Housing Authority
of the City of Clay Center 330 West Court St., Clay Center, KS 67432
www.claycenterhousing.com Equal Housing Opportunity (785) 632-2100 * Fax (785) 632-6363
KS Relay Center TDD 800-766-3777
May 8, 2015
Invitation For Bids
Elevator Equipment Modernization
Bid Selection Procedures
Sealed Bids will be received until 1:00 p.m. (Local Time) Friday, May 29, 2015.
Sealed Bids will be opened at 1:00 p.m. (Local Time) on Friday, May 29, 2015 at the Administrative Office located at 330 West Court Street in Clay Center, Kansas.
Questions regarding this solicitation can be directed to John Kaul, Executive Director by email at , or by telephone at (785) 632-2100. No questions will be accepted after 4 p.m. (local time) on Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
All bids will be publicly opened and read out loud. Bids received after the stated closing date and time will not be considered.
Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and shall be clearly marked “Bid Documents” and show the project name “Elevator Equipment Modernization”.
The Housing Authority of the City of Clay Center reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or irregularities in any bid, to advertise for new bids, or to proceed to do the work by other means as may be determined to be in the best interest of the Authority.
The Housing Authority of the City of Clay Center intends to award to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder a fixed price contract for furnishing all materials, equipment, labor and supervision required, to complete the work set out in this solicitation and the Contract Documents.
Project Description and Scope of Work
Replace existing elevator jacks and related work in the two hydraulic elevators located in Parkview Plaza, 314 West Court Street, Clay Center, KS 67432.
Replace the existing elevator controller, door equipment, machine room equipment, hoistway equipment, wiring for the machine room and hoistway, and related work in the traction elevators located in Apollo Towers, 330 West Court Street, Clay Center, KS 67432.
The following non-proprietary equipment is mandatory and no alternates will be allowed/accepted.
1. Hydraulic LLC Jacks
2. EC (Elevator Controls) or MCE (Motion Control Engineering) – Controller
3. Hollister Whitney Rope Gripper
4. Rueland or Imperial Motor
Service of a vac-truck must be included in the bid for the jacks.
All employees of contractors and/or subcontractors must be paid the prevailing wages for Clay County, Kansas.
Contractor must provide Certification of Insurance in Force for General Liability of at least $1,000,000, Workers Compensation Insurance that meets the Kansas minimum liability limits.
Contractor must sign a “Hold Harmless” statement.
The following specifications must be met by the Contractor and included in the bid price.
Add new hydraulic oil to the system to replace all lost oil
New jack complete as manufactured by Hydraulic LLC along with new pit channel and buffers along with the new jack to make it all new as needed.
The bid must include the use of a vac-truck to help remove oil and debris from the jack hole due to removal of current equipment.
The bid must include a jack clause with the following:
When performing a hydraulic jack assembly replacement, the base price to do so includes the labor and basic materials required for the removal of the jack provided there is continuous movement of the jack during the removal process and an adequate hole is left for re-install. If hole is full of oil or debris it will have to be cleaned out additionally and possibly even drilled out to obtain an adequate hole at times.
If the jack ceases to move during the removal process period of eight (8) hours and additional labor and equipment (Drill Rig) are required to move the jack, list the rates to be charged for your mechanics and any sub-contractors engaged to drill.
If there are problems with the original construction of the jack hole exist (not deep enough, not wide enough, not plumb, not cased, concrete obstruction, flowing water or any obstruction prohibiting installation), list the rates to be charged for additional work to be performed.
1. Contractor agrees to take approximately 2 weeks to complete once all materials arrive.
1. Provide a one (1) year warranty from date of final acceptance. Warranty shall include coverage of complete jack assembly if defective, improperly installed or adjusted. This will cover labor and parts to fix any issues during this 1 year period only on the parts being replaced. The rest of the elevator will continue to be covered as normal under our elevator maintenance contract.
2. The Contractor shall not be responsible for work required due to abuse or misuse by others or on parts that were not installed or replaced under this specification.
3. The Contractor shall submit a written report to Owner, stating nature of abuse and corrective action taken.
I. Materials used shall be specified manufacturer's standard design and comply with all duty requirements of this Section.
