Michel and Palmyre Louvain
7514 Girard Ave Ste. 1-335
La Jolla, CA 92037
November 1, 2011
Dear Dr. And Mrs. Louvain,
On or about August 24, I began helping you with your business, M & P Properties. I helped while you were out of town to alleviate your stress and possibly gain employment with you. Once you returned from Chicago, we met and struck a deal that you would give me a 90 day contract to work at a rate of $50,000 a year. That breaks down to $962/ week.
On October 31, 2011 you arrived at my residence and contrary to our agreement, gave me one week’s wages, approximately 44 hours worth of wages and told me that you would no longer need my services. As Dr. Louvain has said to me several times, this job isn’t a normal 9-5 job, but required much more time, much beyond 40 hours a week. It was also a job that required me to work 7 days a week – which I did. In order to be available and answer the phone every time it rang as well as answer emails the moment they arrived, I was not able to continue my job with Presidio Real Estate and told them that I was committed to you – that we had committed to each other for 90 days. I gave up a good paying job with guaranteed employment. If you review the contract that outlined the duties required of me, I did handle the required duties more than adequately. I feel as if there was no way for me to win in this situation, particularly when you told me, point blank, that Palmyre Louvain was against my employment from the start. As a result, I am left in a poor economy, with no job, at the worst time of the year for my type of work – property management.
I am requesting that you immediately make good on our verbal contract and at the very least, compensate me for the amount of time that you committed to work with me. Not only the verbal contract - but Palmyre, when she was terminating the relationship, said that you would help me with one month of salary and then you wrote a check for $1000.Actual fulfillment of our agreement would amount to the following:
-Final payment of $1924 for actual time worked – this is not including overtime worked
-Fulfillment of the 3 month contract that we agreed upon at $3847 (This is not including the gas, office supplies and money that I paid out of my pocket for certified mailings.)
Total amount is $5770.00.
Minus the amount already paid:
-A check in the amount of $1154.50
-A check in the amount of $1000.00 labeled payment in full for expenses.
Total amount is $2154.40
This would leave a balance of $3616. I am requesting that you pay me this amount within the next 7 days. Should you decide to decline in making payment to fulfill our 90 day contract, I will take this case before a judge in small claims court; I will file on Tuesday, November 8, 2011. I do wish to avoid court but if it must go before a judge to reach a fair resolution, I will protect myself. If I must, I will also file a grievance with the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.
I will send you this letter via email, and a certified US Postal Service letter. I can be reach at 949-436-0695 between the hours of 9am-5pm. My physical address is: 1028 Edgemont Place, San Diego, Ca. 92102.
Thank you for your time and effort in resolving this matter fairly,
Lisa Burlingame