/ SKILLS / ASSESSMENTS / STANDARDSFebruary / Business Systems
Basic Economics / Economic systems – identify basic features of economic systems and analyze major
features of the U. S. economic system.
Business system – compare and contrast the operation of different business structures on business organization, business functions, and resource management. / Students will create the following items, utilizing their technological skills:
· Create a group economic quiz
· Complete an exercise on Consumer Price Index, using the web site of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
· Create a PowerPoint Presentation on a current events article relating to Economics. Give oral presentation / Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Standard 2:Economics System
March / Career Planning
The Career Selection Process / Self-assessment – assess and analyze personal talents, values, and interests as they relate to a future career.
Career plan – create and implement a plan including the required steps to transition from education/training to a career
Career presentation package – prepare materials to demonstrate individual qualifications in the career search/acquisition process. (Resume, Job Application, Communications, Interview, selection process). / Students will complete a self assessment to analyze personal talents and interest. Create a letter introducing themselves.
Students will complete a career plan outlining the their career choice based on the self assessment.
Students will research a job via the internet or hard copy print. Students will create a two types of resumes, cover letter and complete a job application.
Students will be required to participate in a mock job interview. / Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Standard 1: Self-Awareness
Standard 4: School to Career Transition
Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Standard 2: Career Search
/ SKILLS / ASSESSMENTS / STANDARDSApril / Career Success / Increase student awareness of working conditions and important factors in employment benefits packages. Students should make actual preparations for entering the workforce while developing skills in communication, critical thinking, and decision making. / Students will complete required work forms, understand working conditions, complete task relating to time management, complete oral presentations on labor laws, role play hiring and employment termination practices. / Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Standard 3: Workplace Expectations
Standard 4: Career Strategy
Standard 6: Lifelong Learning
May / Financial Literacy / Managing finances and budgeting.
Taxes – explain the role of government taxation and its effect on consumers and producers
Credit – understand the necessity of establishing and maintaining credit in today’s society. / Students will participate in a Game of Life Simulation. This Game will provide students with real life responsibilities as an adult in the working force. Students will maintain finances, stick to a budget and manage credit obligations. / Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 1: Career Development
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Standard 3b: Career Majors
Standard 3: Managing Finance and Budgeting
Standard 4: Saving and Investing
Standard 5: Buying Goods and Services
Standard 6: Banking
Standard 7: Using Credit
June / Final Portfolio Preparation and Final Exam / Organization of final portfolio
Selection of best work / Organize and present final portfolio
A collection of Career Assignments and Financial Planning from semester course plus additional new assignments, reflective of the overall course. / Career Development & Occupational Studies
Standard 1: Career Development
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Standard 3b: Career Majors
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