2. All fabricated components and material installed shall comply with ANSI A17.1 code requirements.
1. Perform and meet tests required by ANSI ASME A17.1.
2. Supply instruments and execute required test.
1. Remove protective coverings from floors and hallways once completed.
1. Adjust for smooth accelerating and deceleration of car.
2. Car shall be capable of lifting a capacity load, plus 25%
3. Leveling speed shall be constant in both up and down directions.
4. Sill to sill leveling accuracy shall be +/- 1/4.
1. Contractor will be responsible for cleaning or repairing all interior building surfaces that are soiled or damaged by the installation of equipment.
2. Contractor will protect all finished surfaces from damage when moving equipment into and out of the building.
I. All new equipment, prior to installation, shall be delivered to the jobsite and stored in a location that is approved by the building owner.
Contractor will furnish all of the necessary labor and materials required to perform the elevator portion of the work based on all work being performed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The following specifications must be met by the Contractor and included in the bid price.
New solid-state controller with AC cooling unit. This controller will be non-proprietary and anyone will be able to work on it in the future. No programming tool will be needed to work on this new controller.
High rise phone system
New pickup rollers as needed basis to replace any worn ones
New hall & car door hanger rollers as needed basis to replace any worn ones
New door gibs
New Hollister Whitney rope gripper
New AC motor
New selector for smooth transition into leveling
New hoistway switches to accommodate proper operation
All associated wiring to the work listed in this contract will be new.
1. Lead time for engineering and materials is necessary after all submittal and approved documents along with selections have been processed by the Contractor. All selections must be in before the lead time begins.
2. The work will take approximately 10 – 12 weeks to complete (5 weeks per elevator).
3. Reasonable time will be given for preliminary drawings.
4. Give an hourly rate to charge if access to the hoistway is required.
To complete this installation, the following items shall be completed by owner and/or its subcontractors in accordance with governing codes.
1. Code approved hoistway, code approved machine room with self-closing and self-locking door, code approved pit. Fire Extinguisher in machine room.
1. Smoke detectors/fire service, alarm panel, machine room lighting and GFCI, pit lighting and GFCI,
2. 110VAC lockable code approved disconnect for cab lights, main line disconnect to meet elevator equipment requirements, dedicated phone line ran to the elevator controller.
1. Owner requirement to meet all code. If required by code.
1. Sump pump in pit, fire damper if requires, hoistway & machine room venting, air conditioning/heat for machine room and hoistway, and shunt trip if required by code.
1. 1 set of schematics will be provided, and then 1 set of drawings will be provided only if new elevator. All extra copies will be additional.
1. Provide a one (1) year warranty from date of final acceptance. Warranty shall include coverage of elevator system controller, operating equipment and devices that are defective, improperly installed or adjusted.
2. Contractor shall not be responsible for work required due to abuse or misuse by others or on parts that were not installed or replaced under this specification.
3. Contractor shall submit a written report to Owner, stating nature of abuse and corrective action taken.
1. Contractor shall furnish complete service and maintenance of the elevator system and components during the initial twelve (12) month period following the final acceptance of the elevator.
2. Contractor shall examine elevator equipment monthly to clean, adjust, and lubricate all equipment and repair or replace parts whenever required and use parts produced by the manufacturer of the original equipment.
3. Contractor shall provide regular time, emergency callback service for the duration of free service at no additional cost to the owner. Response time shall be within two hours after request is received.
4. Contractor shall maintain in their service vehicles an adequate stock of parts for repairs, replacement, or emergency callbacks.
5. If emergency callback or repair is due to abuse or misuse by others, Contractor shall submit a written report to the owner stating the nature of abuse and corrective action taken.
1. Materials used shall be specified manufacturer’s standard design and comply with all duty requirements of this Section.
2. All fabricated components and material installed shall comply with ANSI A17.1 code requirements.
1. All electrical wiring runs shall contain 10% spares and comply with National Electrical Code NFPA 70 requirements.
1. Locations of all devices and audio/visual operation shall comply with this Section and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.
1. All fixture covers and backing plates shall be #4 satin finish stainless steel of manufacturer’s standard design.
1. Perform and meet tests required by ANSI ASME A17.1.
2. Supply instruments and execute required test.
1. Remove protective coverings from finished surfaces. Clean surfaces and components ready for inspection.
2. Cleaning and painting of elevator equipment room and pit floor as specified under the “Equipment to be Installed” section.
Contractor will furnish all of the necessary labor and materials required to perform the elevator portion of the work based on all work being performed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.