
13. One city on this island lies close to the Cempaka Diamond mines, and is located near the delta of the Barito River. The Dayak and Dusun people are indigenous to this island, and its tallest mountain, Mt. Kinabilu, is close to its city of Sabah. This island lies to the east of Makkasar strait, and another polity here has a large port at Muara. The largest city on this is the capital of Sarawak and is called Kuching, and this island is alternatively called Kalimantan by its natives. For 10 points, identify this island in the Indonesian archipelago which is divided among Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
ANSWER: Borneo [accept Kalimantan until mentioned]
14. One of his poems commands the title character to "set forth the burning words in fluent strains" while another describes "the rustling of heavy grain" in the title regions which are "the gardens of the desert". He composed the poem "The Ages" for a speech at Harvard College in addition to writing "The Poet and "The Prairies." One of his poems states that the reader shall "mix forever with the elements" after death, while another notes that He who "guides" the title bird's "certain flight" "will lead my steps aright." For 10 points, identify this author of "Thanatopsis" and "To A Waterfowl."
ANSWER: William Cullen Bryant
Category Quiz Round
This philosopher's final work contains essays such as "On Spirit Seeing" and "On Phisognomy" and is titled Parerga and Paralipomena. For 15 points, identify this philosopher whose most famous work expands upon his doctoral thesis On the Fourfold Root of Sufficient Reason.